Tag Archives: Ann-Louise Lökholm Klasson

Sweco to Design Landmark Hospital for Kiruna’s Relocation and Transformation

(IN BRIEF) Sweco has been commissioned by Region Norrbotten to design and plan a new regional hospital as part of Kiruna’s relocation three kilometers east due to the expansion of its iron ore mine. The hospital, expected to be completed … Read the full press release

Sweco’s Strategic Move: Acquiring Medins to Lead in Aquatic Consulting

(IN BRIEF) Sweco, a prominent engineering and environmental consulting firm, has signed an agreement to acquire Medins Havs och Vattenkonsulter AB, a specialized company known for its expertise in watercourse, lake, and sea surveys. As the demand for aquatic environment … Read the full press release

Sweco va concevoir les gares, le plan ferroviaire et étudier l’impact environnemental de l’extension du métro de Stockholm dans le cadre d’un nouveau contrat de 6 millions d’euros

(COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE) STOCKHOLM, 22-Feb-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Sweco (STO : SWEC-B), une société européenne de conseil en ingénierie, a a annoncé que la société avait remporté trois missions pour l’extension du métro de la région de Stockholm, une nouvelle ligne … Read the full press release

Sweco to design the stations, railway plan and investigate environmental impact of Stockholm’s metro expansion in a new EUR 6 million contract

(PRESS RELEASE) STOCKHOLM, 22-Feb-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Sweco (STO: SWEC-B), a European engineering consultancy company, has announced the company has won three assignments for the Region Stockholm’s metro expansion, a new metro line is being constructed between Fridhemsplan and Älvsjö. … Read the full press release