Tag Archives: Business

Daag jezelf uit op de 3e CASSINI Hackathon en blaas toerisme nieuw leven in

(PERSBERICHT) NOORDWIJK, Nederland, 14-Apr-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Daag jezelf uit op de 3e CASSINI Hackathon en blaas toerisme nieuw leven in. Thema: (Re)Visit Europe De 3e CASSINI Hackathon vindt plaats van 12-14 mei verspreid over 10 locaties in Europa. Als … Read the full press release

New media brand called 2050 launching in early 2022 to target young people concerned about the environment and climate change

(PRESS RELEASE) MUNICH, 1-Dec-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — Burda Verlag, a German media group, has announced the launch of a new print magazine with focus on environment, society, culture and business. The new media brand will be called 2050 and will … Read the full press release

Discover how business proposals almost write themselves with the use of Artificial Intelligence in a new update from Offorte.com

Discover how business proposals almost write themselves with the use of Artificial Intelligence in a new update from Offorte.com

(PRESS RELEASE) BREDA, The Netherlands, 21-Jan-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — Discover how business proposals almost write themselves with the use of Artificial Intelligence in a new update from Offorte.com. Proposal software Offorte makes it easy to create business proposals using the new … Read the full press release

Central European Online Travel Agency Group Szallas.hu PLC. further strengthens its international presence

Hungary-based OTA Szallas.hu PLC. has completed the acquisition of intercountry booking site ‘Utazok.hu’ and Maiutazás Group, closing its high-value transactions in the region. After buying ‘Spanie.pl’, merging with HOTEL.CZ a.s. and taking partial ownership of ‘Travelminit’ in the past two … Read the full press release

Continental’s 4Q bolstered in part by strong sales of winter tires and the positive market development in the non-automotive industrial business

Stable operating performance in fourth quarter as expected Annual sales rise to around €44.4 billion (organic growth at about 3 percent) Adjusted EBIT for the year: around €4.1 billion (margin at about 9.2 percent) Free cash flow was higher than … Read the full press release

Women to make up two of the three members of DEG’s Management Board with the appointment of Christiane Laibach and Monika Beck

COLOGNE, 04-Jul-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — Christiane Laibach has taken office as Chair of the Management Board of DEG. She succeeds Bruno Wenn. Monika Beck has been appointed as a new member of the DEG Management Board. Bruno Wenn retires Christiane … Read the full press release

Mit der Eröffnung eines neuen Büros in Spanien stärkt IN-GRY seine Präsenz in Europa

MONTREAL, 15. Juni 2018 — /EuropaWire/ — IN-RGY, das in Quebec ansässige, auf die Transformation von Organisationen, den Einsatz von Lösungen für Human Resources und die intelligente Automatisierung von Aufgaben und Prozessen mittels robotergesteuerter Prozessautomatisierung (RPA) spezialisierte Unternehmen, gibt die … Read the full press release

Con la inauguración de una nueva sede en España, IN-RGY reforzará su presencia en Europa

MONTRÉAL, 15 de junio de 2018 — /EuropaWire/ — IN-RGY, la empresa oriunda de Quebec especializada en transformación organizativa, implementación de Soluciones de Capital humano y automatización inteligente de tareas y procesos a través de robótica (RPA su sigla en inglés) … Read the full press release

With the opening of a new office in Spain, IN-RGY strengthens its business presence in Europe

MONTRÉAL, 15-Jun-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — IN-RGY, the Québec company specializing in organizational transformation, deployment of Human Capital solutions and intelligent automation of tasks and processes via Robotic Process Automation (RPA) systems announces the opening of its latest office in Grenada … Read the full press release

Avec l’ouverture d’un nouveau bureau en Espagne, IN-RGY renforce sa présence commerciale en Europe

MONTRÉAL, le 15 juin 2018 — /EuropaWire/ — IN-RGY, l’entreprise québécoise spécialisée dans la transformation organisationnelle, le déploiement de solutions de gestion de capital humain et l’automatisation intelligente des tâches via des systèmes d’automatisation de processus robotiques («Robotic Process Automation … Read the full press release

Inmarsat’s market-leading Jet ConneX business aviation inflight wifi service now installed and activated on 275 business jets worldwide

Impressive milestone reached after next-generation service is selected by the world’s leading business jet manufacturers as a preferred linefit option LONDON, 02-Jun-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — Inmarsat (LON: ISAT), the world’s leading provider of global mobile satellite communications, announced today that its … Read the full press release

Forms-2-Go – Complete Set of Business Forms for Smartphones, Tablets and PCs

Forms-2-Go app puts business forms (invoices, work orders, time sheets, HVAC, etc.) right into customers’ hands and works on iPad, iPhone Android, PCs. Dublin, OH, USA, 27-Jun-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — MaximumSoft Corp. announced release of Forms-2-Go app new version. This … Read the full press release

PiceaEraser™ Online market breakthrough – Piceasoft signs a contract with RAS Infotech for the Middle East and India for its whole product portfolio

TAMPERE, Finland, 19-Apr-2016 — /EuropaWire/ — Piceasoft and United Arab Emirates-based RAS Infotech have signed an agreement to offer Piceasoft’s full product portfolio to their customers in the Middle East and India. The initial number of shops where the solution … Read the full press release

Sika announced it now owns 100% of Dyflex HD Co Japan

Baar, Switzerland, 7-1-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — Sika has acquired the remaining 24.5% of Dyflex HD Co., Ltd. as of January 7, 2014 and achieves 100% ownership. The complete takeover further strengthens Sika’s position in the Japanese construction market. Sika has been … Read the full press release

Natixis Asset Management annonce la création de la société de gestion Mirova

Paris, France, 7-1-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — Pour accélérer le développement de son pôle d’expertise en investissement responsable, Natixis Asset Management annonce la création de la société de gestion Mirova¹. Mirova a pour ambition de devenir, dans les cinq prochaines années, un des leaders de l’Investissement … Read the full press release

Natixis Asset Management to establish new management company named Mirova

Paris, France, 7-1-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — In order to accelerate the development of its responsible investment activities, Natixis Asset Management announces the creation of the management company Mirova¹. It is Mirova’s ambition to become an international leader in Responsible Investment within the next five years. … Read the full press release

Inmarsat announced it completed Globe Wireless acquisition

London, UK, 7-1-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — Inmarsat (LSE:ISAT.L), the leading provider of global mobile satellite communications services, today confirmed that it had completed regulatory and other approvals in relation to its US$45 million purchase of Globe Wireless, the Florida-based leading provider of value-added … Read the full press release

Social gaming company Pretty Simple to lease 3,500 sq.m.of Société Foncière Lyonnaise’s historic building at 6 rue de Hanovre in Paris

Paris, France, 7-1-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — The company Pretty Simple has taken a lease on all 3,500 sq.m. of the Société Foncière Lyonnaise’s magnificent “art nouveau” building, located at 6 rue de Hanovre in the 2nd arrondissement of Paris. This signature is … Read the full press release

Bankinter CEO María Dolores Dancausa named best Ibex CEO in 2013 by Forbes Magazine

Creation of shareholder value, ability to raise funds on the markets and diversification of activities were among the main criteria. Madrid, Spain, 7-1-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — The chief executive of Bankinter, María Dolores Dancausa, has been selected by Forbes Magazine as the … Read the full press release

Bankinter ended 2013 as the most profitable banking stock in the Euro Stoxx 600

Ends the year as the most profitable bank in the Euro Stoxx 600 and the second best performing stock in the Ibex 35, with a gain of nearly 150%. The Bank’s market capitalisation is up from €1.77 billion at the … Read the full press release