Tag Archives: European Rail Traffic Management System

EIB Supports Czech Rail Upgrades with €466 Million Loan to Enhance Sustainability and Safety

(IN BRIEF) The EIB is loaning €466 million to the Czech Republic to upgrade railway infrastructure as part of a larger European effort to improve rail services and meet climate goals. The funding will support key projects such as the … Read the full press release

Basque Railway Network Takes Leap Towards European Standard Train Protection System with Thales

(IN BRIEF) Thales has secured a significant contract with Euskal Trenbide Sarea (ETS-RFV) to install the first ERTMS Level 1 automatic train protection system on the Basque Euskadi network. This project, with a budget exceeding 13 million Euros, marks the … Read the full press release

European Investment Bank approves €6.6bn for sustainable transport, clean energy, corporate innovation and education

(IN BRIEF) The European Investment Bank (EIB) has approved €6.6 billion of new financing to support sustainable transport, clean energy, corporate innovation, and education investment worldwide. The EIB Board of Directors also adopted a mid-term review of the EIB’s Energy … Read the full press release

Alstom als bevorzugter Lieferant für ein integriertes Eisenbahnsystem in einem großen Infrastrukturprojekt auf den Philippinen ausgewählt

(IN KÜRZE) Alstom, ein führender Anbieter intelligenter und nachhaltiger Mobilitätslösungen, hat von der Mitsubishi Corporation den Auftrag erhalten, ein integriertes Eisenbahnsystem für die Erweiterung des North-South Commuter Railway-Projekts (NSCR) auf den Philippinen bereitzustellen. Alstom wird das Konsortium mit Colas Rail … Read the full press release

Alstom Selected as Preferred Supplier for Integrated Railway System in Philippines’ Major Infrastructure Project

(IN BRIEF) Alstom, a leading provider of smart and sustainable mobility solutions, has been awarded a contract by Mitsubishi Corporation to provide an integrated railway system for the North-South Commuter Railway project (NSCR) extension in the Philippines. Alstom will lead … Read the full press release