Tag Archives: CCS

Ørsted Moves Forward with Denmark’s First Full-Scale Carbon Capture and Storage Project at Kalundborg CO2 Hub

(IN BRIEF) Ørsted has made a significant step towards the realization of Denmark’s first full-scale carbon capture and storage project, the Ørsted Kalundborg CO2 Hub, with the successful installation of key components at Avedøre and Asnæs Power Stations. This milestone … Read the full press release

UK Energy Transition Outlook 2024: DNV Highlights Need for Policy Clarity

(IN BRIEF) DNV, a leading independent energy expert, released its 2024 UK Energy Transition Outlook (ETO) report, highlighting the urgent need for the UK Government to prioritize long-term policy clarity and consistency to drive the transition away from fossil fuels. … Read the full press release

DNV and SDTR Marine Collaborate on CCS Feasibility Study for Bulk Carrier

(IN BRIEF) DNV and SDTR Marine, a Singapore-based shipping company, have joined forces in a Joint Development Project (JDP) to conduct a feasibility study on Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) for SDTR Marine’s 85,000 dwt Kamsarmax bulk carrier. The collaboration … Read the full press release

DNV Grants GASA Certificate to KNCC’s LCO2-EP Tank System, Advancing CO2 Transportation

(IN BRIEF) DNV has awarded Knutsen NYK Carbon Carriers (KNCC) a General Approval for Ship Application (GASA) certificate for their LCO2-EP tank system, designed for transporting liquefied CO2. The innovative tank system, based on compressed natural gas principles, utilizes small-diameter … Read the full press release

Equinor impulsa las operaciones en el Reino Unido con la adquisición de Suncor Energy por $850 millones

(NOTICIA EN BREVE) Equinor UK Limited acordó adquirir Suncor Energy UK Limited por $ 850 millones, que incluye una participación no operada en el campo petrolero Buzzard (29,89 %) y una participación operada adicional en el desarrollo de Rosebank (40 … Read the full press release

Equinor Boosts UK Operations with $850 Million Suncor Energy Acquisition

(IN BRIEF) Equinor UK Limited has agreed to acquire Suncor Energy UK Limited for $850 million, which includes a non-operated interest in the Buzzard oil field (29.89%) and an additional operated interest in the Rosebank development (40%). The acquisition will … Read the full press release

E.ON and Horisont Energi, a Norwegian clean energy company, partner over large-scale CO2 removal solutions

(PRESS RELEASE) ESSEN, 30-Nov-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — E.ON (ETR: EOAN), one of Europe’s largest operators of energy networks and energy infrastructure, has announced a new collaboration with Horisont Energi (EURONEXT: HRGI), a Norwegian clean energy company, aimed at intensifying their … Read the full press release

TotalEnergies, as part of Bonaparte CCS Assessment joint venture, contributes to the low carbon LNG production in Australia

(PRESS RELEASE) PARIS, 24-Aug-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — TotalEnergies (EPA:TTE), a global multi-energy company with over 100,000 employees and presence in more than 130 countries as well as the world’s 3rd-largest low-carbon LNG company, has announced its participation, as part of … Read the full press release

TotalEnergies trägt als Teil des Joint Ventures Bonaparte CCS Assessment zur kohlenstoffarmen LNG-Produktion in Australien bei

(PRESSEMITTEILUNG) PARIS, 24-Aug-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — TotalEnergies (EPA:TTE), ein globales Multi-Energie-Unternehmen mit über 100.000 Mitarbeitern und Präsenz in mehr als 130 Ländern sowie das drittgrößte kohlenstoffarme LNG-Unternehmen der Welt hat seine Beteiligung als Teil des Joint Ventures Bonaparte CCS Assessment … Read the full press release

Equinor and Fluxys partner over building a major infrastructure for transporting captured CO2 in the North Sea

(PRESS RELEASE) STAVANGER, 29-Jun-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Equinor ASA (OSE:EQNR, NYSE:EQNR), an oil, gas, wind and solar energy company active in more than 30 markets globally, has announced it is partnering with Fluxys, a Belgium energy infrastructure group, over a … Read the full press release

Equinor und Fluxys arbeiten beim Aufbau einer großen Infrastruktur für den Transport von abgeschiedenem CO2 in der Nordsee zusammen

