Tag Archives: Data Acquisition

Equinor, Okea and Pandion Confirm Promising Gas Discovery in Mistral Sør, Bolstering European Energy Security

(IN BRIEF) Equinor, in partnership with Okea and Pandion Energy, has confirmed a commercial gas and condensate discovery in the Mistral Sør exploration well located in the Halten area of the southern Norwegian Sea. Preliminary assessments estimate recoverable oil equivalent … Read the full press release

Alstom, CTCI consortium lands €720 million SEMPO contract for the delivery of integrated metro system for Taipei Circular Line Phase Two

Alstom to provide rolling stock, signalling, platform screen door solutions together with the project management and overall system integration Taipei Circular Line is the consortium’s second turnkey metro project successfully secured by Alstom in Taiwan recently The framework contract includes … Read the full press release