(PRESS RELEASE) GRONINGEN, the Netherlands, 20-Sep-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — University of Groningen, one of the most traditional and prestigious universities in the Netherlands, has announced that its new High Performance Computing Datacenter of the University of Groningen (UG) has been … Read the full press release →
Posted in Education, Environment, Industrial, Infrastructure & Utilities, Internet & Online, Netherlands, News, Science, Technology
Tagged Anke Breeuwsma, automation, Bouwgroep Dijkstra Draisma, Center for Information Technology, CIT, computing, construction, data center, data processing, data storage, datacenter, Deerns, Dijkhuis ingenieurs, energy efficient., energy-efficient building, ENGIE, ENGIE Services, EQUANS, Grouwelerie, High Performance Computing Datacenter, HPC Datacenter of the UG, Koen Grave, Rekenhal, RUG data center, supercomputers, sustainable, Team4architecten, UG, UG supercomputer, University of Groningen, WarmteStad, Zentrys, Zernike Campus