Tag Archives: artificial intelligence

Saab’s Arexis Sensor Suite Preferred for German Eurofighter EW Variant

(IN BRIEF) Saab’s Arexis sensor suite has been selected as the preferred solution for the German Eurofighter Electronic Warfare (EW) variant by Germany’s defence procurement office (BAAINBw). This follows Germany’s plan to equip 15 Eurofighters for EW missions. Saab’s Arexis … Read the full press release

Vodafone’s Groundbreaking IoT Solution Mitigates Human-Wildlife Conflict for Conservation

(IN BRIEF) Vodafone is tackling the issue of human-wildlife conflict with a new IoT solution designed to promote peaceful coexistence between humans and wildlife. The technology utilizes a combination of solar power, rechargeable batteries, and cameras equipped with advanced algorithms … Read the full press release

Europe’s Digital Targets at Risk Without Regulatory Action, Warns Vodafone

Vodafone Urges Regulatory Reboot to Safeguard Europe's Digital Future

(IN BRIEF) Vodafone has warned that Europe’s digital future is at risk without a reboot of regulations. The company is calling for decisive action from the European Commission to address challenges in the telecommunications sector and ensure that Europe’s digital … Read the full press release

ANDRITZ to Demonstrate Sustainable Wood Industry Solutions at LIGNA 2023 in Hanover

(IN BRIEF) ANDRITZ, an international technology group, will present its latest technologies and services for the wood industry at LIGNA 2023 in Hanover, Germany, from May 15 to 19. The company’s theme for the event is “Building the Future Together,” … Read the full press release

ASML and TU/e to jointly develop new cleanroom space for academic research

(IN BRIEF) ASML and Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) have agreed to jointly develop a 10-year strategic research plan in plasma physics, artificial intelligence, mechatronics and semiconductor lithography. Both parties will invest equally in the joint programme, which will create … Read the full press release

University of Glasgow to Leverage AI and Data Science for Positive Social Impact as Part of Turing Network

(IN BRIEF) The University of Glasgow has been named as a founding member of the Turing University Network, a new network of 36 UK universities created by The Alan Turing Institute to leverage data science and artificial intelligence (AI) for … Read the full press release

Nordic Investment Bank and Elekta AB continue cooperation with €50 million R&D loan for cancer treatment innovations

(IN BRIEF) Nordic Investment Bank (NIB) and Elekta AB, a Swedish medical equipment manufacturer, have agreed to a 7-year loan deal worth €50 million to finance R&D investments in oncology solutions and treatment. The loan will support Elekta’s research and … Read the full press release

Airbus tests Auto’Mate technologies for autonomous formation flight and air-to-air refueling

(IN BRIEF) Airbus Defence and Space and its subsidiary, Airbus UpNext, have successfully achieved in-flight autonomous guidance and control of a drone using an A310 MRTT. The Auto’Mate technologies were tested on several DT-25 target drones, and during almost six … Read the full press release

XSpline SPA / University of Linz (Austria): the first patient has been enrolled in the international multicenter clinical study for the Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy DeliveRy guided by non-Invasive electrical and VEnous anatomy assessment (CRT-DRIVE)

XSpline Cloud: First-in-class cloud platform for personalized cardiac resynchronization therapy evaluated in International Clinical Trial; first procedure performed at the Ordensklinikum Linz Elisabethinen Hospital (Austria). (IN BRIEF) XSpline SPA, an Italian start-up company, and the Ordensklinikum Linz Elisabethinen Hospital in … Read the full press release

Skoda Auto adopta el mantenimiento predictivo a través del reconocimiento de imágenes basado en IA

(NOTICIA EN BREVE) Skoda Auto ha implementado un sistema de reconocimiento de imágenes basado en IA llamado “Ojo Mágico” para monitorear su equipo de línea de montaje e identificar cualquier irregularidad que pueda requerir trabajo de mantenimiento. El sistema utiliza … Read the full press release

Thales für wirkungsvolle Innovationen in Clarivates Top 100 Global Innovators™ 2023 anerkannt

(IN KÜRZE) Thales wurde von Clarivate Top 100 Global Innovators™ 2023, einem globalen Maßstab für Innovation, basierend auf der Anzahl der eingereichten Patente und ihrem Erfolg und Einfluss, zu einem der sieben innovativsten französischen Unternehmen und Institutionen der Welt ernannt. … Read the full press release

Infineon Technologies AG étend son expertise dans l’analyse prédictive basée sur l’IA pour les machines et équipements industriels grâce à l’acquisition d’Industrial Analytics, une startup basée à Berlin

(COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE) MUNICH/ BERLIN, 11-Aug-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Infineon Technologies AG (FSE : IFX / OTCQX : IFNNY), ​​un semi-conducteur allemand a annoncé l’expansion de son expertise dans le domaine de l’analyse prédictive alimentée par l’IA pour les machines et équipements … Read the full press release

T-Systems et Envision Digital vont déployer l’IA et l’IoT pour réduire les émissions de CO2 en Allemagne

(COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE) BONN, 4-Aug-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Deutsche Telekom (ETR : DTE), l’une des principales sociétés de télécommunications intégrées au monde et le plus grand fournisseur de télécommunications en Europe en termes de chiffre d’affaires, a annoncé que sa filiale … Read the full press release

Clearstream va prédire les échecs de règlement avec le lancement de l’outil de prédiction de règlement alimenté par l’IA à la lumière du prochain régime de discipline de règlement (SDR)

Le tableau de bord des colonies et l’outil de prédiction des colonies alimenté par l’IA offrent des informations sur les colonies passées, présentes et futures De nouveaux outils augmentent l’efficacité et la liquidité pour l’ensemble du marché, optimisant le cycle … Read the full press release

Deutsche Telekom annonce la publication de son article sur la responsabilité numérique des entreprises (CDR)

Deutsche Telekom assume sa responsabilité numérique La technologie centrée sur l’humain au centre de la nouvelle responsabilité numérique de l’entreprise Mise en œuvre soutenue par la communauté de compétences de Deutsche Telekom (COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE) BONN, 9-Jun-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — … Read the full press release

Robert Bosch Venture Capital GmbH va lancer un nouveau fonds de 250 millions d’euros destiné aux startups

Cinquième fonds créé avec 250 millions d’euros La filiale de capital-risque RBVC va ouvrir un deuxième bureau aux États-Unis Stefan Hartung : “Nos investissements dans les startups favorisent le progrès technologique dans les entreprises et la société.” Ingo Ramesohl : … Read the full press release

Digitalization meets design and art at the Museum für Gestaltung Zürich as part of an exhibition that starts on 11 February, 2022

(PRESS RELEASE) ZURICH, 7-Feb-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — University of Zurich, the largest university in Switzerland, and the Museum für Gestaltung Zürich, a leading Swiss museum of design and visual communication, have announced the Planet Digital exhibition will be held between … Read the full press release

T-Systems extends collaboration with Google Cloud to help key industries in their journeys to cloud and digital transformations

T-Systems to become a strategic industry solutions integrator and innovation partner for Google Cloud in key industries Deutsche Telekom subsidiary is now also a managed services provider for Google Cloud (PRESS RELEASE) BONN, 27-Jul-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — T-Systems and Google … Read the full press release