Category Archives: Ukraine

Press Releases & News from Ukraine distributed via EuropaWire

Italy Joins Donor Efforts with €10 Million Grants to Boost EBRD Operations in Ukraine

(IN BRIEF) Italy and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) have teamed up to support Ukraine and its people during the ongoing conflict. Italy has pledged grants worth up to €10 million to support the EBRD’s operations in … Read the full press release

EBWE startet Initiative zur Unterstützung der wirtschaftlichen Integration ukrainischer Flüchtlinge in Kroatien

(IN KÜRZE) Die Europäische Bank für Wiederaufbau und Entwicklung (EBWE) hat in Kroatien ein technisches Kooperationsprojekt mit dem Ziel gestartet, die wirtschaftliche Integration ukrainischer Flüchtlinge, insbesondere Frauen, im Land zu unterstützen. Die Initiative, in Partnerschaft mit dem SVOJA-Verein und der … Read the full press release

EBRD Launches Initiative to Support Economic Integration of Ukrainian Refugees in Croatia

(IN BRIEF) The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has launched a technical cooperation project in Croatia with the aim of supporting the economic integration of Ukrainian refugees, particularly women, in the country. The initiative, in partnership with the … Read the full press release

Cersanit sichert sich von der EBRD ein Darlehen in Höhe von 42 Millionen Euro, um in polnische und ukrainische Betriebe zu investieren

(IN KÜRZE) Die Europäische Bank für Wiederaufbau und Entwicklung (EBRD) stellt Cersanit SA, einem führenden polnischen Hersteller von Keramikfliesen und Badezimmerausstattung mit einer bedeutenden Präsenz in der Ukraine, eine langfristige Finanzierung in Höhe von 42 Millionen Euro zur Verfügung. Die … Read the full press release

Cersanit secures €42m loan from EBRD to invest in Polish and Ukrainian operations

(IN BRIEF) The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is providing €42 million in long-term funding to Cersanit SA, a leading Polish ceramic tile and bathroom equipment manufacturer with a significant presence in Ukraine. The financing will enable Cersanit … Read the full press release

Die EIB startet die „EU for Ukraine Initiative“ zur Unterstützung der Wiederaufbau- und Wiederaufbaubemühungen

(IN KÜRZE) Die Europäische Investitionsbank (EIB) hat die „Initiative EU für die Ukraine“ ins Leben gerufen, um die Wiederaufbau- und Wiederaufbaubemühungen in der Ukraine nach der massiven russischen Invasion im Jahr 2022 zu unterstützen. Die Initiative umfasst die Einrichtung eines … Read the full press release

EIB launches “EU for Ukraine Initiative” to support reconstruction and recovery efforts

(IN BRIEF) The European Investment Bank (EIB) has launched the “EU for Ukraine Initiative” to support reconstruction and recovery efforts in Ukraine, following the full-scale Russian invasion in 2022. The initiative includes the establishment of a Trust Fund to enable … Read the full press release

Bayer ribadisce l’impegno in Ucraina con un investimento di 60 milioni di euro nella produzione di semi di mais

(NOTIZIA IN BREVE) Bayer, la società di scienze della vita, ha annunciato un investimento di 60 milioni di euro nel suo impianto di produzione di semi di mais a Pochuiky, in Ucraina, per rafforzare la sua attività di Crop Science … Read the full press release

Bayer reaffirms commitment to Ukraine with €60 million investment in corn seed production

(IN BRIEF) Bayer, the life sciences company, has announced a €60 million investment in its corn seed production facility in Pochuiky, Ukraine, to strengthen its Crop Science business and contribute to rebuilding the economy of the country. The investment includes … Read the full press release

Unilever montre son engagement à long terme envers l’Ukraine avec un investissement de 20 millions d’euros

(ACTUALITÉ EN BREF) Unilever a annoncé son intention d’investir 20 millions d’euros dans une nouvelle usine de fabrication de produits de soins personnels dans la région de Kiev en Ukraine. L’usine devrait ouvrir ses portes en 2024 et créera une … Read the full press release

