(PRESS RELEASE) DÜBENDORF, 20-Jan-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Empa, the Swiss research institute for applied materials sciences and technology, has announced that a software tool aimed at supporting fleet managers in transforming truck fleet to low-CO2 powertrains jointly developed by the … Read the full press release →
Posted in Automotive, Energy, Gas & Oil, Environment, Germany, News, Switzerland, Technology, Transportation & Logistics
Tagged Audi, biodiesel trucks, biogas, biogas trucks, BMW, Bosch, Christian Bach, CO2 emissions, CO2 savings, Continental, Daimler, decarbonization, eLCAr, ELECTRIC, Electric car, electric trucks, electric vehicles, Empa, ETH Zurich, freight transports, greenhouse gas emissions, HERE, hydrogen, hydrogen trucks, Intel, logistics, low-CO2 powertrains, Migros, myclimate, navigation software, powertrain systems, renewable energy, route planning, SAE, Society of Automotive Engineers, software, Tencent Group, truck fleet, Trucks