Tag Archives: decarbonisation

Versalis Publishes 2022 Sustainability Report Outlining Commitment to Carbon Neutrality

(IN BRIEF) Versalis, Eni’s chemical company, has released its 2022 Sustainability Report, highlighting its efforts to contribute to sustainable and circular models in alignment with Eni’s strategy. The report outlines Versalis’ targets for achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 and emphasizes … Read the full press release

RINA and Eni Collaborate on Green Maritime Initiatives for Energy Transition

(IN BRIEF) RINA and Eni have signed an agreement to collaborate on initiatives aimed at the energy transition and decarbonization of their operations, with a focus on maritime transport. The partnership will explore the use of HVO biofuel produced by … Read the full press release

Eni Introduces HVOlution Initiative to Accelerate Sustainable Fuel Adoption in Heavy Transport

(IN BRIEF) Eni, a global energy company, has launched the HVOlution program to promote the use of HVOlution, their renewable diesel fuel, among their suppliers’ vehicles involved in fuel transportation to Eni Live Stations. This initiative aims to support the … Read the full press release

DNV-led Maritime Technologies Forum releases report on gaps in crew training and safety management for maritime decarbonisation

(IN BRIEF) The Maritime Technologies Forum (MTF) has released a report on gaps in safety management practices and crew training requirements for achieving safe maritime decarbonization. The report focuses on three existing Conventions/Codes: International Safety Management (ISM) Code, International Convention … Read the full press release

Stellantis’ Freedom of Mobility Forum debuts with “decarbonised world” debate

(IN BRIEF) Stellantis and Wavestone have published key takeaways from the Freedom of Mobility Forum’s inaugural digital debate, titled “In a decarbonized world, will freedom of mobility be affordable to a happy few only?” The debate featured a diverse group … Read the full press release

Eni’s Plenitude and CDP Equity commit to decarbonisation of Italy’s electricity sector through GreenIT investment

(IN BRIEF) GreenIT, the Italian joint venture between Plenitude (Eni) and CDP Equity (CDP Group), which produces electricity from renewable sources, has approved a new business plan for 2023-2027. The plan includes a total investment of €1.7 billion ($2 billion) … Read the full press release

JBIC Facilitates Partnership with ArcelorMittal to Support Japanese Companies in Steelmaking Industry

(IN BRIEF) ArcelorMittal and the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) signed an MOU on March 30, 2023, to strengthen their partnership in the steelmaking industry and decarbonization efforts. This agreement builds on their existing relationship, which includes JBIC’s financing … Read the full press release

Grupa Azoty Police partners with Ultra Safe Nuclear to promote decarbonisation of industrial processes

(IN BRIEF) Grupa Azoty Police, Ultra Safe Nuclear Corporation, and West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin have signed an agreement to develop a nuclear energy research facility based on Ultra Safe Nuclear’s Micro-Modular Reactor (MMR) technology. The first stage … Read the full press release

L’UE fixe un objectif de réduction de 80 % des émissions maritimes d’ici 2050

(ACTUALITÉ EN BREF) Le Parlement européen et le Conseil se sont mis d’accord sur un plan visant à réduire les émissions maritimes et à aider l’UE à atteindre son objectif de neutralité climatique. Le plan comprend l’établissement d’une norme de … Read the full press release

EU Sets 80% Reduction Target for Maritime Emissions by 2050

(IN BRIEF) The European Parliament and Council have agreed to a plan to reduce maritime emissions and help the EU achieve its climate neutrality target. The plan includes the establishment of a fuel standard for ships to promote renewable and … Read the full press release

APM Terminals Doubles Down on Switching to Renewable Electricity to Reduce Emissions

(IN BRIEF) APM Terminals is committed to achieving net zero across all scopes by 2040, with a focus on the increased use of renewable energy. The company has taken several actions to reduce its carbon footprint, including switching to renewable … Read the full press release

BP’s Latest Energy Outlook Examines Three Key Scenarios for Decarbonisation

(IN BRIEF) bp Energy Outlook has published its latest report exploring trends and uncertainties in the energy transition from now until 2050. The report updates its three main scenarios, Net Zero, Accelerated, and New Momentum, taking into account recent developments … Read the full press release

The European Investment Fund (EIF) commits EUR 50 million to the World Fund, Europe’s leading climate tech VC fund

World Fund invests in European climate tech start-ups The start-ups have the potential to save at least 100 million tons of CO2-equivalents per year The funds will be deployed across Europe – with a partial remit to invest in Germany … Read the full press release

The SBTi validation of Icade’s decarbonisation objectives reaffirms its leading role in the sustainable real estate

(PRESS RELEASE) PARIS, 7-Oct-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Icade (EPA: ICAD), a multinational integrated real estate player with a portfolio worth €14.8 billion and part of Caisse des dépôts et consignations, has announced its decarbonisation objectives for 2030 and 2050 for … Read the full press release

Ørsted commits to become the world’s first company to have all of its suppliers using 100 percent renewable electricity by 2025

(PRESS RELEASE) FREDERICIA, 10-Aug-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Ørsted (CPH: ORSTED), a Danish leading operator of offshore and onshore wind farms, solar farms, energy storage facilities, and bioenergy plants, has announced its commitment of becoming the world’s first company to have … Read the full press release

Ørsted verpflichtet sich, das erste Unternehmen der Welt zu werden, dessen Lieferanten bis 2025 zu 100 Prozent Strom aus erneuerbaren Energien beziehen

(PRESSEMITTEILUNG) FREDERICIA, 10-Aug-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Ørsted (CPH: ORSTED), ein führender dänischer Betreiber von Offshore- und Onshore-Windparks, Solarparks, Energiespeicheranlagen und Bioenergieanlagen, hat sein Engagement angekündigt, das weltweit erste Unternehmen zu werden, das alle seine Lieferanten bis 2025 zu 100 Prozent … Read the full press release

Germany’s largest heat accumulator will be built at Vattenfall’s site in Berlin and will contribute to the energy security in the country

(PRESS RELEASE) STOCKHOLM, 13-Jul-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Vattenfall, a Swedish Government-owned multinational power company, has announced that Germany’s largest heat accumulator/storage will be built at Vattenfall’s site at the Reuter West CHP plant in Berlin and will significantly contribute to … Read the full press release

Le plus grand accumulateur de chaleur d’Allemagne sera construit sur le site de Vattenfall à Berlin et contribuera à la sécurité énergétique du pays

(COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE) STOCKHOLM, 13-Jul-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Vattenfall, une société d’électricité multinationale appartenant au gouvernement suédois, a annoncé que le plus grand accumulateur/stockage de chaleur d’Allemagne sera construit sur le site de Vattenfall au Reuter centrale de cogénération de … Read the full press release

ArcelorMittal acquisition of 80 percent in voestalpine’s state-of-the-art HBI facility in Texas now completed

(PRESS RELEASE) LUXEMBOURG, 1-Jul-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — ArcelorMittal SA (AMS: MT), the world’s leading steel and mining company, has announced the completion of the acquisition of the majority shareholding (80%) of the world-class Hot Briquetted Iron (HBI) plant located in … Read the full press release

Finaliza la adquisición por parte de ArcelorMittal del 80 % de las instalaciones HBI de última generación de Voestalpine en Texas

(COMUNICADO DE PRENSA) LUXEMBOURG, 1-Jul-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — ArcelorMittal SA (AMS: MT), la principal siderúrgica y minera del mundo, ha anunciado la finalización de la adquisición de la participación mayoritaria (80 %) de la planta de clase mundial Hot Briquetted … Read the full press release