Tag Archives: entrepreneurs

Covid-19 impact on venture capital market: InnMind VC report 2020

InnMind, #1 platform in Europe for startups & investors, released a report based on the personal interviews with 100+ VC firms and investors from Silicon Valley & Europe regarding the covid-19 impact on the venture capital market and investment sentiments. … Read the full press release

Standard Chartered’s sustainable deposit product that helps finance UN’s SDGs activities reached $2bn

(PRESS RELEASE) LONDON, 13-May-2020 — /EuropaWire/ — Leading international banking group Standard Chartered announced that its sustainable deposit product, helping finance UN’s SDGs activities, has just reached the $2 billion milestone with a significant deposit made by the French integrated … Read the full press release

Global Talent Competitiveness Index (GTCI) 2019: Switzerland remains #1; Singapore leads Asia-Pacific; Europe dominates the top 10; China leader among BRICS nations

(PRESS RELEASE) MIDDLE EAST, ASIA, EUROPE, 23-Apr-2019 — /EuropaWire/ — The Adecco Group, Tata Communications and INSEAD have just released their annual benchmark report that looks into the ability of 125 countries around the world to compete for talent. According … Read the full press release

Conception X by Barclays and UCL to create investable, early-stage deep tech start-ups

(PRESS RELEASE) LONDON, 27-Feb-2019 — /EuropaWire/ — PhDs in University College London’s top-ranked Computer Science programme will now be able to turn their dissertation into a deep tech start-up. This will become possible thanks to the new initiative launched by … Read the full press release

Credit Suisse holds the first-ever Swiss-wide day dedicated to the entrepreneurship

(PRESS RELEASE) ZURICH, 20-Feb-2019 — /EuropaWire/ — Credit Suisse is today commemorating the 200th anniversary the birth of Alfred Escher. What Alfred Escher has achieved back in the 19th century continues to have a lasting impact on Switzerland as an economic … Read the full press release

KfW Research: there are currently 154,000 ‘young’ social entrepreneurs in Germany at the helm of 108,000 businesses

KfW Research presents first study about young social entrepreneurs For 154,000 social entrepreneurs, social contribution matters more than earning an income Social entrepreneurs start up more often with new-to-market and technological innovations than the average They are more likely to … Read the full press release

Barclays to launch ‘AvTech’ Eagle Lab at Cranfield University to support rapid prototyping, product development and specialised AvTech equipment

Barclays will launch an ‘AvTech’ Eagle Lab at Cranfield University, a co-working space for ambitious entrepreneurs to scale and grow, drawing on the University’s aerospace heritage stretching over 70 years The Lab, located at the heart of the University campus, … Read the full press release

KfW Entrepreneurs’ Award 2018 winners announced

The 16 regional winners have been selected Awards presented to successful entrepreneurs who have expanded their business Awards ceremony held at the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy in Berlin on 11 October 2018 Total prize fund of … Read the full press release

Collaborate or Die: Advice to Investors!

CAMBRIDGE, 31-Jul-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — Founded by Peter and Alan Cowley, The Invested Investor is aiming to increase the success rate of start-ups by learning from the experience of entrepreneurs, investors and start-up specialists. They recently interviewed two leading investors: David … Read the full press release

Pivoting for Success – the story of Plumis!

CAMBRIDGE, 25-Jul-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — Founded by Peter and Alan Cowley, The Invested Investor is aiming to increase the success rate of start-ups by learning from the experience of entrepreneurs, investors and start-up specialists. In this podcast, Peter Cowley interviewed two … Read the full press release

FMO’s NASIRA program to provide financial support to underserved entrepreneurs gets backing from EU and Dutch government

The HAGUE, 16-Jul-2018 — /EuropaWire/ —The European Comission (EC), has approved up to €75 million in guarantees and up to €8 million in Technical Assistence to FMO’s NASIRA program (NASIRA). The NASIRA risk sharing facility aims to provide access to … Read the full press release

Are Investors and Entrepreneurs species ahead of their time?

CAMBRIDGE, 07-Jun-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — The Invested Investor, a social enterprise aiming to increase the success rate of early-stage start-ups, recently interviewed two key figures in the investment world. Rajat Malhotra, Managing Partner of Wren Capital and former UKBAA Angel of … Read the full press release

Why successful Invested Investor Simon Blakey feels he is sometimes a relationship therapist!

Serial investor Blakey shares his first rate tips from two decades of Angel Investing! CAMBRIDGE, 12-Apr-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — The Invested Investor is a publishing project that aims to increase the success rate for entrepreneurs and early investors by sharing … Read the full press release

University of Twente: Creative Technology student Anand Chowdhary listed in the Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia in the Social Entrepreneurs category

ENSCHEDE, 02-Apr-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — Creative Technology student Anand Chowdhary has been listed in the Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia in the Social Entrepreneurs category. The list features ‘300 young innovators and disruptors across 10 categories’. Earlier this year, Anand had … Read the full press release

NOVA External Ventures launches new web site at nova-saint-gobain.com

Courbevoie, France, 23-Feb-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — Saint-Gobain continues to work closely with external stakeholders in line with its commitment to open innovation. Since its creation in 2006, NOVA External Ventures has helped the Group’s businesses create nearly 80 partnerships with startups, … Read the full press release

Her Majesty Queen Máxima at the ‘Power of Partnerships – making finance work for women Entrepreneurs’ Symposium organised by the Dutch Development Bank (FMO)

THE HAGUE, 13-Feb-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — Her Majesty Queen Máxima will hold a speech on Monday 12 March at the Royal Institute for the Tropics in Amsterdam (KIT) in the Symposium ‘ Power of Partnerships – making finance work for women … Read the full press release

CES: New Global Entrepreneur Program by Dassault Systèmes leverages its 3DEXPERIENCE platform, applications, expertise, and community of mentors and services

Startups, entrepreneurs, makers in any industry can accelerate breakthrough innovations and drive growth Tailored startup program tracks and qualified network of global professionals offer new levels of support Dassault Systèmes helps startups industrialize with 3DEXPERIENCE platform on the cloud, mentoring, … Read the full press release

Airbus calls on SMEs, start-ups, entrepreneurs and students for the “Enter the SpaceDataHighway” challenge

Aims to foster innovation for its brand-new laser-based space communication system Winner will be awarded €75,000 investment and will get support of Airbus BizLab TOULOUSE, 17-Jan-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — Transmitting large volumes of data in near real time through space at … Read the full press release

Startup Founders: Are You Ready To Accelerate Your Business?

Amsterdam, NL, 05-Dec-2016 — /EuropaWire/ — Rockstart, the world’s greatest startup machine, announces applications are open for the 6th Web & Mobile Accelerator program. The program begins on March 1, 2017 and lasts for 150 days. Rockstart supports entrepreneurs with … Read the full press release


UK start-up secures more than £600k investment from high-profile investors since launch LONDON, 15-Jun-2016 — /EuropaWire/ — people.io – the service that pays consumers for dynamically licensing their data and attention to brands, has completed its second investment round and … Read the full press release