Tag Archives: Cairo

University of Bristol-Led Study Warns Global Megacities Face Escalating Flood and Drought Risks Amid Climate Extremes

(IN BRIEF) A new study led by WaterAid, in collaboration with researchers from the University of Bristol and Cardiff University, reveals that the world’s 100 most populous cities are increasingly vulnerable to both flooding and drought due to climate change. … Read the full press release

University of Exeter and Ain Shams University Launch First Russell Group Branch Campus in Africa

(IN BRIEF) The University of Exeter has formed a transformative partnership with Ain Shams University in Cairo to establish the first-ever Russell Group branch campus in Africa. This collaboration will offer globally accredited programs, including undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, and … Read the full press release

Talgo Delivers Intercity Trains to Egypt Ahead of Schedule for Alexandria-Cairo-Aswan Line

(IN BRIEF) Talgo, a leading train manufacturer, has successfully delivered and put into service the last of six Intercity trains in Egypt, connecting Alexandria with Cairo and Aswan. The delivery was completed over five months ahead of schedule, and the … Read the full press release

EBRD hosts first event of Alliance for Entrepreneurship in Africa to support North African start-ups

(IN BRIEF) The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) hosted an event in Cairo to launch the Alliance for Entrepreneurship in Africa. The aim of the Alliance is to promote cooperation between policymakers and stakeholders in the African start-up … Read the full press release

EBRD to provide US$ 25 million financing package to the Export Development Bank of Egypt in support of SMEs and women-led businesses

EBRD financing package of US$ 25 million to EBank in Egypt EU-supported facility to expand access to finance for SMEs and women-led businesses Package to include business advice and training for women-owned SMEs (PRESS RELEASE) LONDON, 19-May-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — … Read the full press release

Die EBWE stellt der Export Development Bank of Egypt ein Finanzierungspaket in Höhe von 25 Millionen US-Dollar zur Unterstützung von KMU und von Frauen geführten Unternehmen zur Verfügung

EBWE-Finanzierungspaket von 25 Millionen US-Dollar an die EBank in Ägypten EU-unterstützte Fazilität zur Erweiterung des Zugangs zu Finanzierungen für KMU und von Frauen geführte Unternehmen Paket mit Unternehmensberatung und Schulung für von Frauen geführte KMU (PRESSEMITTEILUNG) LONDON, 19-May-2022 — /EuropaWire/ … Read the full press release

Henkel and Plastic Bank expand recycling ecosystems with the opening of three collection centers in Egypt

(PRESS RELEASE) DÜSSELDORF, Germany, CAIRO, Egypt, 31-Mar-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — Henkel together with its partner Plastic Bank announce the opening of their first three plastic waste collection centers in Cairo. The project is part of Henkel’s successful and long-term partnership … Read the full press release