Tag Archives: factoring

ING Finalizes Deal to Sell Russian Operations to Global Development JSC

ING Repurchases Nearly 1.7 Million Shares, Demonstrating Progress in Buyback Initiative

(IN BRIEF) ING has announced the sale of its Russian operations to Global Development JSC, marking its exit from the Russian market. The sale includes the transfer of all shares of ING Bank (Eurasia) JSC and its associated activities. Global … Read the full press release

European Investment Fund and Fintech Firm Invoier Join Forces to Empower SMEs in Sweden

(IN BRIEF) The European Investment Fund (EIF) and Swedish fintech firm Invoier have entered into a significant €58 million guarantee agreement to enhance funding accessibility for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and other businesses through loans and invoice trading. Supported … Read the full press release

Crédit Agricole subsidiary Crédit Agricole Leasing & Factoring makes equity investment in Watèa by Michelin

(PRESS RELEASE) CLERMONT-FERRAND, France, 1-Dec-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Michelin (EPA: ML), a French multinational tire and mobility leader and the 2nd largest tyre manufacturer in the world, has announced that its new startup Watèa, a tailor-made electric mobility solution for … Read the full press release

Crédit Agricole-Tochter Crédit Agricole Leasing & Factoring beteiligt sich an Watèa by Michelin

(PRESSEMITTEILUNG) CLERMONT-FERRAND, France, 1-Dec-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Michelin (EPA: ML), ein französischer multinationaler Reifen- und Mobilitätsführer und der zweitgrößte Reifenhersteller der Welt, hat angekündigt, dass sein neues Das Startup Watèa, eine maßgeschneiderte Elektromobilitätslösung für professionelle Fahrzeugflotten, hat eine neue Kapitalbeteiligung … Read the full press release

VR LEASING setzt Umbau konsequent fort

VR LEASING setzt Umbau konsequent fort • VR LEASING schreibt im 1. Halbjahr 2013 wieder schwarze Zahlen • Russische Tochtergesellschaft FB-LEASING verkauft • Neustrukturierung im Inland schreitet voran Eschborn, 23-8-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — Im Zuge ihrer 2011 eingeleiteten strategischen Neuausrichtung und der Fokussierung … Read the full press release

Bulgarian Postbank joins EBRD Trade Facilitation Program to support regional trade and energy efficiency projects

13-8-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — Postbank will participate in EBRD Trade Facilitation Program and will receive a Credit line for SME energy efficiency form EBRD. Postbank will receive EUR 20 million financing under the EBRD Trade Facilitation Program. Through this program, the Bank … Read the full press release