Tag Archives: CEBINA

A URSAPHARM Arzneimittel e a CEBINA anunciam uma parceria com vista a reaproveitar o anti-histamínico azelastina para combater a COVID-19

URSAPHARM Arzneimittel and CEBINA announce partnership to repurpose the antihistamine azelastine to combat COVID-19

(PRESS RELEASE) SAARBRÜCKEN / VIENA, 17-Feb-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — Na luta contra o vírus SARS-CoV-2, um grande número de empresas farmacêuticas está em busca de novas abordagens para combater a pandemia. Além das vacinas, estão a ser feitos esforços intensivos … Read the full press release

URSAPHARM Arzneimittel et CEBINA annoncent un partenariat pour reconvertir l’antihistaminique azélastine afin de lutter contre la COVID-19

URSAPHARM Arzneimittel and CEBINA announce partnership to repurpose the antihistamine azelastine to combat COVID-19

(PRESS RELEASE) SARREBRUCK / VIENNE, 17-Feb-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — Dans la lutte contre le virus SRAS-CoV-2, un grand nombre d’entreprises pharmaceutiques recherchent de nouvelles approches pour combattre la pandémie. Outre les vaccins, des efforts intensifs de recherche et développement à … Read the full press release

URSAPHARM Arzneimittel y CEBINA anuncian una colaboración para readaptar el antihistamínico azelastine para combatir la COVID-19

URSAPHARM Arzneimittel and CEBINA announce partnership to repurpose the antihistamine azelastine to combat COVID-19

(PRESS RELEASE) SAARBRÜCKEN / VIENA, 17-Feb-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — En la lucha contra el virus SARS-CoV-2, una gran cantidad de empresas farmacéuticas están buscando nuevos enfoques para combatir la pandemia. Además de las vacunas, las iniciativas exhaustivas de investigación y … Read the full press release

Eveliqure announces the initiation of a Phase 1 clinical study of its combined Shigella and ETEC vaccine candidate

(PRESS RELEASE) VIENNA, 24-Sep-2020 — /EuropaWire/ — Eveliqure Biotechnologies GmbH, an Austrian biotechnology company, today announces the initiation of clinical testing for its ShigETEC vaccine candidate, with the dosing of the first subject in a Phase 1 safety and immunogenicity … Read the full press release