Category Archives: Society

Society Press Releases & News distributed via EuropaWire

Revolutionary Three-Hour Therapy Session Helps Children Overcome Fears

(IN BRIEF) A study conducted by researchers at the University of York and University of Sheffield found that common childhood phobias, such as fear of spiders, dogs, and needles, could be resolved in a single three-hour therapy session instead of … Read the full press release

“Spoken Word ‘Human Together’: A Relational Economy.”

(IN BRIEF) Sallux, a political think tank, has introduced “Human Together”, a vision for a healthy economy that serves society and the environment, rather than solely serving shareholders. The current economy is reaching its limits, causing harm to the environment, … Read the full press release

Comunidad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades Recibe Financiamiento para Proyectos Innovadores

(NOTICIA EN BREVE) El programa Open Competition SSH-XS ha premiado sus dos primeras rondas, permitiendo que 121 investigadores inicien sus proyectos innovadores en el campo de las ciencias sociales y humanidades (SSH). La competencia enfatiza la experimentación y la innovación … Read the full press release

Social Sciences and Humanities Community Receives Funding for Groundbreaking Projects

(IN BRIEF) The Open Competition SSH-XS programme has awarded its first two rounds, allowing 121 researchers to start their innovative projects in the social sciences and humanities (SSH) field. The competition emphasizes experimentation and innovation without predefined outcomes, and covers … Read the full press release

Triodos Bank se asocia con el FEI para ofrecer préstamos a interés reducido para empresas sociales en los países de la UE

(NOTICIA EN BREVE) Triodos Bank ha recibido hasta 67 millones de euros en préstamos del Fondo Europeo de Inversiones (FEI) para empresas sociales en Bélgica, Alemania, España y los Países Bajos. El préstamo está respaldado por el programa InvestEU y … Read the full press release

Triodos Bank partners with EIF to Offer Reduced Interest Loans for Social Enterprises in EU Countries

(IN BRIEF) Triodos Bank has received up to €67 million in loans from the European Investment Fund (EIF) for social enterprises in Belgium, Germany, Spain, and the Netherlands. The loan is backed by the InvestEU program and will allow Triodos … Read the full press release

Barclays célèbre une décennie de soutien aux anciens combattants et met à jour le Pacte des forces armées

(ACTUALITÉ EN BREF) Barclays annonce des engagements mis à jour pour soutenir la communauté des forces armées par le biais du Pacte des forces armées, une décennie après son engagement initial. Les nouvelles promesses comprennent un soutien sur mesure pour … Read the full press release

Barclays celebrates decade of supporting military veterans, updates Armed Forces Covenant

(IN BRIEF) Barclays announces updated pledges to support the Armed Forces Community through the Armed Forces Covenant, a decade after its initial commitment. The new pledges include tailored support for veteran entrepreneurs, bespoke employment support for service leavers, and support … Read the full press release

57 jóvenes franceses se embarcan en una experiencia cívica única a través del programa París 2024

(NOTICIA EN BREVE) 57 jóvenes franceses de diversos orígenes participan en un programa cívico de un año de duración, denominado “Generación 2024”, creado por París 2024, el Comité Nacional Olímpico y Deportivo de Francia y la Agencia de Servicios Cívicos. … Read the full press release

57 Young French People Embark on Unique Civic Experience through Paris 2024 Program

(IN BRIEF) 57 young French people from diverse backgrounds are participating in a year-long civic program, named “Generation 2024,” set up by Paris 2024, the French National Olympic and Sports Committee, and the Civic Service Agency. They work as volunteers … Read the full press release

38% da Área Restante da Floresta Amazônica Afetada por Distúrbio Humano

(NOTÍCIA EM BREVE) Um novo estudo liderado por uma equipe internacional de cientistas de instituições como a Universidade de Campinas, no Brasil, o Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental da Amazônia e a Universidade de East Anglia e Lancaster University, no Reino … Read the full press release

