Tag Archives: advocacy

Alegerile din Moldova din 2024: O Bătălie pentru Democrație Împotriva Dezinformării

DIASPORA MOLDOVENEASCĂ DEȚINE CHEIA PENTRU APĂRAREA VIITORULUI ȚĂRII (PE SCURT) Moldova se află într-o perioadă crucială a istoriei sale, iar alegerile prezidențiale din 2024 vor decide viitorul său democratic și orientarea către Europa. Actori străini, în special din Rusia, încearcă … Read the full press release

Addressing Food Insecurity Among Workers: University of Liverpool Law School’s Research and Advocacy Efforts

(IN BRIEF) The University of Liverpool Law School is hosting an event to advocate for addressing the recommendations of a research report aimed at improving the protection of workers facing food insecurity. The report, developed in collaboration with Feeding Liverpool, … Read the full press release

Technology Services Provider SCC Supports CASBA’s Advocacy for Inclusion of Learning Disabilities

(IN BRIEF) SCC, a leading technology services provider, has partnered with CASBA, a Birmingham-based charity that supports individuals with learning disabilities. As part of their commitment to inclusivity, SCC has provided a grant of £1,000 and donated IT equipment to … Read the full press release

FIGO: rights-based advocacy to end Violence Against Women (VAW)

Violence Against Women (VAW) is a global issue, a public health issue and a human rights issue that violates autonomy and hinders development. It is wholly incompatible with FIGO’s vision of a world where women achieve the highest possible standards … Read the full press release