Unilever shows long-term commitment to Ukraine with €20m investment

(IN BRIEF) Unilever has announced plans to invest €20m in a new personal care product manufacturing facility in the Kyiv region of Ukraine. The factory is set to open in 2024 and will create around 100 jobs, primarily manufacturing personal … Read the full press release

ONG AVSI e Intesa Sanpaolo collaborano per sostenere i rifugiati ucraini in Polonia

(NOTIZIA IN BREVE) L’organizzazione non governativa AVSI, in collaborazione con AVSI Polska e con il sostegno di Intesa Sanpaolo, ha formato e collocato con successo 150 donne ucraine in posizioni permanenti nel mercato del lavoro polacco, un anno dopo lo … Read the full press release

NGO AVSI and Intesa Sanpaolo Partner to Support Ukrainian Refugees in Poland

(IN BRIEF) Non-governmental organization AVSI, in partnership with AVSI Polska and supported by Intesa Sanpaolo, has successfully trained and placed 150 Ukrainian women in permanent positions on the Polish job market, a year after the outbreak of war in Ukraine. … Read the full press release

One Year Since the Invasion: New Series Highlights Everyday People Transformed by War into Heroes

Marketing agency bets on “heartbreaking, inspiring” campaign and offers €10,000 funding awards, and marketing support to galvanize fight for Ukrainian sovereignty (IN BRIEF) Digital marketing agency Renaissance3 launched a new campaign called “24 for 24” featuring 24 change makers, one … Read the full press release

EU finanziert große Wohnrauminitiative für Binnenvertriebene in der Westukraine mit Sweco an der Spitze

(IN KÜRZE) Sweco wurde ausgewählt, die Beschaffung zu leiten und den Bau von Wohnungen in sechs Städten in der Westukraine zu unterstützen, um den Bedürfnissen von Binnenvertriebenen gerecht zu werden. Das von der EU geförderte Projekt zielt auf die Bereitstellung … Read the full press release

EU Finances Major Housing Initiative for IDPs in Western Ukraine with Sweco at the Helm

(IN BRIEF) Sweco has been selected to lead procurement and support construction of housing in six cities in western Ukraine to help meet the needs of internally displaced people. The project, funded by the EU, aims to provide housing, heating, … Read the full press release

Siemens AG and Siemens Healthineers AG extend their aid campaign in support of Ukraine

More than €12 million for aid projects and humanitarian organizations to date Siemens continues to match all employee donations to Siemens Caring Hands e.V. More than 60 aid projects implemented by different organizations Focus on support for improving access to … Read the full press release

Siemens AG et Siemens Healthineers AG prolongent leur campagne d’aide en faveur de l’Ukraine

Plus de 12 millions d’euros pour des projets d’aide et des organisations humanitaires à ce jour Siemens continue de faire correspondre tous les dons des employés à Siemens Caring Hands e.V. Plus de 60 projets d’aide mis en œuvre par … Read the full press release

Rheinmetall to deliver 26 high-mobility military trucks to Ukraine

(PRESS RELEASE) DÜSSELDORF, 22-Dec-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Rheinmetall AG (ETR: RHM), a German integrated technology group active in the automotive and defence industries, has announced the delivery of 26 high-mobility military trucks to Ukraine. The brand new HX 8×8 logistic … Read the full press release

Rheinmetall va livrer 26 camions militaires à haute mobilité à l’Ukraine

(COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE) DÜSSELDORF, 22-Dec-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Rheinmetall AG (ETR : RHM), un groupe technologique intégré allemand actif dans les secteurs de l’automobile et de la défense, a annoncé la livraison de 26 camions militaires de mobilité vers l’Ukraine. Les … Read the full press release Possible Consequences of the Incident in Poland

Dragana Trifkovic, head of the Center for Geostrategic Studies, presents the analysis of the possible consequences of the incident in Poland. (PRESS RELEASE) BELGRADE, 8-Dec-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — In the past months, we could hear various forecasts and warnings regarding … Read the full press release

