(PRESS RELEASE) THE HAGUE, 2-Apr-2020 — /EuropaWire/ — Fourteen LIFT (Launchpad for Innovative Future Technology) projects involved in developing smart membranes that extract nitrogen components from manure streams, creating nanocrystals for solar cells in windows, and finding ways to eliminate … Read the full press release →
Posted in Agriculture, Chemicals, Energy, Gas & Oil, Financial, Food & Beverage, Netherlands, News, Science, Technology
Tagged Agra-Matic B.V., agricultural waste, Agrifirm, AgXeed B.V., autonomous agricultural vehicle, Avsalt AB, BASF, batteries, Blockchain, catalytic converters, climate change, Darling Ingredients International, De Heus Voeders B.V., deionization, Delft University of Technology, Delmic BV, Dr Antoni Forner-Cuenca, Dr Arjan Houtepen, Dr Arthur Ram, Dr Ben Giepmans, Dr Louis de Smet, Dr Remco Hartkamp, Dr Sytze de Bruin, Dr Wouter Swierstra, Dutch Research Council, Eindhoven University of Technology, electrolysers, enzymes, ForFarmers Nederland B.V., fuel cells, Genomic Selection, IOHK, ionic contaminants, ions in water, Launchpad for Innovative Future Technology, Leiden University, LIFT, LIFT projects, Metrohm Nederland B.V., nanocrystals for solar cells, Nedstack fuel cell technologies B.V., NWO, Pentair X-Flow, PHYSEE, pig breeding industry, PlantLab Groep B.V., Prof. Bert Weckhuysen, Prof. Harry Bitter, Prof. Kitty Nijmeijer, Prof. Martien Groenen, Prof. Ruud van Ommen, RESEARCH, Shell Global Solutions International B.V., smart contracts, smart membranes, soil compaction, solar cells, Stichting imec Nederland (imec Nederland Foundation), Topigs Norsvin Research Centre, Umicore AG & Co. KG, University Medical Center Groningen, Utrecht University, Van Drie Group, Wageningen University & Research, WeissBioTech GmbH