Tag Archives: CEF

Baltic States Achieve Historic Electricity Grid Synchronization with Europe, Boosting Energy Security

(IN BRIEF) Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania have successfully synchronized their electricity grids with the European Continental European Network, marking a significant step in their energy independence from Russia and Belarus. This achievement, celebrated as “Energy Independence Day,” strengthens the region’s … Read the full press release

HØST PtX Esbjerg Secures EUR 13 Million DEVEX Grant to Advance Danish-German Hydrogen Economy

(IN BRIEF) The HØST PtX Esbjerg project has been awarded up to EUR 13 million in DEVEX funding by the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). This funding will support technical studies and front-end engineering design (FEED) work … Read the full press release

Die ORLEN-Gruppe eröffnet ihre erste Wasserstofftankstelle in Prag, um umweltfreundlichen Kraftstoff zu fördern

(IN KÜRZE) Die ORLEN-Gruppe hat eine neue Wasserstofftankstelle am Standort ORLEN Benzina in Prag in Betrieb genommen, die umweltfreundlichen Kraftstoff für Pkw, Lkw und Busse in der Tschechischen Republik anbieten wird. Später in diesem Jahr wird die ORLEN-Gruppe auch Wasserstofftankstellen … Read the full press release

ORLEN Group launches its first hydrogen refuelling station in Prague to promote eco-friendly fuel

(IN BRIEF) ORLEN Group has launched a new hydrogen refuelling station at the ORLEN Benzina facility in Prague, which will offer eco-friendly fuel for cars, trucks, and buses in the Czech Republic. Later this year, ORLEN Group will also introduce … Read the full press release

City Electrical Factors se traslada a la nube con la plataforma HPE GreenLake para mejorar la experiencia del cliente

(NOTICIA EN BREVE) City Electrical Factors (CEF), la principal red mayorista de electricidad del Reino Unido, ha elegido la plataforma del borde a la nube GreenLake de Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) como el primer paso en su viaje de transformación … Read the full press release

City Electrical Factors moves to the cloud with HPE GreenLake platform for improved customer experience

(IN BRIEF) City Electrical Factors (CEF), the United Kingdom’s leading electrical wholesale network, has chosen Hewlett Packard Enterprise’s (HPE) GreenLake edge-to-cloud platform as the first step in its digital transformation journey. The platform will allow CEF to optimize their infrastructure … Read the full press release

EBRD to support Egypt’s renewable energy sector by investing in the green bond issuance of Norwegian solar power producer Scatec ASA

EBRD investment of up to US$ 100 million in a certified green bond issuance in favour of Scatec ASA US$ 30 million Credit Enhancement Facility First private green project bond issuance in Egypt and the SEMED region (PRESS RELEASE) LONDON, … Read the full press release

EBWE wird Ägyptens Sektor für erneuerbare Energien unterstützen, indem sie in die Emission grüner Anleihen des norwegischen Solarstromproduzenten Scatec ASA investiert

EBWE-Investition von bis zu 100 Millionen US-Dollar in eine zertifizierte Green-Bond-Emission zugunsten von Scatec ASA Kreditverbesserungsfazilität in Höhe von 30 Millionen US-Dollar Emission der ersten privaten grünen Projektanleihe in Ägypten und der SEMED-Region (PRESSEMITTEILUNG) LONDON, 28-Apr-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Die … Read the full press release