Tag Archives: EFSI

EU Financial Instruments and Policy Reforms Set to Propel Croatia’s Competitiveness Amid Regulatory and Digital Gaps

(IN BRIEF) In 2024, Croatia’s economy grew steadily, fueled by significant EU funds, the adoption of the euro, and robust financial support from instruments like EFSI and InvestEU. However, major challenges persist, including a high percentage of exporters (84%) facing … Read the full press release

The Solas Sustainable Energy Fund ICAV (SSEF) now has €220 million in committed capital  aimed at supporting energy efficiency and renewable energy projects across the European Union

SSEF, backed by its cornerstone investors including MEAG (the asset manager of Munich Re and ERGO) and the EIB, and supported by the EU LIFE Programme, is providing financing for much-needed energy efficiency and behind-the-meter renewable energy projects across the … Read the full press release

Der Solas Sustainable Energy Fund ICAV (SSEF) verfügt jetzt über 220 Millionen € an gebundenem Kapital mit dem Ziel, Energieeffizienz- und erneuerbare Energieprojekte in der gesamten Europäischen Union zu unterstützen

SSEF, das von seinen Hauptinvestoren, darunter MEAG (der Vermögensverwalter von Munich Re und ERGO) und der EIB, unterstützt und vom EU-LIFE-Programm unterstützt wird, stellt Finanzierungen für dringend benötigte Energieeffizienz- und erneuerbare Energieprojekte hinter dem Zähler bereit die Europäische Union. Die … Read the full press release

UniCredit to free up capital from securitised €2 billion portfolio in support of Italian SMEs and Mid-caps guaranteed by the European Investment Bank and the European Investment Fund

EIB Group (EIB & EIF) guarantee to UniCredit to mobilise approximately €2 billion in support of Italian SMEs and Mid-caps. The operation is supported by a guarantee from the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) — the main pillar of … Read the full press release

EIB signs €125 million loan with Livie to accelerate construction of affordable housing in France

€125 million loan granted to BATIGERE Network subsidiary dedicated to building affordable housing in France 1 500 home builds planned over five years for 3 500 residents Operation guaranteed by the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) (PRESS RELEASE) KIRCHBERG, Luxembourg, 11-Jan-2021 — … Read the full press release