Criminologist Vincenzo Musacchio: The war in Ukraine will also favour the Italian mafias

(PRESS RELEASE) TERMOLI, Italy, 25-Jul-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — This was stated by the criminologist Vincenzo Musacchio. Economic crisis, national emergencies, unrest, government instability, wars and post-war reconstruction are “manna” from heaven for the mafias who will speculate and do business … Read the full press release

Siemens repurposed its headquarters in Warsaw to accommodate refugees from Ukraine financed mostly by donations from its employees

Long-term accommodations for 160 people at Siemens headquarters in Warsaw First Ukrainian refugees have already moved in Siemens Caring Hands e.V. as a strong partner in fight against global (PRESS RELEASE) MÜNCHEN, 19-Jul-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Siemens AG (ETR: SIE), … Read the full press release

Siemens a réaménagé son siège social à Varsovie pour accueillir des réfugiés ukrainiens financés principalement par les dons de ses employés

Hébergement à long terme pour 160 personnes au siège social de Siemens à Varsovie Les premiers réfugiés ukrainiens ont déjà emménagé Siemens Caring Hands e.V. en tant que partenaire solide dans la lutte contre la (COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE) MÜNCHEN, 19-Jul-2022 … Read the full press release

Hydro Extrusions plants in Poland to donate EUR 50,000 to Happy Kids, a leading Polish NGO, in support of relocating orphaned children from Ukraine

(PRESS RELEASE) OSLO, 11-Jul-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Hydro (OTCMKTS: NHYDY), a Norwegian aluminium and renewable energy company committed to a sustainable future, has announced that its Extrusions plants in Poland will donate EUR 50,000 to Happy Kids, a leading Polish … Read the full press release

Hydro Extrusions-Werke in Polen spenden 50.000 EUR an Happy Kids, eine führende polnische NGO, um die Umsiedlung von Waisenkindern aus der Ukraine zu unterstützen

(PRESSEMITTEILUNG) OSLO, 11-Jul-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Hydro (OTCMKTS: NHYDY), ein norwegisches Unternehmen für Aluminium und erneuerbare Energien, engagiert sich für eine nachhaltige Zukunft, hat angekündigt, dass seine Extrusionswerke in Polen 50.000 Euro an Happy Kids, eine führende polnische Nichtregierungsorganisation, spenden … Read the full press release

Ukrainian Fashion Charity Event in Barcelona, Spain lead by benefiting The Special Forces of Ukraine as the country continues to fight for its freedom

(PRESS RELEASE) BARCELONA, 30-May-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — The eCommerce website launches its first event in Barcelona, Angel for Fashion & Cocktails. The site features an unprecedented alliance of the most prominent Ukrainian fashion designers with 33 brands to support all … Read the full press release

MAN’s truck plants in Munich and Krakow restart truck production despite volatile situation

(PRESS RELEASE) MUNICH, 25-Apr-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — MAN Truck & Bus, one of Europe’s leading industrial players in transport-related engineering, has announced the restart of the truck production at its truck plants in Munich, Germany and Krakow, Poland despite the … Read the full press release

Gli stabilimenti MAN di Monaco e Cracovia riprendono la produzione di autocarri nonostante la situazione instabile

(COMUNICATO STAMPA) MUNICH, 25-Apr-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Autocarro MAN & Bus, uno dei principali attori industriali europei nell’ingegneria dei trasporti, ha annunciato il riavvio della produzione di autocarri nei suoi stabilimenti di Monaco, in Germania e Cracovia, in Polonia, nonostante … Read the full press release

Santander Bank Polska trabaja en una solución para el acceso rápido y seguro a efectivo para los refugiados ucranianos como parte del programa de asistencia en efectivo de la ONU

(COMUNICADO DE PRENSA) VARSOVIA, 7-Apr-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Banco Santander, SA (BME: SAN), una multinacional española compañía de servicios financieros, ha anunciado que su banco en Polonia Santander Bank Polska está trabajando actualmente con la Agencia de la ONU para … Read the full press release

