Tag Archives: emerging markets

EBRD Assists Croatia in Developing Strategic Framework for Capital Markets Expansion

(IN BRIEF) The EBRD is collaborating with Croatia’s Ministry of Finance to design a Strategic Framework for Capital Markets Development, aiming to strengthen the country’s financial sector. The framework, which includes five strategic directions, will guide Croatia’s capital market development … Read the full press release

Saint-Gobain Completes Acquisition of FOSROC to Strengthen Global Leadership in Construction Chemicals

(IN BRIEF) Saint-Gobain has completed its acquisition of FOSROC, a major player in the construction chemicals industry, further expanding its global reach. The acquisition strengthens Saint-Gobain’s position in high-growth markets like India and the Middle East and aligns with its … Read the full press release

Deutsche Bank and Continuum’s world’s first Green Hedge Framework provides additional transparency for investors

(PRESS RELEASE) FRANKFURT AM MAIN, 16-Mar-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — Deutsche Bank (XETRA: DBKGn.DB / NYSE: DB) announces that its has executed the world’s first green hedging transaction with Continuum Energy Levanter Pte Ltd, a subsidiary of Continuum Green Energy (Continuum). … Read the full press release

Alex Kazbegi becomes Chief Strategy Officer of VEON and joins its Group Executive Committee

(PRESS RELEASE) AMSTERDAM, 4-Feb-2019 — /EuropaWire/ — Alex Kazbegi, formerly Head of EMEA Telecom, Transportation, Infrastructure and Healthcare Research at Renaissance Capital, will lead VEON’s efforts in identifying growth and business development opportunities. Hi has just been appointed Chief Strategy Officer of … Read the full press release

Leading European Crowdfunding Firm FundedByMe Kicks-Off Property Portal MIPARO’s Campaign May 21

UPPSALA, Sweden, 21-May-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — MIPARO, a residential real estate home listing portal for emerging markets, based in Sweden, announced today that their crowdfunding campaign with FundedByMe, a leading European based firm, will begin May 21, 2018. It will run … Read the full press release

Heathrow and Asia House expanded their series of guides designed to help SMEs trade with Asia

London, UK, 10-1-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — Heathrow and Asia House have expanded their series of tailored guides designed to help SMEs trade with Asia. The series now includes Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar (Burma), Pakistan, The Philippines and Turkey, and follows … Read the full press release

EBRD and International Enterprise (IE) Singapore signed Memorandum of Understanding to deepen strategic partnership

23-9-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — IE Global Conversation with Sir Suma Chakrabarti: The EBRD’s medium to long-term outlook for emerging countries in Europe and central Asia remains positive The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development’s (EBRD) medium to long-term outlook for emerging countries … Read the full press release

Emerging markets olive oil demand grown at a rate of over 13% since 2007, Rabobank Report

18-4-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — Demand for olive oil in emerging markets has grown at a rate of over 13% since 2007 and such double digit growth is expected to continue for at least the next five years. According to a new … Read the full press release

Edith Siermann of Robeco Group to become responsible for the RobecoSAM Governance and Active Ownership unit in Rotterdam, the Netherlands

Robeco further aligns Sustainability Investing reporting lines  Rotterdam, 16-4-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — Robeco Group announces that Edith Siermann, CIO Fixed Income Investments, will become responsible for the RobecoSAM Governance and Active Ownership unit in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. As part of this … Read the full press release