Tag Archives: EnBW

Segundo PPA firmado con EnBW para impulsar las ambiciones de energía renovable de Evonik

Evonik abastecerá más de un tercio de sus necesidades energéticas europeas a partir de la energía eólica marina (NOTICIA EN BREVE) Evonik, una empresa de productos químicos especializados, ha firmado un segundo acuerdo de compra de energía (PPA) con EnBW … Read the full press release

Second PPA signed with EnBW to drive Evonik’s renewable energy ambitions

Evonik to Source Over a Third of its European Power Requirements from Offshore Wind Energy (IN BRIEF) Evonik, a specialty chemicals company, has signed a second power purchase agreement (PPA) with EnBW for an additional 50 MW of offshore wind … Read the full press release

EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG sells a 49.9 percent stake in a portfolio of sixteen solar farms to Alte Leipziger Hallesche, a German health and property insurance group

Electricity output sufficient to supply some 200,000 three-person households Both partners have many years of experience in renewable energy (PRESS RELEASE) KARLSRUHE/ OBERURSEL, 15-Aug-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG (ETR: EBK), one of the “big” energy suppliers in … Read the full press release

EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG vend une participation de 49,9% dans un portefeuille de seize parcs solaires à Alte Leipziger Hallesche, un groupe allemand d’assurance maladie et dommages

Production d’électricité suffisante pour alimenter quelque 200 000 foyers de trois personnes Les deux partenaires ont de nombreuses années d’expérience dans les énergies renouvelables (PRESS RELEASE) KARLSRUHE/ OBERURSEL, 15-Aug-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG (ETR : EBK), l’un des … Read the full press release

bp commits to help the UK in its energy security and net zero goals with a massive £18 billion investment in the country’s energy system

(PRESS RELEASE) LONDON, 3-May-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — bp (LON: BP), a British multinational oil and gas company, has announced a massive £18 billion investment in the energy system of the UK aimed at boosting the country’s energy security and net … Read the full press release

bp s’engage à aider le Royaume-Uni à atteindre ses objectifs de sécurité énergétique et de zéro net avec un investissement massif de 18 milliards de livres sterling dans le système énergétique du pays

(COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE) LONDON, 3-May-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — bp (LON : BP), une multinationale pétrolière et gazière britannique, a a annoncé un investissement massif de 18 milliards de livres sterling dans le système énergétique du Royaume-Uni visant à renforcer la sécurité … Read the full press release

EnBW and the German Aerospace Center join forces on a Government funded research on the use of drones to service offshore wind farms

(PRESS RELEASE) STUTTGART/ HAMBURG, 11-Apr-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG, a publicly-traded electric utilities company and Energiekontor AG, wind farms and solar parks developer, and DLR, Germany’s research centre for aeronautics and space, have announced a new three … Read the full press release

EnBW et le Centre aérospatial allemand s’associent pour une recherche financée par le gouvernement sur l’utilisation de drones pour desservir les parcs éoliens offshore

(COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE) STUTTGART/ HAMBURG, 11-Apr-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG, une société de services publics d’électricité cotée en bourse et Energiekontor AG, développeur de parcs éoliens et de parcs solaires, et DLR, le centre de recherche allemand … Read the full press release

EnBW and Energiekontor demonstrate realisation of large solar parks in Germany without state subsidies

EnBW signs new long-term power purchase agreement (PPA) with Energiekontor for a large solar parks in Germany (PRESS RELEASE) BREMEN/ KARLSRUHE, 10-Feb-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG, a publicly-traded electric utilities company and Energiekontor AG, wind farms and … Read the full press release

Enel X adds 20,000 charging points to the JuicePass network reaching more than 50,000 charging points across Europe

JuicePass users are now enabled to access a network of over 50,000 charging points across Europe, mainly made accessible under the Hubject platform (PRESS RELEASE) ROME, 7-Aug-2020 — /EuropaWire/ — Enel X‘s electric vehicle (EV) charging network reaches more than … Read the full press release

