Search Results for: electricity

Fortum completed divestment of its Swedish electricity distribution business to consortium of Första AP-Fonden, TredjeAP-Fonden, Folksam and Borealis Infrastructure Management

HELSINKI, 8-6-2015 — /EuropaWire/ — Fortum has today completed the divestment of its Swedish electricity distribution business, which was announced on 13 March 2015. The transaction has all the necessary regulatory approvals and the customary closing conditions have been met. The total consideration … Read the full press release

MVM Hungarian Electricity sponsored handball teams prevailed on the quarter-finals of both the SEHA League and the Hungarian Women’s Cup this weekend

BUDAPEST, 31-3-2015 — /EuropaWire/ — MKB-MVM Veszprém has won the Men’s Handball SEHA League, after they prevailed first over the Croatian PPD Zagreb on Friday, then over the Byelorussian Meskov Brest on Sunday in the quarter-finals held before a domestic … Read the full press release

Terna expects to save 555.8 million kWh in electricity consumption in the next 7 months due to daylight saving time

ROME, 30-3-2015 — /EuropaWire/ — During the daylight saving period, that will begin the night between Saturday, March 28 and Sunday, March 29, by turning the hands of the clock one hour ahead, Terna expects a total saving in electricity … Read the full press release

Vattenfall/Nuon becomes the first energy company on the Dutch market to offer new service from a wind farm that will stabilise the electricity grid

STOCKHOLM, 26-1-2015 — /EuropaWire/ — The stability of electricity grids has declined in recent years due to the large-scale introduction of renewables. Vattenfall/Nuon is the first energy company on the Dutch market to offer a new service from a wind … Read the full press release

Vattenfall’s onshore wind farm Clashindarroch in Scotland started generating electricity for the first time

Clashindarroch, Scotland, 26-1-2015 — /EuropaWire/ — Vattenfall’s onshore wind farm Clashindarroch in Scotland has generated electricity for the first time. Once fully commissioned the wind farm will be capable of meeting the electricity needs of roughly 27,000 households. Clashindarroch wind farm … Read the full press release

GDF SUEZ to deliver 5,040 GWh per year to the distribution companies of the SIC (Chile’s central electricity system) from 2018 for a period of 15 years

PARIS, 18-12-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — GDF SUEZ, through its subsidiary E-CL, has been successful in the recent energy auction in Chile. The Group will deliver 5,040 GWh per year to the distribution companies of the SIC (Chile’s central electricity system) from … Read the full press release

National Grid study launched major initiative to reduce the visual impact of electricity infrastructure in nationally protected landscapes across England and Wales

Part of a £500 million project to reduce visual impact of electricity infrastructure in protected landscapes Launch of £24 million initiative for smaller landscape enhancement projects Stakeholder Advisory Group commissions feasibility study in the Tamar Valley AONB LONDON, 11-11-2014 — … Read the full press release

Landis+Gyr and Brazilian electricity utility Light announced the largest smart grid project in South American history

R$ 750 million contract to improve the efficiency and reliability of Rio de Janeiro state grid Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 13-10-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — Brazilian electricity utility Light today announced the formal agreement of the largest smart grid project in South … Read the full press release

AREVA and Schneider Electric to develop flow battery technology to produce and store electricity by combining hydrobromic acid and hydrogen

PARIS, 8-10-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — AREVA and Schneider Electric have signed an R&D agreement to develop a new energy storage solution, called the flow battery in order to produce and store electricity by combining hydrobromic acid and hydrogen. Funded by the European … Read the full press release

National Grid announces 62.5 Gigawatts of derated electricity generation capacity successfully qualified to bid in this December’s Capacity Mechanism auctions

62GW of generating capacity qualified to take part in December Capacity Market auctions 52.4GW of derated generation capacity qualified for December auctions with a further 10.1GW conditionally qualifying subject to submitting further documentation. Generation will bid for capacity agreements for … Read the full press release

Alstom chosen by Electricity of Vietnam for the extension project of the Thac Mo 75 MW hydropower plant in Vietnam

PARIS, 19-9-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — Alstom has been awarded a contract worth around €13 million1 from Electricity of Vietnam2 (EVN) for the extension project of the Thac Mo 75 MW hydropower plant in Vietnam. The aim of this project is … Read the full press release

National Grid starts 12 week consultation exercise on plans to connect new sources of electricity generation into ‘the grid’ in Cumbria and Lancashire

12 week period of consultation starts on Thursday 4th September National Grid starts consultation on the North West Coast Connections project  People across Cumbria and Lancashire invited to give feedback on plans to connect new sources of electricity into ‘the … Read the full press release

Deutsche Post DHL environmental protection program: More than 60 percent of GoGreen’s global electricity demand is now generated from renewable sources

Group increases share of green electricity in global operations to over 60 percent More than 450,000 tons CO2 avoided in 2013 Eleven countries of the Group already use over 90 percent green electricity Bonn, 1-9-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — Deutsche Post DHL reached … Read the full press release

