Tag Archives: Darmstadt

Merck’s Darmstadt Expansion: New €62 Million Facility to Elevate Quality Standards in Life Science

(IN BRIEF) Merck is investing €62 million in a new quality control facility at its Darmstadt headquarters as part of a larger €1.5 billion investment program. Scheduled for completion by mid-2025, the state-of-the-art facility will consolidate 135 employees into a … Read the full press release

Evonik’s DEGACRYL® Specialty Acrylate Production Goes Green with Renewable Energy

(IN BRIEF) Evonik’s Coating & Adhesive Resins Business Line in Darmstadt, Germany, has transitioned its production of DEGACRYL® specialty acrylates to renewable energy sources, reducing annual CO2 emissions by approximately 1,400 metric tons. This move aligns with the business line’s … Read the full press release

3D-Printed Components Transform Cargo Bikes into Ultralight Urban Transport

(IN BRIEF) Maniac & Sane, a cargo-bike manufacturer based in Darmstadt, Germany, is using 3D-printed components made of Evonik’s INFINAM® PA12 high-performance plastic to create ultralight cargo bikes. These cargo bikes are becoming popular in European city centers for environmentally … Read the full press release

Siemens Mobility and SPL Powerlines Germany consortium successfully completes eHighway system on B 462 federal highway

eHighway system on B 462 federal highway officially opened Innovation from Siemens Mobility: Third field trial with overhead truck power line in Germany  (PRESS RELEASE) MUNICH, 28-Jun-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — Siemens Mobility, redefining #mobility with intelligent infrastructure, sustainability, passenger experience and … Read the full press release

Fraunhofer IGD develops automated robotic arm to scan cultural objects in 3D, now cooperating with Phase One

The digital twin concept arrives in the museum world (PRESS RELEASE) DARMSTADT, 23-Feb-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — The Fraunhofer IGD in Darmstadt has developed a product to make it easier for museums to digitize their collections and is now cooperating with … Read the full press release

Evonik’s Resource Efficiency Segment unveils its new Friction & Motion Competence Center in Darmstadt, Germany

Evonik’s Friction & Motion Competence Center focuses on reducing energy loss caused by friction Generates synergistic growth by combining product and technology competencies to achieve flow efficiency DARMSTADT, 13-Jun-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — Evonik’s Resource Efficiency Segment has unveiled its new Friction … Read the full press release

Delivery of iron plates weighing a total of 4,000 tonnes started at FAIR and GSI in Darmstadt for the CMB detector complex

DARMSTADT, 22-Sep-2016 — /EuropaWire/ — Last Monday, the first of 900 iron plates weighing a total of 4,000 tonnes started making their way from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) to FAIR and GSI in Darmstadt. The plates will be used … Read the full press release

ENTEGA erneut im Test der Strom- und Gasanbieter ausgezeichnet

Energieversorger erhält von Check 24 Bestnote beim Kundenservice Darmstadt, Germany, 18-10-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — Das unabhängige Verbraucherportal Check24 hat pünktlich zum Start der neuen Heizperiode das Leistungsspektrum von insgesamt 40 bundesweit tätigen Gasanbietern untersucht. Als einziges Unternehmen erhält der Energieanbieter ENTEGA beim … Read the full press release

ENTEGA vor Ort im Monat August: Energieberatung in der Region

DARMSTADT (ac), 19-7-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — Im Monat August finden die nächsten Termine der Energieberatung des Energiedienstleisters ENTEGA statt. Die genauen Termine entnehmen Sie bitte der beigefügten Auflistung. Die Energieberater informieren, welche Folgen die Klimakrise für unsere Erde und für die … Read the full press release

Bayer acquired herbal medicines producer Steigerwald Arzneimittelwerk GmbH

Christian Sarto appointed Managing Director Leverkusen,  4-7-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — Bayer has completed the acquisition of Steigerwald Arzneimittelwerk GmbH, Darmstadt, Germany. The transaction was cleared by the relevant antitrust authorities. Christian Sarto (43), previously responsible for HealthCare mergers and acquisitions at Bayer … Read the full press release

Bayer acquired 100% of the shares of Steigerwald Arzneimittelwerk GmbH

Transaction includes Iberogast® and Laif® brands Leverkusen, Germany, 21-5-2013 — /europawire.eu/ —  Bayer signed an agreement Thursday to acquire 100% of the shares of Steigerwald Arzneimittelwerk GmbH, Darmstadt, Germany, a privately held pharmaceutical company specializing in pharmacy-only herbal medicines. Steigerwald’s product … Read the full press release