Tag Archives: EQUANS

Iberdrola installed the substation at its Saint-Brieuc offshore wind farm in Brittany, France

This infrastructure, weighing some 3,400 tonnes, will be the energy heart of the 500 MW Saint-Brieuc offshore wind farm, Iberdrola’s first in France and the second in operation in the country. The substation will collect the electricity produced by the … Read the full press release

Iberdrola a installé la sous-station de son parc éolien offshore de Saint-Brieuc en Bretagne, France

Cette infrastructure, d’un poids d’environ 3 400 tonnes, sera le cœur énergétique du parc éolien offshore de Saint-Brieuc de 500 MW, le premier d’Iberdrola en France et le deuxième en exploitation dans le pays. La sous-station collectera l’électricité produite par … Read the full press release

ENGIE Services delivers the new High Performance Computing Datacenter of the University of Groningen

(PRESS RELEASE) GRONINGEN, the Netherlands, 20-Sep-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — University of Groningen, one of the most traditional and prestigious universities in the Netherlands, has announced that its new High Performance Computing Datacenter of the University of Groningen (UG) has been … Read the full press release