Norsk Hydro ASA’s Share Buyback Program Doubles Owned Shares, Now Holds 1.42% of the Company’s Total

Norsk Hydro ASA’s Share Buyback Program Doubles Owned Shares, Now Holds 1.42% of the Company’s Total

(IN BRIEF) Norsk Hydro ASA has provided an update on its share buyback program, which commenced on September 22, 2023, and is scheduled to conclude on February 29, 2024. The program’s recent transactions include the purchase of 75,309 shares on December 20, 2023, at an average price of NOK 67.54, amounting to a total daily transaction value of NOK 5,086,039. On December 21 and 22, 2023, additional shares were bought. The accumulated total of shares bought back to date stands at 13,970,498, with an average share price of NOK 62.37 and a total transaction value of NOK 871,290,807. Before the share buyback program, Norsk Hydro ASA held 15,096,878 own shares, but after these transactions, it now possesses a total of 29,067,376 shares, equivalent to 1.42% of Norsk Hydro ASA’s share capital. An attachment detailing all completed transactions is available with the notification.

(PRESS RELEASE) OSLO, 27-Dec-2023 — /EuropaWire/ —

Overview of transactions:

DateAggregated daily volume (number of Shares)Weighted average share price per day (NOK)Total daily transaction value (NOK)
20.12.2375 309 67.545 086 039
21.12.234 85364.93315 096
22.12.235 00067.47337 370
Previous transactions13 885 336
Accumulated to date13 970 49862.37871 290 807

Prior to the share buyback program Norsk Hydro ASA owned a total of 15 096 878 own shares. Following the above listed transactions, Norsk Hydro ASA owns a total of 29 067 376 shares, corresponding to 1.42% of Norsk Hydro ASA’s share capital.

Attachment: An overview of all the completed transactions under the program for the dates specified above is attached to this notification.

This is information that Norsk Hydro ASA is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation and subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

Media Contact:

Martine Rambøl Hagen
Head of Investor Relations
+47 91708918

SOURCE: Norsk Hydro ASA


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