Tag Archives: fintech

Arvato Financial Solutions, Bertelsmann’s financial service provider, rebrands as Riverty

(PRESS RELEASE) BADEN-BADEN, 5-Oct-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Arvato Financial Solutions, Bertelsmann’s financial service provider, has announced its rebranding and as of Oct 4, 2022 it will trade under its new brand name Riverty, a FinTech with decades of experience. Aside … Read the full press release

Arvato Financial Solutions, le fournisseur de services financiers de Bertelsmann, devient Riverty

(COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE) BADEN-BADEN, 5-Oct-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Arvato Financial Solutions, le fournisseur de services financiers de Bertelsmann, a annoncé son changement de marque et à compter du 4 octobre 2022, il commercialisera sous sa nouvelle marque Riverty, une FinTech avec des … Read the full press release

Emily Tan to succeed Kevin Chow on the helm of Thales operations in Singapore

Hailing from global energy giant Shell, Emily brings over twenty-five years of international management experience gained from both the public and private sectors. Emily will lead Thales’ 2,000-strong employee base in Singapore, and drive the company’s strategic growth across wide-ranging … Read the full press release

Emily Tan übernimmt die Nachfolge von Kevin Chow an der Spitze des Thales-Betriebs in Singapur

Emily stammt vom globalen Energieriesen Shell und bringt über 25 Jahre internationale Managementerfahrung mit, die sie sowohl im öffentlichen als auch im privaten Sektor gesammelt hat. Emily wird den 2.000-köpfigen Mitarbeiterstamm von Thales in Singapur leiten und das strategische Wachstum … Read the full press release

KI-basierte Geldanlage für Privatpersonen – Velvet AutoInvest erhält 1,3 Mio. USD Seed-Investment

Der nächste Durchbruch mit Yair Goldfinger & Microsoft (PRESSEMITTEILUNG) LIMASSOL, Zypern, 14-Jun-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Star-Investor und ICQ-Mitbegründer Yair Goldfinger ab sofort im Advisory Board des deutschen KI-Trading-Startups Velvet AutoInvest Durch Funding von Investoren und Accelerator Programmen erreicht Velvet ein … Read the full press release

Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) buys a virtual land at The Sandbox metaverse’s Mega City district

(PRESS RELEASE) HONG KONG, 25-Apr-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Standard Chartered (LON: STAN), a leading international banking group, has announced that its Hong Kong subsidiary Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited entered into a new partnership with The Sandbox, a leading … Read the full press release

Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) achète un terrain virtuel dans le quartier Mega City du métaverse The Sandbox

(COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE) HONG KONG, 25-Apr-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Standard Chartered (LON : STAN), un groupe bancaire international de premier plan, a annoncé que sa filiale hongkongaise Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong ) Limited a conclu un nouveau partenariat avec The Sandbox, … Read the full press release

SEB Venture Capital investiert in Insurely, ein schwedisches Insurtech-Unternehmen

(PRESSEMITTEILUNG) STOCKHOLM, 6-Apr-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB (STO: SEB-A) (SEB), ein schwedisches Finanzunternehmen Gruppenführer auf dem nordischen Markt, hat angekündigt, dass sein Venture-Arm SEB Venture Capital in Insurely investieren wird, ein führendes schwedisches Insurtech-Unternehmen, das darauf abzielt, … Read the full press release

SEB Venture Capital to invest in Insurely, a Swedish insurtech-company

(PRESS RELEASE) STOCKHOLM, 6-Apr-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB (STO: SEB-A) (SEB), a Swedish financial group leader on the Nordic market, has announced that its venture arm SEB Venture Capital will be investing in Insurely, a leading Swedish … Read the full press release

Konvi raises $900K in pre-seed funding to make rare assets accessible for all retail investors

(PRESS RELEASE) BERLIN, 9-Mar-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Konvi, the first pan-European Crowd-Investment Platform for alternative asset classes, is announcing its $900,000 pre-seed round. Investors include APX and value-adding angel investors including (former) executives from tech giants like Snap Inc and … Read the full press release

Vodafone und seine afrikanischen Tochtergesellschaften feiern das 15-jährige Bestehen von M-Pesa, Afrikas größtem Fintech-Anbieter

