Tag Archives: biofuel

PKN ORLEN announces commitment to achieve emission neutrality by 2050

(PRESS RELEASE) PŁOCK, 9-Sep-2020 — /EuropaWire/ — Polish oil refiner and petrol retailer PKN ORLEN is the first oil company in Central Europe to declare plans to achieve emission neutrality by 2050. In order to reach this goal, by 2030 … Read the full press release

NIB loans EUR 17 million to Moelven Industrier for new wood pellet and bioenergy plant at Sokna, Norway

(PRESS RELEASE) HELSINKI, 22-Jul-2020 — /EuropaWire/ — The international financial institution with focus on the Nordic and Baltic countries The Nordic Investment Bank (NIB) has announced it will provide NOK 200 million (EUR 17.73 million) to Moelven Industrier ASA in … Read the full press release

Neste: US EPA’s 2020 renewable volume final rule increases requirements for biomass-based diesel from the 2019 standard by 330 million gallons for 2020

ESPOO, 03-Dec-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the US published the final ruling covering renewable fuel volume requirements under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) program for 2019, and biomass-based diesel for 2020 on 30 November 2018. Neste … Read the full press release

Transport operator Citram Aquitaine runs ED95-driven Scania’s Interlink LD Euro 6 on bioethanol produced from grape marc

Södertälje, Sweden, 03-Sep-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — The vineyards of Bordeaux are doubtless best known for the fine wines they produce. But they are getting things right in more ways than one. With grape marc, the residue produced in the wine-making … Read the full press release

Preem Collaborates with Vattenfall on Large-scale Biofuel Project

STOCKHOLM, 20-Mar-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — Preem and Vattenfall have concluded an agreement to investigate the potential of using climate-smart hydrogen gas in the large scale production of biofuel for the Swedish market. Preem’s objective is to produce three million cubic … Read the full press release

Neste Head of Aviation Regulation Henrik Erämetsä appointed Co-Chair of EU initiative ‘the European Advanced Biofuels Flightpath’

HELSINKI, 29-Sep-2016 — /EuropaWire/ — Henrik Erämetsä, Head of Aviation Regulation at Neste has been appointed Co-Chair of the EU initiative ‘the European Advanced Biofuels Flightpath’ as a representative of the biofuels industry. Mr. Erämetsä will co-chair together with Ruben Alblas … Read the full press release

EC found Belgium’s 12-months excise duty reductions phasing-out scheme granted to 7 biofuel producers in line with EU state aid rules

Brussels, Belgium, 18-10-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — The European Commission has found a 12-months phasing-out of excise duty reductions granted by Belgium to seven biofuel producers to be in line with EU state aid rules. The seven producers, who were selected in 2006 … Read the full press release