38% of Remaining Amazon Forest Area Affected by Human Disturbance

(IN BRIEF) A new study led by an international team of scientists from institutions including Brazil’s University of Campinas, the Amazon Environmental Research Institute and the University of East Anglia and Lancaster University in the UK, found that over a … Read the full press release

Alfabetización global y salud mental: un nuevo estudio de la UEA revela una tendencia inquietante

(NOTICIA EN BREVE) Un nuevo estudio de la Universidad de East Anglia descubrió que las personas con bajo nivel de alfabetización tienen más probabilidades de sufrir problemas de salud mental como soledad, depresión y ansiedad. El estudio, que es el … Read the full press release

Global Literacy and Mental Health: New Study from UEA Reveals a Disturbing Trend

(IN BRIEF) A new study from the University of East Anglia has found that people with poor literacy are more likely to suffer from mental health issues such as loneliness, depression, and anxiety. The study, which is the first to … Read the full press release

Otto Group se une al esfuerzo para mejorar la salud y la seguridad en el trabajo en el sector textil y de la confección de Pakistán

(NOTICIA EN BREVE) Otto Group, una empresa líder en comercio electrónico, ha firmado el nuevo Acuerdo de Pakistán, un acuerdo de protección laboral destinado a mejorar la seguridad de miles de trabajadores en Pakistán. El acuerdo se estableció en respuesta … Read the full press release

Otto Group Joins Effort to Improve Occupational Health and Safety in Pakistan’s Textile and Garment Sector

(IN BRIEF) The Otto Group, a leading e-commerce company, has signed the new Pakistan Accord, a labor protection agreement aimed at improving the safety of thousands of workers in Pakistan. The accord was established in response to the collapse of … Read the full press release

Henkel Employees Worldwide Volunteer for Renovation and Building Projects in ‘Welcome Home 2022’ Initiative

(IN BRIEF) Henkel, a global provider of sustainable solutions, has launched the “Welcome Home 2022” Corporate Social Responsibility program to improve the lives of 30 million people worldwide. Under the program, Henkel employees from all over the world volunteer for … Read the full press release

Empleados de Henkel en todo el mundo se ofrecen como voluntarios para proyectos de renovación y construcción en la iniciativa ‘Bienvenido a casa 2022’

(NOTICIA EN BREVE) Henkel, un proveedor global de soluciones sostenibles, ha lanzado el programa de responsabilidad social corporativa “Bienvenido a casa 2022” para mejorar la vida de 30 millones de personas en todo el mundo. Bajo el programa, los empleados … Read the full press release

EU Funded SUNRISE Project to Strengthen Critical Infrastructure Resilience Against Pandemics and Other Risks

(IN BRIEF) The EU has launched the SUNRISE project, which aims to improve the resilience of critical infrastructures in Europe, including transport, energy, water, and healthcare, against the impact of pandemics and other major risks. The project, which is set … Read the full press release

Unterstützung für Tarifforderungen im öffentlichen Dienst: Mehr als 325.000 Beschäftigte beteiligen sich an ver.di-Umfrage

Unterstützung für Tarifforderungen im öffentlichen Dienst: Mehr als 325.000 Beschäftigte beteiligen sich an ver.di-Umfrage

(IN KÜRZE) Die Vereinte Dienstleistungsgewerkschaft (ver.di) warnt vor dem Beginn der Tarifrunde für den öffentlichen Dienst von Bund und Kommunen in Deutschland vor einer angespannten Stimmung unter den Beschäftigten und fordert eine Erhöhung des Gehalts um 10,5 Prozent oder mindestens … Read the full press release

Trade union ver.di increases pressure on Deutsche Post AG with strikes

Record profits for Deutsche Post AG met with strikes and wage demands

(IN BRIEF) Deutsche Post AG, a German postal service company, is facing strikes from around 30,000 employees this week as a result of a collective bargaining dispute. The strikes, organized by the German trade union ver.di, began on Thursday evening … Read the full press release

ver.di Chairman welcomes plans for basic child security, calls for better social justice in tax and financial policy

ver.di Chairman welcomes plans for basic child security, calls for better social justice in tax and financial policy