EnBW exits from the Hungarian market with the divestment of its stakes in electricity supply companies ELMÜ and EMASZ

(PRESS RELEASE) KARLSRUHE/ BUDAPEST, 4-Oct-2019 — /EuropaWire/ — EnBW sells its holdings in Hungarian electricity supply companies ELMÜ and EMASZ to an E.ON subsidiary. The divestments marks EnBW’s exit from the Hungarian market. The buyer already indirectly obtained majority shareholdings … Read the full press release

EnBW completes installation of all wind turbines of its “Hohe See” offshore wind farm in the German North Sea

(PRESS RELEASE) KARLSRUHE/ BORKUM/ HELGOLAND, 13-Aug-2019 — /EuropaWire/ — EnBW completes the installation of all 71 wind turbines of its offshore wind farm “Hohe See” in the German North Sea. The commissioning of the “Hohe See” wind turbines continues with … Read the full press release

EnBW expands engagement on the Swedish wind market with the creation of “EnBW Sverige AB”

KARLSRUHE/FALKENBERG, 18-Jul-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG has expanded its engagement on the Swedish wind market by founding the company “EnBW Sverige AB” which will be based in Falkenberg in southern Sweden. With the foundation of the company, … Read the full press release

WindEurope CEO Giles Dickson on zero-subsidy bidding in latest Dutch offshore wind auction

BRUSSELS, 27-Dec-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — The Dutch government has given subsidy-free bidders first bidding in an auction for the twin 350 MW Hollandse Kust Zuid offshore wind projects. On Friday 15 December Swedish energy group Vattenfall announced its zero-subsidy bid. EnBW, … Read the full press release

EnBW orders further 117 rapid-charging stations from ABB

Major order from energy supplier EnBW for a further 117 charging stations in 2017 ZURICH, 21-Sep-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — ABB has received another major order from energy supplier EnBW for the expansion of the charging column network on German motorways. By … Read the full press release

EnBW approved wind farm projects with total capacity of around 200 Megawatts in Germany

Self-developed wind power projects with a capacity of around 200 Megawatts under construction / Expansion in 2017 primarily in the home market of Baden-Württemberg KARLSRUHE, 03-Feb-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — The intensive work carried out by EnBW in the development of … Read the full press release

EWE AG, EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG, Ems-Weser-Elbe Versorgungs- und Entsorgungsverband restructured their shareholdings

EWE transfers shares in VNG to EnBW / EnBW shareholding in EWE falls from 26 to six per cent Oldenburg/Karlsruhe, Germany, 27-Apr-2016 — /EuropaWire/ — The utility companies EWE AG (Oldenburg), EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG (Karlsruhe) and Ems-Weser-Elbe Versorgungs- und … Read the full press release

EnBW acquires 74.2 percent stake in VNG from EWE

EnBW acquires a 74.2 percent share in VNG from EWE EWE and EWE-Verband reacquire EWE shares from EnBW The agreement opens up new opportunities for all partners Karlsruhe/Oldenburg, Germany, 22-10-2015 — /EuropaWire/ — The utility companies EWE AG (Oldenburg), EnBW … Read the full press release

Borusan EnBW Enerji successfully concluded two further onshore projects: the Koru and Harmanlik onshore wind farms in Turkey each with 50 megawatts output

The renewable portfolio of this German-Turkish joint venture comprises 287 megawatts Karlsruhe, 1-6-2015 — /EuropaWire/ — The German-Turkish joint venture Borusan EnBW Enerji, in which the partners Borusan and EnBW each hold a 50 percent stake, has successfully concluded two further … Read the full press release

EnBW appeals BNetzA’s decision against the closure of four power plant units in Marbach and Walheim

Karlsruhe, Germany, 21-1-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — Karlsruhe. EnBW has received notification from the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) that its application to close four power plant units in Marbach and Walheim has been declined. These power plant units are “system-relevant” according to the … Read the full press release