Nanto Cleantech prevails in European Patent opposition proceedings against BYK-Chemie GmbH (represented by the Altana IP department), confirming its position in nanoclay applications in paints and coatings (PRESS RELEASE) NEW YORK, USA, 22-Jul-2019 — /EuropaWire/ — Nanto Cleantech Inc., a … Read the full press release →
Posted in Business, Chemicals, Germany, Industrial, Law, News, Technology
Tagged acrylic, additives, advanced materials, alkydic, Altana IP department, aluminosilicates, anticorrosion protection, BYK-Chemie GmbH, coatings, EP 2352789, EPO, epoxy, European patent, European Patent Office, Grättinger Möhring von Poschinger, industrial intellectual property, intellectual property, intellectual property rights, lawsuit, marine sector, nanoclay applications in coatings, nanoclay applications in paints, nanoclays, nanoparticles, nanotechnology, Nanto Cleantech Inc., Nanto Protective Coating Srl, paints, patent, patent law, patent lawsuit, patent opposition lawsuit, polyester resins, polymers, polyurethane, Prof. Shmuel Kenig, protective sector, rheologic, rheological properties, Roberto Cafagna, technology holding, thixotropic properties