Tag Archives: facial expressions

Barco Unveils AI-Powered SmartFocus to Revolutionize Hybrid Meetings at ISE 2025

(IN BRIEF) Barco has introduced SmartFocus, an AI-driven feature designed to enhance hybrid meeting experiences by using laptop cameras to bridge the gap between in-room and remote participants. This innovation automatically switches between room and laptop cameras, optimizing both the … Read the full press release

Empa and EPFL develop novel face mask for medical personnel with unobstructed view of the wearer’s facial expressions

Novel protective mask for medical personnel Dübendorf, Switzerland, 05-Nov-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — Laughter is the best medicine, says medical research. But how are patients supposed to feel like smiling if the faces of the nursing staff and even their beloved ones … Read the full press release

University of Bristol study shows that expressive faces on photos can cause identity confusions

Photos of the same person can look substantially different. For example, your passport photo may look quite different from your driving licence, or your face in holiday photos. BRISTOL, 21-Sep-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — In fact, these differences can mean you look … Read the full press release

University of Bristol: facial expressions can get in the way of our ability to tell unfamiliar faces apart

BRISTOL, 05-Jun-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — Using hundreds of faces of actors from movies, psychologists from the University of Bristol have shown how facial expressions can get in the way of our ability to tell unfamiliar faces apart. People’s faces change from … Read the full press release