Nordic Investment Bank (NIB) to finance AB Litgrid’s construction of electricity transmission line between Lithuania and Poland

NIB has signed a 10-year-maturity, EUR 50 million loan agreement with AB Litgrid for the construction of an electricity transmission line between Lithuania and Poland. The LitPol Link will be the first interconnection between the Lithuanian power system and the … Read the full press release

Red Eléctrica de España to invest €801.4 million in the Canary Islands’ electricity system

Recent changes in energy planning will represent additional investments of €489.4 million in addition to the €312 million approved in 2012 The new electricity infrastructure promotes progressive change towards a new energy model based onrenewable energy and interconnections MADRID, 17-7-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — Red Eléctrica de España in the next few years will make … Read the full press release

Terna: June electricity consumption in Italy dropped by 0.8% compared to same month last year

ROME, 9-7-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — In June 2014, the electricity required in Italy, equal to 25.9 billion kWh, dropped by 0.8%, compared to June of last year. Without the effects of the temperature, the variation in the electricity demand for June … Read the full press release

Terna’s early provisional data on electricity demand for 2013 in Italy shows the biggest fall since 2009

The biggest fall since 2009 Green production on the increase, traditional production declining Rome, Italy, 10-1-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — For the second year running demand for electricity in Italy has declined. Terna’s early provisional data on the electricity demand in 2013 show a … Read the full press release

RWE Gas International B.V. sold its 49.83% stake in FOGÁZ Group to MVM Hungarian Electricity Private Limited Company for HUF 41 bn

Essen, Germany, 23-12-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — MVM Hungarian Electricity Private Limited Company and RWE Gas International B.V. signed an agreement today governing the acquisition of RWE’s 49.83% stake in FOGÁZ for a purchase price of HUF 41 bn. Closing of the … Read the full press release

Fortum agreed to sell its electricity distribution business in Finland to Suomi Power Networks Oy for EUR 2.55 billion

Helsinki, Finland, 13-12-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — Fortum has agreed to sell its electricity distribution business in Finland to Suomi Power Networks Oy, which is owned by a consortium of Finnish pension funds Keva (12.5%) and LocalTapiola Pension (7.5%) together with international … Read the full press release

Fortum announced it decided to divest its electricity distribution business

Helsinki, Finland, 13-12-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — Fortum has completed the assessment of the future alternatives of its electricity distribution business that was launched in January 2013. After thorough consideration, the company has concluded that divesting the electricity distribution business is the best solution … Read the full press release

Ericsson to develop 3G network-enabled solution to support electricity smart meter program for Australian energy company SP AusNet

Ericsson to provide an innovative 3G smart meter communications solution in Victoria, Australia This solution communicates direct to a smart meter over an existing Australian public mobile network The standards-based approach adopted by Ericsson allows this solution to be replicated … Read the full press release

RWE Innogy, Stadtwerke München, Siemens joint venture project Gwynt y Môr Offshore Wind Farm begins generating electricity

Gwynt y Môr begins generating electricity Joint venture project of RWE Innogy, Stadtwerke München and Siemens making good progress Complete commissioning planned for 2014 Gwynt y Môr Offshore Wind Farm has officially generated and exported its first electricity, on track … Read the full press release

Fortum to close electricity production at its Inkoo coal-fired power plant in Finland

28-8-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — Fortum has decided to discontinue electricity production at its Inkoo coal-fired power plant in Finland. Production operations will end in February 2014, after which the company will mothball three units. As a consequence of the decision to cease production, Fortum will … Read the full press release

Red Eléctrica de España announced 3 osprey chicks born in artificial nest installed on high-voltage electricity tower near El Rocinejo reservoir

With these three new chicks, 14 Osprey (Sea Hawk) specimens have been born in Andalusia this year. This consolidates the success of the Osprey reintroduction programme, began in 2003, with a stable population that now exceeds twenty specimens. The nest … Read the full press release

Red Eléctrica de España led project Perfila to define electricity demand behaviour patterns for households and small businesses

The project that will culminate in 2015, will define household and small consumer demand patterns through hourly electricity metering.  The data collected by the smart meters in this Perfila Project will allow greater precision for the purchase of electricity in … Read the full press release

Abengoa signs €17.25M contract to maintain two transmission lines for Brazil’s National Electricity Agency

The lines form part of the Madeira system, which with nearly 5,000 km (2,345 km each line) will be the largest continuous current energy transmission system in the world. The contract will last for five years and will generate revenues … Read the full press release

EU-funded project finds more wind power and cheaper electricity possible on existing EU grid networks

– 10% more power can be brought online by measuring cable temperature in real time – 2% cut in electricity prices using wind turbines and other power sources as virtual power plants – 28% more wind power can be produced … Read the full press release

