H2Giga: thyssenkrupp is driving forward the industrialization of alkaline water electrolysis through automated series production H2Mare: thyssenkrupp tests the offshore production of green methanol and ammonia TransHyDE: thyssenkrupp tests ammonia cracking (PRESS RELEASE) ESSEN, 7-Oct-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — thyssenkrupp (ETR: … Read the full press release →
Posted in Chemicals, Energy, Gas & Oil, Environment, Germany, Industrial, News, Science, Technology
Tagged alkaline water electrolysis, ammonia cracking, automation, AWE, BMBF, Electrochemistry, electrolysis cells, electrolysis plant, energy transition, German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, green ammonia, green chemicals, GREEN HYDROGEN, green methanol, green value chains, H2Giga, H2Giga project, H2Mare, Hoedtke GmbH & Co. KG, hydrogen, hydrogen economy, hydrogen lead projects, hydrogen transport, industrialization of AWE, Industrie De Nora, INSTALL AWE, Manufacturing, Martina Merz, nitrogen, Offshore ammonia, offshore wind turbines, robotics, SNG, solar power, synthetic fuels, synthetic methane at sea, synthetic natural gas, ThyssenKrupp, thyssenkrupp Uhde Chlorine Engineers, TransHyDE, water electrolysis, water electrolysis cells, water electrolyzers, wind power