Russian Anti-War Activists Unleash Creative Crusade Against War (IN BRIEF) A group of Russian activists living in exile has formed an artistic resistance movement within the Russian diaspora to oppose war. These activists, who are working artists with diverse specialties, … Read the full press release →
Posted in Art & Culture, Awards, Defence, Entertainment, Government, Internet & Online, Non Profit, Politics, Security & Safety, Society, Technology
Tagged Anastasia Vladyckina, anti-war music, anti-war poem, anti-war poetry, anti-war Russians, anti-war workshop, art, Art of Peace, artistic resistance to the war, augmented reality, budding artists, Campaigns for Humanity, Helping to Leave, how to protest the war, human rights, I want to live, poetry, protest art, protest music, Reforum Space, Reforum Space Tbilisi, renaissance3, Russian activists, russian diaspora, Russian poetry, Russians against the war, Semra Fogel, UKRAINE, Ukraine justice, Ukraine peace, Verses Are Louder than Bombs, Virtual Reality, war in Ukraine, Yav