Tag Archives: CO2

Outokumpu Completes Feasibility Study for Small Modular Reactor Project, Seeks External Investment for Development

(IN BRIEF) Outokumpu has completed a feasibility study for the potential construction of a Small Modular Reactor (SMR) near its Tornio plant in Finland, aimed at enhancing low-carbon energy availability. The study confirms the project’s feasibility and outlines several advantages, … Read the full press release

Forest Management: New tool utilizes Copernicus satellite data and advanced artificial intelligence (AI) to map, mitigate, and prevent threats to EU forests

(IN BRIEF) The Horizon Europe-funded SWIFTT project introduces a tool using Copernicus satellite data and AI to combat forest threats like insect outbreaks, wildfires, and windthrow. This innovation aims to boost productivity and cost-effectiveness for forest managers and policymakers. Forests … Read the full press release

Airbus Innovators Shortlisted for German Future Prize with CO2 Capture Breakthrough

(IN BRIEF) A team of engineers and a developer from Airbus has been shortlisted as one of the top three finalists for the prestigious German Future Prize 2023. Their nomination is in recognition of their innovative work in developing Direct … Read the full press release

TotalEnergies and Tree Energy Solutions Collaborate on Large-Scale e-NG Production Unit in the United States

(IN BRIEF) TotalEnergies and Tree Energy Solutions (TES) have formed a partnership to develop a large-scale production unit for e-natural gas (e-NG) in the United States. The project aims to produce 100,000 to 200,000 metric tons of e-NG per year … Read the full press release

Sweco to Lead Preliminary Research on Hydrogen Routes for Fluxys Belgium’s Pipeline Network

(IN BRIEF) Infrastructure company Fluxys Belgium has partnered with Sweco to prepare its pipeline network for the transportation of hydrogen and CO2. Sweco has been assigned to conduct a feasibility study and preliminary research for multiple hydrogen routes in Ghent … Read the full press release

Messer to Use BASF’s OASE® Blue Technology for CO2 Recovery Plant in Austria

(IN BRIEF) Industrial gases specialist, Messer, plans to launch a CO2 recovery plant in Austria in 2024, using BASF’s OASE® blue technology to recover CO2 from an industrial company’s flue gas. The recovered CO2 will be refined to food grade … Read the full press release

Holcim commits CHF 2 billion to capture over 5 million tons of CO2 per year by 2030

(IN BRIEF) Holcim has published its second climate report, sharing the acceleration of its net zero journey and upgraded 2030 climate targets, which are aligned with the 1.5°C framework and validated by the Science Based Targets initiative. The company aims … Read the full press release

E.ON and Horisont Energi, a Norwegian clean energy company, partner over large-scale CO2 removal solutions

(PRESS RELEASE) ESSEN, 30-Nov-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — E.ON (ETR: EOAN), one of Europe’s largest operators of energy networks and energy infrastructure, has announced a new collaboration with Horisont Energi (EURONEXT: HRGI), a Norwegian clean energy company, aimed at intensifying their … Read the full press release

E.ON et Horisont Energi, une société norvégienne d’énergie propre, s’associent pour des solutions d’élimination du CO2 à grande échelle

(COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE) ESSEN, 30-Nov-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — E.ON (ETR : EOAN), l’un des plus grands opérateurs européens de réseaux et d’infrastructures énergétiques, a annoncé une nouvelle collaboration avec Horisont Energi (EURONEXT : HRGI), une société norvégienne d’énergie propre, visait à … Read the full press release

Alfa Laval to participate in the world’s first project aimed at on-board capture, storage and off-loading of carbon dioxide (CO2) with technological and engineering expertise

(PRESS RELEASE) LUND, 5-Oct-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Alfa Laval, a world leader in heat transfer, centrifugal separation and fluid handling, has announced it will provide project technological and engineering expertise to the world´s first project aimed at on-board capture, storage … Read the full press release

Alfa Laval participe au premier projet au monde visant à capturer, stocker et décharger à bord du dioxyde de carbone (CO2) avec une expertise technologique et d’ingénierie

(COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE) LUND, 5-Oct-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Alfa Laval, un leader mondial du transfert de chaleur, de la séparation centrifuge et du traitement des fluides, a annoncé qu’il apportera son expertise technologique et d’ingénierie au premier projet au monde … Read the full press release

L’entreprise autrichienne de technologie de la mobilité AVL étend son infrastructure de test mondiale pour la technologie des piles à combustible et de l’hydrogène avec un nouveau centre de test de pointe à Graz, en Autriche

(COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE) GRAZ, Autriche, 20-Sep-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — AVL, l’un des leaders mondiaux des technologies de mobilité pour le développement, la simulation et les tests dans l’industrie automobile, a annoncé l’expansion substantielle de son infrastructure de test mondiale pour … Read the full press release

Empa researchers work on High Entropy Ceramics with potential use in energy storage and chemical production processes

(PRESS RELEASE) DÜBENDORF, 9-Aug-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Empa, the Swiss research institute for applied materials sciences and technology, has announced that its researchers Michael Stuer, Amy Knorpp, Jon Bell, Shangxiong Huangfu are working and researching on High Entropy Ceramics that … Read the full press release

Investigadores de Empa trabajan en Cerámica de Alta Entropía con uso potencial en almacenamiento de energía y procesos de producción química

(COMUNICADO DE PRENSA) DÜBENDORF, 9-Aug-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Empa, el instituto de investigación suizo de ciencia y tecnología de materiales aplicados, ha anunciado que sus investigadores Michael Stuer, Amy Knorpp, Jon Bell, Shangxiong Huangfu están trabajando e investigando en Cerámicas … Read the full press release

TotalEnergies to produce biomethane from Veolia waste and water treatment facilities as part of a new agreement

(PRESS RELEASE) PARIS, 2-Feb-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — TotalEnergies (EPA: TTE), one of the seven “supermajor” oil companies, has announced the company will start producing biomethane from waste and water treatment facilities located in 15 countries as part of a new … Read the full press release

TotalEnergies wird im Rahmen einer neuen Vereinbarung Biomethan aus Abfall- und Wasserbehandlungsanlagen von Veolia produzieren

(PRESSEMITTEILUNG) PARIS, 2-Feb-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — TotalEnergies (EPA: TTE), eines der sieben „Supermajor“-Ölunternehmen, hat angekündigt, dass das Unternehmen mit der Produktion von Biomethan aus Abfall- und Wasseraufbereitungsanlagen beginnen wird in 15 Ländern im Rahmen einer neuen Vereinbarung mit Veolia, einem … Read the full press release

Eni et Holcim s’associent pour une solution prometteuse d’utilisation du CO₂ basée sur la carbonatation des minéraux de silicate de magnésium

(COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE) MILAN, 28-Jan-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Eni (BIT : ENI), une multinationale énergétique italienne axée sur l’innovation, l’efficacité et l’accessibilité pour tous, et Holcim (SWX : HOLN), l’un des principaux fournisseurs mondiaux de ciment et de granulats, de béton et … Read the full press release

Eni, Holcim partner over promising solution for CO₂ utilisation based on the carbonation of magnesium silicate minerals

(PRESS RELEASE) MILAN, 28-Jan-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Eni (BIT: ENI), an Italian multinational energy company with focus on innovation, efficiency and accessibility for all, and Holcim (SWX: HOLN), one of the world’s leading suppliers of cement and aggregates, concrete and … Read the full press release

BASF, China BlueChemical and Wuhuan Engineering partner over low-carbon development and utilization of marine gas resources

BASF to develop and supply innovative catalyst solutions that enable CO2 direct utilization via reforming and synthesis gas to chemicals Reduction of carbon footprint via improved process efficiency and carbon efficiency is the core of the partnership Focus is on utilization … Read the full press release

Rolls-Royce Power Systems works on the development of mtu methanol engines to be used in commercial ships and yachts

Rolls-Royce Power Systems to set standards in high-speed marine methanol engines  New engines based on proven mtu technologies  Methanol and synthetic diesel as key fuels of the future for climate-friendly engine operation  Fuel cell another option on the way to … Read the full press release