(PRESSEMITTEILUNG) STAVANGER, 29-Jun-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Equinor ASA (OSE:EQNR, NYSE:EQNR), ein Öl- und Gasunternehmen , ein Wind- und Solarenergieunternehmen, das weltweit in mehr als 30 Märkten tätig ist, hat seine Partnerschaft mit Fluxys, einer belgischen Energieinfrastrukturgruppe, bei einem Projekt zum … Read the full press release

Yara International ASA and Japan Bank for International Cooperation partner over clean ammonia in Japan

(PRESS RELEASE) OSLO, 15-Jun-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Yara International ASA, a global firm specializing in agricultural products and environmental protection agents and a leading global ammonia player, has announced the signature of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Japan Bank … Read the full press release

Yara International ASA und Japan Bank for International Cooperation sind Partner für sauberes Ammoniak in Japan

(PRESSEMITTEILUNG) OSLO, 15-Jun-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Yara International ASA, ein globales Unternehmen, das sich auf Agrarprodukte und Umweltschutzmittel spezialisiert hat und ein führender globaler Ammoniak-Akteur ist, hat die Unterzeichnung eines Memorandums bekannt gegeben of Understanding (MoU) mit der Japan Bank … Read the full press release

Ørsted to set carbon capture goals at its wood chip-fired combined heat and power plants

(PRESS RELEASE) FREDERICIA, 13-Jun-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Ørsted (CPH: ORSTED), a Danish leading operator of offshore and onshore wind farms, solar farms, energy storage facilities, and bioenergy plants, has announced a new 2025 goal of capturing and storing 400,000 tonnes … Read the full press release

Ørsted setzt sich Ziele für die CO2-Abscheidung in seinen mit Holzschnitzeln befeuerten Blockheizkraftwerken

(PRESSEMITTEILUNG) FREDERICIA, 13-Jun-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Ørsted (CPH: ORSTED), ein führender dänischer Betreiber von Offshore- und Onshore-Windparks, Solarparks, Energiespeicheranlagen und Bioenergieanlagen, hat dies bekannt gegeben ein neues Ziel für 2025, 400.000 Tonnen Kohlenstoff pro Jahr abzuscheiden und zu speichern, basierend … Read the full press release

bp commits to help the UK in its energy security and net zero goals with a massive £18 billion investment in the country’s energy system

(PRESS RELEASE) LONDON, 3-May-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — bp (LON: BP), a British multinational oil and gas company, has announced a massive £18 billion investment in the energy system of the UK aimed at boosting the country’s energy security and net … Read the full press release

bp s’engage à aider le Royaume-Uni à atteindre ses objectifs de sécurité énergétique et de zéro net avec un investissement massif de 18 milliards de livres sterling dans le système énergétique du pays

(COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE) LONDON, 3-May-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — bp (LON : BP), une multinationale pétrolière et gazière britannique, a a annoncé un investissement massif de 18 milliards de livres sterling dans le système énergétique du Royaume-Uni visant à renforcer la sécurité … Read the full press release

Eni and Air Liquide partner over decarbonization solutions in the Mediterranean region of Europe

(PRESS RELEASE) SAN DONATO MILANESE, 21-Mar-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Eni (BIT: ENI), an Italian multinational energy company with focus on innovation, efficiency and accessibility for all, and Air Liquide, a world leader in gases, technologies and services for Industry and … Read the full press release

Equinor im Jahr 2021: starke Betriebsleistung bei hoher Produktionseffizienz

Oberste Priorität für das Unternehmen ist in dieser Situation, weiterhin eine zuverlässige und sichere Energieversorgung nach Europa sicherzustellen (PRESSEMITTEILUNG) STAVANGER, 18-Mar-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Equinor ASA (OSE:EQNR, NYSE:EQNR), ein Öl-, Gas-, Wind- und Solarenergieunternehmen, das in mehr als 30 Märkten … Read the full press release

Equinor in 2021: strong operational performance with high production efficiency

Top priority for the company in this situation is to continue securing reliable and safe delivery of energy to Europe (PRESS RELEASE) STAVANGER, 18-Mar-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Equinor ASA (OSE:EQNR, NYSE:EQNR), an oil, gas, wind and solar energy company active … Read the full press release