Joint News Release Sumitomo (SHI) Demag’s IntElect 1000 kN injection moulding machine performs in BASF’s injection moulding pilot plant Innovative manufacturing cell to produce a wide range of different test specimens Fully-digitised robotic processing and digital integration (PRESS RELEASE) LUDWIGSHAFEN, … Read the full press release →
Posted in Chemicals, Germany, Industrial, News, Technology
Tagged Angelika Homes, automation, BASF, compounds, engineering, Germany, H + S Automatisierung, high-performance polymers, injection moulding, injection moulding machine, IntElect 1000 kN, Ludwigshafen, manufacturing cell, Markus Hausmann, MES, polymer, polymers, Reinhard Jakobi, robot, robotics, Sumitomo (SHI) Demag, thermoplastic polymers, thermoplastics