Tag Archives: biofuels

Pöyry celebrates its 60th anniversary with an epic ‘Carbon Clash’ event

HELSINKI, 14-Nov-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — Pöyry is today hosting an epic ‘Carbon Clash’ event in the iconic Finlandia Hall, Helsinki, in celebration of its 60th anniversary. Attended by over 250 industry leaders and world-class experts, the Carbon Clash is set … Read the full press release

Royal DSM unveils full portfolio of yeast and enzymes for starch, fiber and biomass conversions

Elgin, IL , USA, 28-Mar-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — Royal DSM, a global science-based company active in health, nutrition and materials, announces its commitment to bring innovative solutions to the biofuels industry with a full portfolio offering of yeast and enzymes for … Read the full press release

VIB-UGent: The combination of a low lignin amount and increased biomass in our engineered plants led to a four-fold increase in sugar release compared to wild plants

Ghent, Belgium, 26-Feb-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — To ease the industrial processing of plant biomass into energy, plants are engineered to contain less lignin. Unfortunately, this intervention typically leads to reduced yield. Researchers have now discovered a way to overcome this problem. … Read the full press release

Abengoa to build the first plant that will produce biofuels from Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) in United States with gasification technology

Abengoa will undertake the work for Fulcrum BioEnergy after financial closure for the project was successfully reached. Abengoa has been involved in the preliminary works for over year. The project is worth 205 MUSD. SEVILLE, 09-Nov-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — Abengoa (MCE: … Read the full press release

Neste: We appreciate the US EPA’s commitment to biofuels and continued support to Renewable Fuel Standard program

The US EPA announced its proposal on renewable fuel volume requirements ESPOO, 12-Jul-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the USA finalized the renewable fuel volume requirements for 2018 under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) program on 5 … Read the full press release

Sustainable aviation biofuels partnership created between Airbus, Air France, Safran and Total

Le Bourget, 24-6-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — At the Paris Air Show 2013, Airbus, Air France, Safran and Total organized the “Joining our Energies – Biofuel Initiative France” flight to illustrate the French industry’s technical capacity to integrate aeronautical biofuels. The four players … Read the full press release