The 3rd Farming by Satellite Prize, promoting the use of satellite technologies in agriculture, was decided on Monday 23rd January at International Green Week in Berlin. The overall winner of €5,000 was a team from ISA Lille in France with … Read the full press release →
Posted in Agriculture, Aviation & Aerospace, Awards, Education, Environment, European Union, France, Germany, News, Science, United Kingdom
Tagged agriculture, Andrea King, Bayer CropScience, Charlotte Lejoyeux, claas, copernicus, Earth observation, egnos, European Commission, European Earth Observation Programme, European Environment Agency, European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service, farming, Female, GALILEO, GALILEO system, Genevieve Baumann, Gruene Woche, Helios Technology Ltd, IGW, International Green Week, ISA Lille, Louise Vernier, Marie Rolloy, Precision Agriculture, students, WOMEN