Tag Archives: ETCs

Siemens Mobility Expands Mireo Fleet for ÖBB with 30 New Trains for Austrian Rail Network

(IN BRIEF) Siemens Mobility has secured an additional order from Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB) for 30 Mireo trains, increasing their fleet to 100. The new trains, which will include both three-car and four-car units, are scheduled to enter passenger service … Read the full press release

Siemens Mobility’s Vectron Becomes First Locomotive Approved for ETCS on Öresund Connection

(IN BRIEF) Siemens Mobility’s Vectron locomotive has been approved for operating on the Scandinavian Corridor, allowing both freight and passenger trains to run along the entire corridor without changing locomotives. The first operator to take advantage of this is the … Read the full press release

Alstom als bevorzugter Lieferant für ein integriertes Eisenbahnsystem in einem großen Infrastrukturprojekt auf den Philippinen ausgewählt

(IN KÜRZE) Alstom, ein führender Anbieter intelligenter und nachhaltiger Mobilitätslösungen, hat von der Mitsubishi Corporation den Auftrag erhalten, ein integriertes Eisenbahnsystem für die Erweiterung des North-South Commuter Railway-Projekts (NSCR) auf den Philippinen bereitzustellen. Alstom wird das Konsortium mit Colas Rail … Read the full press release

Alstom Selected as Preferred Supplier for Integrated Railway System in Philippines’ Major Infrastructure Project

(IN BRIEF) Alstom, a leading provider of smart and sustainable mobility solutions, has been awarded a contract by Mitsubishi Corporation to provide an integrated railway system for the North-South Commuter Railway project (NSCR) extension in the Philippines. Alstom will lead … Read the full press release

Alstom erreicht Meilenstein in Ungarns Projekt zur Modernisierung der Elektrozugflotte

(IN KÜRZE) Alstom hat einen Meilenstein im Modernisierungsprojekt der elektrischen Züge vom Typ Flirt in Ungarn erreicht, indem es die ersten 36 von 59 Einheiten mit seiner Atlas ETCS Level 2 L2-Zugsteuerungsausrüstung ausgestattet hat. Das vor drei Jahren begonnene Projekt … Read the full press release

Alstom Reaches Milestone in Hungary Electric Train Fleet Modernisation Project

(IN BRIEF) Alstom has reached a milestone in the modernization project of the Flirt-type electric trains in Hungary by equipping the first 36 of 59 units with its Atlas ETCS Level 2 L2 train control equipment. The project, which began … Read the full press release

Alstom migliora la sicurezza e la capacità dei treni in Repubblica Ceca e Slovacchia con un sistema di controllo e supervisione dei treni di livello 2 di ultima generazione

(NOTIZIA IN BREVE) Alstom, leader globale nella mobilità intelligente e sostenibile, ha ricevuto un ordine da ČD-Telematika per la fornitura del sistema europeo di controllo dei treni (ETCS) di livello 2 per 7 veicoli Pendolino della linea 680 e 66 … Read the full press release

Alstom to Enhance Train Safety and Capacity in Czech Republic and Slovakia with latest-generation Level 2 train control and supervision system

(IN BRIEF) Alstom, a global leader in smart and sustainable mobility, has received an order from ČD-Telematika to supply European Train Control System (ETCS) Level 2 for 7 Pendolino vehicles of Line 680 and 66 electric vehicles of Line 471 … Read the full press release

New delivery of Vectron AC locomotives for Switzerland reaffirms the high level of reliability and performance of Siemens Mobility’s Vectron platform

Siemens Mobility delivers Vectron AC locomotives Contract includes maintenance for eight years (PRESS RELEASE) MUNICH, 15-Jul-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Siemens Mobility, redefining mobility with intelligent infrastructure, sustainability, passenger experience and availability and a separately managed company of Siemens AG, has … Read the full press release

La nouvelle livraison de locomotives Vectron AC pour la Suisse réaffirme le haut niveau de fiabilité et de performance de la plateforme Vectron de Siemens Mobility

Siemens Mobility livre des locomotives Vectron AC Le contrat comprend la maintenance pendant huit ans (COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE) MUNICH, 15-Jul-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Siemens Mobility, redéfinissant la mobilité avec une infrastructure intelligente, la durabilité, l’expérience des passagers et la disponibilité … Read the full press release

Alstom’s latest ETCS standard and its world-first data fusion algorithms to measure location and speed of trains get certified

(PRESS RELEASE) SAINT-OUEN, 25-Jun-2020 — /EuropaWire/ — French multinational company operating worldwide in rail transport markets, Alstom earns full certification¹ of the latest interoperability standard for rail, ETCS² Baseline 3 Release 2. Alstom has also been certified by Belgorail³ to … Read the full press release

Order book turnover of the Deutsche Börse Cash Market in 2018 posted an increase of 17 per cent compared to the previous year

€1.72 trillion in 2018 / 17 per cent year-on-year increase / List of highest turnover shares by index (PRESS RELEASE) FRANKFURT, 03-Jan-2019 — /EuropaWire/ — In 2018, Cash Market of Deutsche Börse achieved an order book turnover of €1.72 trillion – … Read the full press release