(IN BRIEF) The United Services Union (ver.di) has welcomed the plans of Germany’s Federal Minister for Family Affairs Lisa Paus for basic child security and called for greater weight for social policy in the decisions of the federal government. The … Read the full press release

Un partenariat de troisième année voit l’Université d’Exeter et Hospiscare collecter plus de 4 500 arbres de Noël pour des œuvres caritatives

(COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE) EXETER, 19-Jan-2023 — /EuropaWire/ — University of Exeter, une université publique de recherche à Exeter, Devon, Angleterre du Sud-Ouest, Royaume-Uni, annonce que pour la troisième année consécutive, l’Université et Hospiscare se sont associés pour recycler les arbres … Read the full press release

ISS Guckenheimer joins Beans is How Coalition to promote sustainable food choices

(PRESS RELEASE) COPENHAGEN, 18-Jan-2023 — /EuropaWire/ — ISS (CPH: ISS), a leading workplace experience and facility management company, has announced that its subsidiary ISS Guckenheimer, a premier on-site corporate restaurant management and catering company, has joined the Beans is How Coalition … Read the full press release

ISS Guckenheimer se une a Beans is How Coalition para promover elecciones alimentarias sostenibles

(COMUNICADO DE PRENSA) COPENHAGUE, 18-Jan-2023 — /EuropaWire/ — ISS (CPH: ISS), una empresa líder en administración de instalaciones y experiencia en el lugar de trabajo, ha anunciado que su subsidiaria ISS Guckenheimer, una empresa líder en el sitio empresa de gestión … Read the full press release

New study shows functional diversity key in bird community resilience to climate change

(PRESS RELEASE) HELSINKI, 17-Jan-2023 — /EuropaWire/ — University of Helsinki, the oldest and largest institution of academic education in Finland, has announced that a new study has revealed that biodiversity may play a crucial role in safeguarding bird communities under a … Read the full press release

Un nuevo estudio muestra que la diversidad funcional es clave en la resiliencia de las comunidades de aves frente al cambio climático

(COMUNICADO DE PRENSA) HELSINKI, 17-Jan-2023 — /EuropaWire/ — University of Helsinki, la institución de educación académica más antigua y más grande de Finlandia, ha anunciado que un nuevo estudio ha revelado que la biodiversidad puede desempeñar un papel crucial en la … Read the full press release

Accenture Report at WEF23: rising energy costs are the top challenge impacting margins for European companies

(PRESS RELEASE) DAVOS, 16-Jan-2023 — /EuropaWire/ — Accenture (NYSE: ACN), a global professional services company with leading capabilities in digital, cloud and security, has announced the release of its new report “Accelerating Europe’s path to reinvention“, also available in the … Read the full press release

Informe de Accenture en WEF23: el aumento de los costos de la energía es el principal desafío que afecta los márgenes de las empresas europeas

(COMUNICADO DE PRENSA) DAVOS, 16-Jan-2023 — /EuropaWire/ — Accenture (NYSE: ACN), una empresa global de servicios profesionales con capacidades líderes en digital, nube y seguridad, ha anunciado el lanzamiento de su nuevo informe “Acelerar el camino de Europa hacia la … Read the full press release

UK: Online Safety Bill criticized by Samaritans for lack of protections for adults

(PRESS RELEASE) EWELL, 16-Jan-2023 — /EuropaWire/ — Samaritans, a charity registered in England and Wales that works to make sure there’s always someone there for anyone who needs someone, has issues its criticism for the Online Safety Bill in the … Read the full press release

Royaume-Uni : le projet de loi sur la sécurité en ligne critiqué par les Samaritains pour son manque de protections pour les adultes

(COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE) EWELL, 16-Jan-2023 — /EuropaWire/ — Samaritans, un organisme de bienfaisance enregistré en Angleterre et au Pays de Galles qui veille à ce qu’il y ait toujours quelqu’un pour quiconque a besoin de quelqu’un, a émis des critiques … Read the full press release

