Tag Archives: Dr. Dirk Biermann

50Hertz Strengthens Grid Stability with STATCOM Technology for Renewable Energy Integration

(IN BRIEF) 50Hertz is advancing Germany’s energy transition with the installation of STATCOM systems across its grid to enhance voltage and frequency stability amid increasing renewable energy integration. New systems from GE Vernova and Nidec Conversion will be deployed at … Read the full press release

SWE and 50Hertz Sign Contract to Reduce CO2 Emissions from Heat Supply

(IN BRIEF) Stadtwerke Erfurt (SWE) and Transmission System Operator 50Hertz have signed a contract to construct a 20 MW Power-to-Heat Technology (PtH) plant at the Erfurt-Ost gas and steam turbine power plant site. The PtH plant will use electricity from … Read the full press release

Germany: new digital platform to significantly increase the efficiency of grid-stabilising measures to avoid grid congestion

Digital procurement platform to reduce the number of wind turbine output in case of grid congestion Regional producers, consumers and storage facility operators offer system operators flexible use of their installations for system support Flexibility platform has price decreasing effect … Read the full press release