Santander Bank Polska pracuje nad rozwiązaniem szybkiego i bezpiecznego dostępu do gotówki dla ukraińskich uchodźców w ramach programu UN Cash Assistance

(KOMUNIKAT PRASOWY) WARSZAWA, 7-Apr-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Banco Santander, SA (BME: SAN), hiszpańska międzynarodowa firma świadcząca usługi finansowe, poinformowała, że jej bank w Polsce Santander Bank Polska współpracuje obecnie z Agencją ONZ ds. Uchodźców (UNHCR) nad opracowaniem rozwiązania, które może … Read the full press release

Santander Bank Polska works on a a solution for quick and secure access to cash for Ukrainian refugees as part of UN Cash Assistance programme

(PRESS RELEASE) WARSAW, 7-Apr-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Banco Santander, S.A. (BME: SAN), a Spanish multinational financial services company, has announced that its bank in Poland Santander Bank Polska is currently working with the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) on the development … Read the full press release

Recherche sur la transition énergétique de DNV : un tiers du mix énergétique en Europe proviendra d’énergies non fossiles en 2024

Le mix énergétique va se décarboner plus rapidement en Europe. La consommation de gaz à elle seule sera inférieure de 9 % en 2024, les pays se tournant vers les énergies renouvelables Les émissions de gaz à effet de serre seront … Read the full press release

DNV’s Energy Transition Research: one third of the energy mix in Europe will come from non-fossil fuels in 2024

Energy mix will decarbonize more quickly in Europe. Gas consumption alone will be 9% lower in 2024 as countries pivot towards renewables Greenhouse gas emissions will be 580Mt (or 2.3%) lower in Europe in the period 2022-2030 Europe will produce … Read the full press release

Deutsche Bank a contribué au lancement de, un site de recherche d’emploi pour les réfugiés ukrainiens

(COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE) FRANKFURT AM MAIN, 21-Mar-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Deutsche Bank (XETRA : DBKGn.DB / NYSE : DB), leader allemand banque d’investissement multinationale et société de services financiers, a annoncé qu’elle avait contribué au lancement d’un site gratuit qui encourage les … Read the full press release

Deutsche Bank instrumental in helping with the launch of, job search site for Ukrainian refugees

(PRESS RELEASE) FRANKFURT AM MAIN, 21-Mar-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Deutsche Bank (XETRA: DBKGn.DB / NYSE: DB), Germany’s leading multinational investment bank and financial services company, has announced it helped with the launch of a free-to-use site that encourages companies to … Read the full press release

EBRD to provide EUR 75 million guarantee to Raiffeisen Bank in Ukraine aimed at supporting micro, small and medium-sized enterprises

EBRD to provide €75 million guarantee to Raiffeisen Bank in Ukraine Innovative mechanism unlocks funding for MSMEs Thirty per cent of the project to finance green technologies (PRESS RELEASE) LONDON, 23-Dec-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development … Read the full press release

Ukrainian producer of flexible packaging Tatrafan takes €3.1 million loan from Piraeus Bank Ukraine backed by EBRD Risk Sharing Facility

€3.1 million from Piraeus Bank complemented by EBRD Risk Sharing Facility Loan to improve Tatrafan’s competitiveness Financing to boost production capacity, cover working-capital needs (PRESS RELEASE) LONDON, 15-Nov-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), a … Read the full press release

Inmarsat commissioned white paper: Australia’s Aviation Market: The Impact of Covid-19 and a Slow Recovery

(PRESS RELEASE) LONDON, 10-Nov-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — Inmarsat (LSE: ISAT), the world leader in global, mobile satellite communications, has announced the release of an independent white paper commissioned by the company titled “Australia’s Aviation Market: The Impact of Covid-19 and … Read the full press release

EBRD extends its financial support to MSMEs in Ukraine

Loan of €10 million equivalent to boost Bank Lviv’s lending to Ukrainian small businesses Financing is part of the EU4Business-EBRD credit line Green financing to be the focus of the new credit line (PRESS RELEASE) LONDON, 5-Nov-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — … Read the full press release