Tag Archives: ABB

ABB Partners with Gravitricity to Advance Gravity Energy Storage in Abandoned Mines

(IN BRIEF) ABB has entered into an agreement with Gravitricity, a UK-based gravity energy storage company, to collaborate on the development and implementation of gravity energy storage systems in disused mines. Gravitricity’s innovative GraviStore system utilizes heavy weights in underground … Read the full press release

ABB Names Mathias Gaertner as General Counsel and Company Secretary, Strengthening Legal Leadership

(IN BRIEF) ABB has appointed Mathias Gaertner as General Counsel and Company Secretary, as well as a Member of the Executive Committee. He will officially join ABB in 2024 and will succeed Natalia Shehadeh, who has been serving as General … Read the full press release

Carbon Capture Partnership: ABB and Imperial College’s 10-Year Vision

(IN BRIEF) ABB and Imperial College London have extended their partnership for a decade to operate a unique carbon capture pilot plant. Located at Imperial College, this plant provides hands-on training to thousands of students, showcasing ABB’s advanced technology solutions. … Read the full press release

New Report by Energy Efficiency Movement Charts Path to Significant Emissions Reduction and Cost Savings for Industries

(IN BRIEF) The Energy Efficiency Movement (EEM), founded by ABB and comprising over 400 organizations worldwide, has published a report titled “The Case for Industrial Energy Efficiency.” This report offers corporate leaders insights into ten measures that leverage mature technologies … Read the full press release

ABB to Deliver Power Distribution System for Samskip’s Hydrogen-Powered Container Ships

(IN BRIEF) ABB has secured an order to provide a comprehensive power distribution system for two new short-sea container ships being built for Samskip Group, a global logistics company based in Rotterdam. These vessels will be among the world’s first … Read the full press release

ABB Collaborates with Northvolt to Enhance Energy Efficiency and Battery Recycling for Sustainable Future

(IN BRIEF) ABB will provide switchgears and variable speed drives to Northvolt Ett, a battery gigafactory in Sweden, aiming to match power output with factory processes to improve energy efficiency, performance, and maintenance. Northvolt Ett, powered by 100% fossil-free energy, … Read the full press release

ABB Formula E Showcases E-Mobility in Rome, Highlighting Commitment to Sustainability

(IN BRIEF) The ABB FIA Formula E World Championship is set to take place in Rome this weekend, showcasing the excitement of e-mobility. The circuit, located in the south of the city, is one of the longest tracks on the … Read the full press release

ABB and Microsoft Partner to Integrate Azure OpenAI Service into Genix Industrial Analytics and AI Suite

(IN BRIEF) ABB and Microsoft have announced an expanded partnership to integrate Azure OpenAI Service into ABB’s Genix Industrial Analytics and AI suite. The collaboration aims to leverage generative AI technology to help industrial customers gain insights from operational data. … Read the full press release

ABB Completes Divestment of Power Conversion Division to AcBel Polytech Inc. for $505 Million

(IN BRIEF) ABB has successfully completed the divestment of its Power Conversion division to AcBel Polytech Inc. for an enterprise value of $505 million. This transaction marks the completion of all divisional portfolio divestments announced by ABB in late 2020. … Read the full press release

ABB Robotics and Junglekeepers Launch Innovative Project: Cloud-Enabled Robot Automates Amazon Reforestation

(IN BRIEF) ABB Robotics and Junglekeepers have partnered in a pilot project to automate reforestation efforts in the Amazon using Cloud technology. ABB’s cobot YuMi has been deployed to automate seed planting tasks, allowing volunteers to focus on other impactful … Read the full press release

ABB and Formula E Launch ABB Driver of Progress Award for Most Progressive Driver

(IN BRIEF) ABB and Formula E have launched a new award, the ABB Driver of Progress, for the driver who gains the most positions during an E-Prix. The driver who can best balance speed, overtaking skill, and energy management will … Read the full press release

