Tag Archives: bitcoin ETP

SIX begrüsst Invesco Digital Markets PLC als neuen Bitcoin-ETP-Emittenten an der Schweizer Börse

(PRESSEMITTEILUNG) ZÜRICH, 20-Jan-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — SIX Group, die Betreiberin der Infrastruktur für Der Schweizer Finanzplatz hat einen neuen Emittenten, Invesco Digital Markets PLC, von börsengehandelten Kryptoprodukten (ETPs) angekündigt, die an der SIX Swiss Exchange, Europas drittgrößter Börse, notiert werden … Read the full press release

SIX welcomes Invesco Digital Markets PLC as new Swiss Stock Exchange bitcoin ETP issuer

(PRESS RELEASE) ZÜRICH, 20-Jan-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — SIX Group, the operator of the infrastructure for the Swiss financial centre, has announced a new issuer, Invesco Digital Markets PLC, of crypto Exchange Traded Products (ETPs) to be listed on SIX Swiss … Read the full press release

SIX welcomes CoinShares as new Swiss Stock Exchange bitcoin ETP issuer

(PRESS RELEASE) ZURICH, 19-Jan-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — Swiss financial centre infrastructure operator SIX announces that CoinShares has joined the Swiss Stock Exchange as new ETP issuer. CoinShares is already the second product issuer joining the Swiss Stock Exchange in 2021. … Read the full press release