9-8-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — Alstom have secured the €5.1 million (1.5 billion HUF) contract to retrofit the generators at Paks Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) in central Hungary, thanks to the company’s strong international reputation and its local capabilities. Providing 40% … Read the full press release →
Posted in Business, Energy, Gas & Oil, France, Hungary, Industrial, Infrastructure & Utilities
Tagged 500 MW Ganz generators, AES Tisza, Alstom, Alstom Hungary, Budapest, central Hungary, DKCE Debrecen, Dominik Beyer, Dunamenti, generator services, generators, GTER Litér, GTER Sajószöged, László Deák, Mátrai, nuclear reactor blocks, Oroszlány, Paks NPP, Paks Nuclear Power Plant, Pécs