Bayer, ThyssenKrupp unveil technology for Chlorine production with much less electricity

New process reduces energy consumption by roughly one-third / Trial phase completed successfully Leverkusen, 18-6-2013 — / — A new technology from Bayer and ThyssenKrupp that is now being launched commercially worldwide enables the production of chlorine with significantly less electricity. … Read the full press release

ABB to supply power transformers to Saudi Electricity Company, worth of $120M

Transformers to augment transmission grid and boost power supply to meet growing demand  Zurich, Switzerland, 6-5-2013 — / — ABB, the leading power and automation technology group, has won orders worth around $120 million from the Saudi Electricity Company, to supply … Read the full press release

The European Commission accepted commitments from CEZ concerning the Czech electricity market and made them legally binding

Brussels, 11-4-2013 — / — The European Commission has accepted a set of commitments offered by CEZ, the Czech electricity incumbent. These commitments are now legally binding. The Commission had concerns that CEZ may have abused its dominant market position by reserving … Read the full press release

Saint-Gobain PAM wins major contract to supply pipes and fittings for the Kuwait Ministry of Electricity & Water

10-4-2013 — / —  Saint-Gobain PAM, the parent company of Saint-Gobain’s Pipe Activity, today signed a contract (Az-Zour) to supply pipes and fittings for the Kuwait Ministry of Electricity & Water. The $200 million (around €154 million) contract represents a … Read the full press release

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development is supporting the Kingdom of Morocco’s drive to provide electricity access to all its citizens through a €60m sovereign loan

€60 million loan to Office National de l’Electricité et de l’Eau Potable (ONEE) 15-3-2013 — / — The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is supporting the Kingdom of Morocco’s drive to provide electricity access to all its citizens through … Read the full press release

The European Commission has opened an in-depth investigation to find out whether an exemption for large electricity consumers from network charges granted in Germany since 2011 constitutes state aid

State aid: Commission opens in-depth inquiry into potential aid for large electricity consumers exempted from network charges in Germany Brussels, 7-3-2013 — / — The European Commission has opened an in-depth investigation to find out whether an exemption for large electricity consumers … Read the full press release

Energy researchers at Trinity College have just completed an Irish Aid, Intel and IRCSET funded research project that generates electricity from cooking stoves to Homes in Rural Malawi

6-3-2013 — / — Energy researchers at the School of Engineering at Trinity College Dublin have just completed an Irish Aid, Intel and IRCSET funded research project that generates electricity from cooking stoves, providing lighting and phone charging in  Malawi, one of the … Read the full press release

The Chairman of Red Eléctrica de España inaugurates the exhibition ‘The electricity highway behind the wall socket’ in Seville

As a result of a public-private collaboration agreement between REE and CSIC – The exhibition is on display at the “Casa de la Ciencia”, a popular science space of the CSIC in Seville, and informs and raises awareness amongst the … Read the full press release

Eesti Pank: The share of electricity in production costs should not give rise to broad-based price growth

14-2-2013 — / — As had been expected the consumer price index underwent a one-off jump in January. The price level increased by 0.7% from the previous month and price growth was 3.4% in annual terms. The price of electricity was … Read the full press release

Switzerland saw another drop in electricity consumption in 2012

6-2-2013 — / — Electricity consumption in the Swiss control area has fallen for the second year in a row. Reported consumption in the area for 2012 was 63,242 GWh. This figure is provisional and may change. It refers to all … Read the full press release

State Aid: Commission authorises transitional free allocation of greenhouse gas emission allowances for modernisation of Czech and Hungarian electricity sector

Brussels, 26-12-2012 — / — The European Commission has concluded that provisions of Hungary’s and the Czech Republic’s plans for the modernisation of their electricity sector, which involve the allocation of carbon emission trading allowances free of charge, are in line with … Read the full press release

RWE Technology und Dubai Electricity and Water Authority gründen Joint Venture in Dubai

Dr. Leonhard Birnbaum Vorstandsmitglied RWE AG, H.E. Saeed Mohammed Al Tayer CEO DEWA, Waleed Salman EVP strategy & business development und Dr. Michael Fübi CEO RWE Technology beim unterzeichnen des Vertrages in Dubai

Essen, 25-10-2012 — / — Die RWE Technology GmbH, Kraftwerksbauspezialist des RWE Konzerns, und die staatliche Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) haben ein gemeinsames Joint Venture gegründet. Am 22. Oktober 2012 setzten RWE-Vorstandsmitglied Leonhard Birnbaum, RWE Technology CEO Michael Fübi und … Read the full press release

voestalpine Issues First Green Bond in European Steel Sector, Raising €500 Million for Sustainable Projects

(IN BRIEF) voestalpine, a leading international steel and technology group, has successfully issued its first green corporate bond, raising EUR 500 million. The five-year bond, which offers a coupon of 3.75%, was met with high investor demand and will be … Read the full press release