Two-thirds of chief economists surveyed by WEF expect a global recession in 2023

(PRESS RELEASE) GENEVA, 16-Jan-2023 — /EuropaWire/ — The World Economic Forum, an international NGO committed to improving the state of the world, has announced that according to a survey conducted by the World Economic Forum’s Community of Chief Economists, a … Read the full press release

Dos tercios de los principales economistas encuestados por WEF esperan una recesión mundial en 2023

(COMUNICADO DE PRENSA) GENEVA, 16-Jan-2023 — /EuropaWire/ — The World Economic Forum, una ONG internacional comprometida con mejorar el estado del mundo, ha anunciado que, según una encuesta realizada por la Comunidad de Economistas Jefes del Foro Económico Mundial, es … Read the full press release

AXA renews the mandate of its AXA Research Fund for five more years, supporting the exploration of emerging risks and partnerships with academic experts around major societal issues

(PRESS RELEASE) PARIS, 12-Jan-2023 — /EuropaWire/ — AXA (EPA: CS), a French multinational insurance and asset management firm, has announced that it has renewed the mandate of the AXA Research Fund for five years. The fund, one of the largest … Read the full press release

AXA erneuert das Mandat seines AXA Research Fund um fünf weitere Jahre und unterstützt die Erforschung neu auftretender Risiken und Partnerschaften mit akademischen Experten zu wichtigen gesellschaftlichen Themen

(PRESSEMITTEILUNG) PARIS, 12-Jan-2023 — /EuropaWire/ — AXA (EPA: CS), ein französisches multinationales Versicherungs- und Vermögensverwaltungsunternehmen, hat bekannt gegeben, dass es das Mandat des AXA Research Fund um fünf Jahre verlängert hat. Der Fonds, eine der größten wissenschaftlichen Philanthropie-Initiativen im Privatsektor, … Read the full press release

CRO Cyber Rights Organization : the future of the fight against cyber crime

The first international organization to boast a team of young experts from multiple parts of the world (PRESS RELEASE) THE HAGUE, 9-Jan-2023 — /EuropaWire/ — Based in The Hague, Netherlands, CRO Cyber Rights Organization provides legal and technical assistance to … Read the full press release

Get the Latest Insights on Energy Efficiency and Clean Energy at Alfa Laval’s Net-zero Launch event

(PRESS RELEASE) LUND, 9-Jan-2023 — /EuropaWire/ — Alfa Laval, a world leader in heat transfer, centrifugal separation and fluid handling, has announced it is hosting an event in February to showcase innovative products and insights related to sustainability in process … Read the full press release

Holen Sie sich die neuesten Einblicke in Energieeffizienz und saubere Energie bei der Net-zero Launch-Veranstaltung von Alfa Laval

(PRESSEMITTEILUNG) LUND, 9-Jan-2023 — /EuropaWire/ — Alfa Laval, ein weltweit führendes Unternehmen in den Bereichen Wärmeübertragung, Zentrifugalabscheidung und Flüssigkeitshandhabung, hat angekündigt, dass es im Februar eine Veranstaltung ausrichtet, um innovative Produkte und Erkenntnisse in Bezug auf Nachhaltigkeit in Prozessanwendungen vorzustellen. … Read the full press release

Millennials and Gen X Most Concerned about Financial Situation, According to Capgemini Report

(PRESS RELEASE) PARIS, 9-Jan-2023 — /EuropaWire/ — Capgemini (EPA: CAP), a French multinational leader in consulting, technology services and digital transformation, has announced that according to the second edition of Capgemini Research Institute’s annual consumer trends report, 61% of consumers … Read the full press release

Millennials y Gen X son los más preocupados por la situación financiera, según el informe de Capgemini

(COMUNICADO DE PRENSA) PARÍS, 9-Jan-2023 — /EuropaWire/ — Capgemini (EPA: CAP), una multinacional francesa líder en consultoría, servicios tecnológicos y transformación digital, ha anunciado que según la segunda edición de las tendencias de consumo anuales del Capgemini Research Institute informe, … Read the full press release