(PRESS RELEASE) TAMPERE, Finland, 30-Dec-2019 — /EuropaWire/ — The northern lights are shining extra-bright in Tampere Finland this month as a major step forward in amplifying the power of lasers was achieved. For the first time a laser using similar … Read the full press release →
Posted in Automotive, Electronics & Machinery, European Union, Finland, Germany, Greece, Italy, Latvia, News, Technology, Transportation & Logistics, United Kingdom
Tagged Ampliconyx, AMPLICONYX OY, automotive, broadband internet, Centro Richerche Fiat SCPA, Ceram Optec Sia, Dr Maxim Odnoblyudov, Dr Regina Gumenyuk, EU H2020, Fiat e-500, Finland, Foundation for Research and Technology HELLAS, green vehicles, Hochschule Mittweida, laser, laser generator, lasers, LUNOVU Gmbh, Manufacturing, Modus Research and Innovation Limited, Nanotypos OE, Nello Li Pira, northern lights, Onostampi SRL, photonics, Prime Laser Technology, PULSE research, Tampere, Tampere University