M-Pesa – Afrikas erster mobiler Zahlungsdienst – wurde am 6. März 2007 gestartet, ursprünglich als eine Idee, die vom britischen Ministerium für internationale Entwicklung in Partnerschaft mit Vodafone teilfinanziert wurde. Er war ein wichtiger Motor für die finanzielle Inklusion und … Read the full press release

Vodafone and its African subsidiaries mark the 15th anniversary of M-Pesa, Africa’s largest fintech provider

Launched on 6 March 2007, originally as an idea part-funded by the UK Department for International Development in partnership with Vodafone, M-Pesa – Africa’s first mobile payments service – has been a major driver of financial inclusion, and now has … Read the full press release

Barclays a sélectionné Rainmaking comme partenaire d’innovation pour la Rise Start-Up Academy, un accélérateur virtuel de développement des compétences numériques destiné aux entreprises FinTech en démarrage

(COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE) LONDON, 4-Feb-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Barclays (LON : BARC), une banque universelle multinationale britannique, a annoncé que Rainmaking, l’un des principaux constructeurs de capital-risque, rejoindra la Rise Start-Up Academy, un programme numérique sans capital destiné aux entreprises FinTech … Read the full press release

Barclays selected Rainmaking as an innovation partner for the Rise Start-Up Academy, a virtual digital skills-building accelerator aimed at early-stage FinTech companies

(PRESS RELEASE) LONDON, 4-Feb-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Barclays (LON: BARC), a British multinational universal bank, has announced that Rainmaking, a leading corporate venture builder, will be joining the Rise Start-Up Academy, a non-equity digital programme targeted to early-stage FinTech companies, … Read the full press release

RicaricaQui, a digital payments platform developed by CityPoste Payment, a subsidiary of Enel X, and PayDo, an emerging Italian fintech startup, aims at accelerating the digitalization of the banking sector across Europe

(PRESS RELEASE) ROME, 2-Feb-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Enel S.p.A. (BIT: ENEL), an Italian multinational manufacturer and distributor of electricity and gas, has announced that its subsidiary Enel X (formerly EnerNOC), through its fully-owned subsidiary CityPoste Payment, has developed a digital … Read the full press release

RicaricaQui, une plateforme de paiement numérique développée par CityPoste Payment, une filiale d’Enel X, et PayDo, une start-up fintech italienne émergente, vise à accélérer la numérisation du secteur bancaire à travers l’Europe

(COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE) ROME, 2-Feb-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Enel SpA (BIT : ENEL), une multinationale italienne fabricant et distributeur d’électricité et de gaz, a annoncé que sa filiale Enel X (anciennement EnerNOC ), par l’intermédiaire de sa filiale à 100 % … Read the full press release

Framework rebrands to daappa, heralding a new phase in fintech solutions designed for private markets

(PRESS RELEASE) LUXEMBOURG, 17-Jan-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — Global fintech, Framework PEIDM, has announced a new name and brand identity – alongside a new product release – as the final phase of its multi-year digital transformation. Building on a long pedigree, … Read the full press release

SEB unveils new carbon footprint calculator aimed at the Baltic market

(PRESS RELEASE) STOCKHOLM, 29-Dec-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB (STO: SEB-A) (SEB), a Swedish financial group leader on the Nordic market, has unveiled a new mobile app, available for everyone in all three Baltic countries, that will help … Read the full press release

Fidupar Now Live on Framework’s Core Solution

Leading Luxembourg fund servicing company Fidupar goes live with Framework’s investment and operations platform, further scaling its private asset administration and investor services capability. (PRESS RELEASE) LONDON, 13-Dec-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — Framework, a specialist provider of middle and back-office technology … Read the full press release

Deutsche Börse venture capital arm DB1 Ventures acquires minority stake in WeMatch, a fintech digitizing the wholesale derivatives industry

WeMatch is a fintech company focussing on trading workflows for the wholesale derivatives industry DB1 Ventures, the corporate venture capital arm of Deutsche Börse, leads the Series B funding round Other investors include Augmentum Fintech PLC, Illuminate Financial and existing … Read the full press release