Tag Archives: Estonia

EBRD appoints Elisabetta Falcetti as the new Head for Poland

(PRESS RELEASE) LONDON, 15-Jun-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) announces the appointment of Elisabetta Falcetti as the new Head in in central Europe and the Baltic states (CEB). EBRD President Odile Renaud-Basso has formally introduced … Read the full press release

NIB funds Maxima Grupe’s investment in energy efficiency solutions at its stores in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia

(PRESS RELEASE) HELSINKI, 7-Aug-2019 — /EuropaWire/ — NIB and Maxima LT, UAB sign ten-year EUR 52 million loan agreement to finance Maxima’s investments in its retail network renewal in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. The Lithuanian retail company will upgrade 31 … Read the full press release

HSH Nordbank will provide international investment managers First State Investments (FSI) with € 75 million loan

(PRESS RELEASE) HAMBURG/ KIEL, 20-Dec-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — HSH Nordbank will provide international investment managers First State Investments (FSI) as the mandated lead arranger (MLA) with € 75 million as part of an acquisition loan totalling € 364 million. FSI will … Read the full press release

Sweden presents anniversary funds to celebrate the 100th anniversaries of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania to promote broad exchange between the countries

STOCKHOLM, 29-May-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — Minister for Foreign Affairs Margot Wallström today presented Sweden’s gift in the form of three anniversary funds the Government intends to set up for Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania on the occasion of their 100th anniversaries … Read the full press release

NIB provides EUR 24M to Estonia’s AS Tallinna Lennujaam for Tallinn Airport expansion

NIB and Estonia’s AS Tallinna Lennujaam have agreed on a loan of EUR 24 million for the expansion of the airside traffic area and the development of other investments at Tallinn Airport. HELSINKI, 19-Dec-2016 — /EuropaWire/ — The 13-year maturity loan will … Read the full press release

EMBO awards Installation Grants to ten life scientists to set up laboratories in Czech Republic, Estonia, Poland, Portugal and Turkey

HEIDELBERG, 14-Dec-2016 — /EuropaWire/ — Ten life scientists have been awarded EMBO Installation Grants to set up independent research laboratories in the Czech Republic, Estonia, Poland, Portugal and Turkey. “Through the Installation Grants we encourage some of the best early-career researchers … Read the full press release

Estonia officially became EUROCONTROL’s 41st Member State on 1 January 2015

Brussels, Belgium, 09-1-2015 — /EuropaWire/ — Estonia officially became EUROCONTROL’s 41st Member State on 1 January 2015. With the accession of Estonia, EUROCONTROL covers all 28 European Union states. This event reinforces EUROCONTROL’s status as being truly pan-European. Even before becoming … Read the full press release

European Union Single Market Scoreboard website covering 13 different tools launched

Single Market Scoreboard website launched – new figures are now available online 4-7-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — With today’s launch of the online only Single Market Scoreboard, a more comprehensive and user-friendly reporting system has been put in place. The Single Market Scoreboard … Read the full press release

Fortum acquired district heat operations in Tartu, Estonia from Eraküte

3-7-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — Fortum has agreed to acquire district heat operations in the city of Tartu in Estonia from the Estonian district heat company Eraküte. The district heating network accounts for approximately 20% of the whole Tartu network and is the fastest … Read the full press release