(IN BRIEF) Metso has announced its acquisition of Selm (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd, a Chinese manufacturer specializing in screening solutions for the mining and aggregates industries. The acquisition will enhance Metso’s ability to offer comprehensive screening services to customers in … Read the full press release →
Posted in Business, Environment, Financial, Finland, Government, Industrial, Investment, Management, Metals and Minerals, News, Technology
Tagged acquisition, aggregates, banana screens, capital screen parts, CHINA, Greater China, horizontal screens, Huifeng Tang, inclined screens, Jouni Mähönen, Ltd, market strategy, Media, Metso, micro-sizing screening solutions, mining, mobile screens, Northeast China, partnership, portable screens, repairs, screening equipment, screening media, Screening Solutions, Selm, Selm (Beijing) Technology Co., services, Shenyang, sustainability, ultrafine screens, Xiaofeng Liang