Tag Archives: bridges

Webuild Enhances Global Leadership Across Multiple Sectors in the 2024 ENR Rankings

(IN BRIEF) Webuild has further solidified its global leadership in multiple sectors according to the 2024 Engineering News-Record (ENR) rankings. The Group ranks first in the Dams & Reservoirs and Sanitary & Storm Sewers sectors, plays a significant role in … Read the full press release

Italian A32 Motorway Gets €247 Million Boost from EIB and Partners

(IN BRIEF) European Investment Bank (EIB), Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP), UniCredit, SACE, and Società Italiana per il Traforo Autostradale del Frejus S.p.A (SITAF) have agreed to provide €247 million for the modernization and safety improvement of the A32 motorway … Read the full press release

Voith Hydro and STRUCINSPECT collaborate to maximize potential of hydropower stations

(IN BRIEF) Hydroelectric equipment supplier, Voith Hydro, has partnered with Austrian start-up STRUCINSPECT to improve the digital inspection and management of hydropower stations. STRUCINSPECT’s Infrastructure Lifecycle Hub is being used to maintain dams, bridges, and tunnels in a safe, sustainable, … Read the full press release

Webuild led consortium to build part of a highway via the Carpathian Mountains in Romania in a project worth €1 billion

Highway crosses Carpathian Mountains for 37.4 kilometres Lot 3 is most complex in engineering terms Lot 3 includes 1.7-kilometre tunnel, 48 viaducts Contract to create more than 40,000 jobs (PRESS RELEASE) MILAN, 13-May-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Webuild, an Italian industrial … Read the full press release

Ein von Webuild geleitetes Konsortium zum Bau eines Teils einer Autobahn durch die Karpaten in Rumänien in einem Projekt im Wert von 1 Milliarde Euro

Die Autobahn durchquert die Karpaten auf 37,4 Kilometern Los 3 ist in technischer Hinsicht am komplexesten Los 3 umfasst einen 1,7 Kilometer langen Tunnel und 48 Viadukte Auftrag zur Schaffung von mehr als 40.000 Arbeitsplätzen (PRESS RELEASE) MILAN, 13-May-2022 — … Read the full press release

Cossi Costruzioni, part of the Italian Webuild Group, to work on motorway maintenance, safety and acoustic barriers projects as part of contracts the company won in Italy

(PRESS RELEASE) MILAN, 17-Mar-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Webuild, an Italian industrial group specialised in the construction and civil engineering, formerly Salini Impregilo, has announced that its subsidiary Cossi Costruzioni, a construction company with focus on infrastructure projects, will perform extraordinary … Read the full press release

Skanska contracted to design and build Big Bend Rd I-75 Interchange in Florida

(PRESS RELEASE) STOCKHOLM, 23-Sep-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — Skanska (STO: SKA-B), a world leading project development and construction group, has announced it signed a contract with the Florida Department of Transportation for the design and building of a new interchange at … Read the full press release

Skanska to build highway section between Staré Město – Moravský Písek in Czech Republic for EUR 77M

(PRESS RELEASE) STOCKHOLM, 19-Jul-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — Multinational construction and development company Skanska announces that it has signed a EUR 77M (SEK 780M) worth contract with National Highway Authority of the Czech Republic for the construction of a highway section … Read the full press release

Dr. techn. Olav Olsen AS and NIRAS awarded major framework agreement on bridges in Norway by The Norwegian Road Administration, Region South

A newly signed framework agreement for the Norwegian Public Roads Administration, Region South, has strengthened NIRAS’ role as a significant player in the infrastructure market in Norway. The goal of becoming a recognized Scandinavian consultant for infrastructure has therefore moved … Read the full press release

ALLPLAN unveils powerful solution for the parametric modeling of bridges

Intuitive and time-saving creation of parametric bridge models Total freedom of geometric design of the bridge Design modifications implemented in minutes instead of days MUNICH, 23-Apr-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — ALLPLAN, an international provider of open solutions for Building Information Modeling (BIM), … Read the full press release

schlaich bergermann partner awarded the German Bridge Design Prize Deutscher Brückenbaupreis 2018 in the category Street and Railway bridges

Schlaich bergermann partner are the winners in the “Street and Railway bridges” category Their winning project “Bleichinselbrücke” is designed using Allplan Engineering ALLPLAN sponsored the German Bridge Design Prize MUNICH, 23-Mar-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — On March, 12th, the engineering office schlaich … Read the full press release

European Commission announced new measures to get more freight onto Europe’s rivers and canals

11-9-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — The European Commission today announced new measures1 to get more freight onto Europe’s rivers and canals. Barges are amongst the most climate-friendly and energy efficient forms of transport but currently they only carry about 6% of European cargo each … Read the full press release