(PRESS RELEASE) SWARTHMORE, PA, U.S.A., 11-Feb-2020 — /EuropaWire/ — Established Customer Data Platform vendors prepared for industry consolidation even as new firms entered industry during the second half of 2019, according to the CDP Institute’s semi-annual Industry Update. The industry … Read the full press release →
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Tagged Acquia, acquisitions, ActionIQ, Agilone, Amperity, Anaplan, BlueConic, Boxx.ai, CDP, CDP Evergage, CDP Institute Report, CDP vendors, CleverTap, CRM, customer, Customer Data Platform, Customer Data Platform Institute, Custora, data, David Raab, DMP, Dun & Bradstreet, Evergage, IgnitionOne, Kabbage, Lattice Engines, Leadspace, Manthan, marketing, Mastercard, Mintigo, platform, Radius, ReachForce, RealCDP, RedPoint Global, RichRelevance, Salesforce, SessionM, Simon Data, Smartech - Netcore, Stride, Susan Raab, technology, Zeta Global