Inmarsat delivers highly reliable hybrid satellite/cellular and LoRaWAN technologies to ensure that ApisProtect can provide services to beekeepers no matter how remote their location is Severe food shortages can occur across the world without a healthy bee population (PRESS RELEASE) … Read the full press release →
Posted in Agriculture, Environment, Internet & Online, Ireland, News, Technology, Telecom, United Kingdom
Tagged agritech, Andrew Wood, Aoife O’ Mahony, apiaries, ApisMonitor Unit, ApisProtect, bee colonies, bee population, Bee researchers, beekeepers, Bees, BGAN connectivity, commercial beekeepers, connectivity, Dr Fiona Edwards Murphy, Edward Dodge, Fergus Lynch, food shortage, honey bees, IIoT, Inmarsat, IoT, IoT solution, James Grisbrook, Jonathan Sinnatt, LoRaWAN technologies, machine learning technology, Paul Gudonis, satellite, Sensors