(IN BRIEF) The Power-to-Heat unit “Karoline” has become the first participant in the newly launched “Nutzen statt Abregeln” program under §13k of the Energy Industry Act. This initiative, designed to minimize renewable energy curtailment and reduce redispatch costs, incentivizes the … Read the full press release →
Posted in Berlin, Business, Energy, Gas & Oil, Environment, Financial, Germany, Government, Industrial, Infrastructure & Utilities, Investment, Management, News, Technology
Tagged 50Hertz, activation, CO₂ reduction, energy savings, excess electricity, green heat, grid congestion, GWh, Hamburger Energiewerke GmbH, Karoline, MTU, Nutzen statt Abregeln, on-site demand facilities, Operational Efficiency, partnership, Photovoltaic, Power-to-Heat, redispatch costs, Regulatory framework, renewable energy, sustainability, Tennet, test phase, wind power, §13k EnWG