Die innovative Technologie von ABB unterstützt nachhaltige Mobilitätslösungen für den deutschen Elektrofahrzeugmarkt

(IN KÜRZE) Die ABB FIA Formel-E-Weltmeisterschaft kehrt auf den Berliner Flughafen Tempelhof zurück, den größten Elektrofahrzeugmarkt in Europa. ABB bietet Robotik- und Automatisierungslösungen für die deutsche Automobilbranche und hilft beim Aufbau der landesweiten Ladeinfrastruktur für Elektrofahrzeuge. Die Batterieproduktion ist ein … Read the full press release

ABB’s innovative technology supports sustainable mobility solutions for Germany’s EV market

(IN BRIEF) The ABB FIA Formula E World Championship returns to Berlin’s Tempelhof Airport, the largest EV market in Europe. ABB provides robotics and automation solutions for Germany’s automotive sector and helps establish the country’s EV charging infrastructure. Battery production … Read the full press release

ABB Robotics invests $20M in Michigan expansion, creating 72 jobs

(IN BRIEF) ABB has commenced construction on an expansion of its North American robotics headquarters and manufacturing facility in Auburn Hills, Michigan. The $20m investment is expected to be completed by November 2023 and is supported by a $450,000 Michigan … Read the full press release

Neuer Bericht: 10 Maßnahmen, die die Industrie jetzt ergreifen kann, um Energiekosten und CO2-Emissionen zu reduzieren

 Industrielle Verbraucher können ihre Energieeffizienz gemäss unabhängigem Bericht durch zehn Massnahmen umgehend verbessern Dank verbesserter Energieeffizienz lassen sich Energiekosten und Emissionen bei gleichbleibender Produktivität kurz- und mittelfristig deutlich senken Als weltweit grösste Verbraucherin von Strom, Erdgas und Kohle ist die … Read the full press release

New report: 10 actions industry can take right now to reduce energy costs and carbon emissions

Independent report highlights 10 actions to help industrial users improve their energy efficiency right now Improving energy efficiency will reduce energy bills and emissions substantially in the short- to mid-term, without compromising productivity Industry is the world’s largest consumer of … Read the full press release

Nuevo informe: 10 acciones que la industria puede tomar ahora mismo para reducir los costos de energía y las emisiones de carbono

Un informe independiente destaca 10 acciones para ayudar a los usuarios industriales a mejorar su eficiencia energética ahora mismo Mejorar la eficiencia energética reducirá sustancialmente las facturas de energía y las emisiones a corto y mediano plazo, sin comprometer la … Read the full press release

ABB Technology Ventures beteiligt sich mit einer Minderheitsbeteiligung am Gewinner der Startup Challenge 2021 von ABB Electrification

ABB erweitert mit Zusammenarbeit Innovationsökosystem und baut digitales Portfolio ihrer Division Smart Power aus Dank Tallarna-Software können Kunden erfolgsversprechende Investitionen in Dekarbonisierung identifizieren und finanzielle Risiken minimieren Tallarna hilft, optimale Lösungen zu finden, um die Energieeffizienz voranzutreiben und Energiekosten zu … Read the full press release

ABB Technology Ventures makes a minority investment in the winner of the ABB Electrification’s 2021 Startup Challenge

Collaboration further expands ABB’s innovation ecosystem strategy and strengthens digital portfolio of its Smart Power division Tallarna’s software helps customers identify successful decarbonization investments and mitigate financial risks Tallarna helps identify optimal solutions for energy efficiency projects and energy cost … Read the full press release

ABB Technology Ventures fait un investissement minoritaire dans le gagnant du Startup Challenge 2021 d’ABB Electrification

La collaboration élargit encore la stratégie d’écosystème d’innovation d’ABB et renforce le portefeuille numérique de sa division Smart Power Le logiciel de Tallarna aide les clients à identifier les investissements de décarbonation réussis et à atténuer les risques financiers Tallarna … Read the full press release