Category Archives: Society

Society Press Releases & News distributed via EuropaWire

Die EIB startet die „EU for Ukraine Initiative“ zur Unterstützung der Wiederaufbau- und Wiederaufbaubemühungen

(IN KÜRZE) Die Europäische Investitionsbank (EIB) hat die „Initiative EU für die Ukraine“ ins Leben gerufen, um die Wiederaufbau- und Wiederaufbaubemühungen in der Ukraine nach der massiven russischen Invasion im Jahr 2022 zu unterstützen. Die Initiative umfasst die Einrichtung eines … Read the full press release

EIB launches “EU for Ukraine Initiative” to support reconstruction and recovery efforts

(IN BRIEF) The European Investment Bank (EIB) has launched the “EU for Ukraine Initiative” to support reconstruction and recovery efforts in Ukraine, following the full-scale Russian invasion in 2022. The initiative includes the establishment of a Trust Fund to enable … Read the full press release

Colas Foundation Contributes Over €20,000 to Support Education and Vocational Training for Young People in Marrakech

(IN BRIEF) The Colas Foundation, after 30 years of supporting contemporary art, has decided to shift its focus to social issues. The foundation will now support initiatives that promote social and professional integration of children and young people through education, … Read the full press release

University of St Andrews commits to gender equality in golf through The R&A Women in Golf Charter

(IN BRIEF) The University of St Andrews in Scotland has signed The R&A Women in Golf Charter, committing to gender equality and diversity in the golf industry. The charter, launched in 2018, promotes the recruitment, retention and progression of women … Read the full press release

Carrefour introduces ‘calm spaces’ for autism sufferers in stores

(IN BRIEF) French supermarket chain Carrefour is increasing its support for people on the autism spectrum with new initiatives. The company is introducing store maps on the bars of its shopping trollies to help physically or mentally vulnerable people find … Read the full press release

German FIFA esports players and content creators collaborate with Deutsche Telekom to develop fair play guide

(IN BRIEF) Deutsche Telekom and the esports player foundation are developing the FIFA Fairplay Guide, a code of conduct aimed at promoting fair play and sportsmanship in the FIFA video game community. The guide is part of the “Against Hate … Read the full press release

Four Loughborough Sporting Alumnae Named in BBC Woman’s Hour Power List 2023

(IN BRIEF) Four women with links to Loughborough University have been named in the BBC Radio 4’s Woman’s Hour Power List 2023: Women in Sport. Alice Dearing, a Loughborough alumna and the first black woman to swim for Great Britain … Read the full press release

University of Dundee student nominates Girlguiding Scotland for volunteering award

(IN BRIEF) A University of Dundee student has nominated Girlguiding Scotland for the university’s annual ‘Organisation of the Year’ award. The award recognises the contributions of organisations that students volunteer for. The nomination was made by a molecular biology student, … Read the full press release

Parental Pressure and Social Media Drive Teens’ Compulsive Exercise, Finds Loughborough University Study

(IN BRIEF) Loughborough University research finds that young people’s exercise attitudes and habits are influenced by parents, peers, and social media. The ongoing research focuses on how social influences are linked with compulsive exercise in under-16s. The research team has … Read the full press release

Mitsubishi Corporation s’associe à Solidaridad pour distribuer des foyers économes en énergie aux producteurs de cacao nigérians

(ACTUALITÉ EN BREF) Mitsubishi Corporation et Solidaridad se sont associés pour introduire des foyers économes en énergie pour les petits producteurs de cacao dans les États nigérians d’Ondo et de Cross River. La plupart des ménages ruraux du Nigéria utilisent … Read the full press release

Mitsubishi Corporation Partners with Solidaridad to Distribute Energy-Efficient Cookstoves to Nigerian Cocoa Farmers

(IN BRIEF) Mitsubishi Corporation and Solidaridad have partnered to introduce energy-efficient cookstoves to smallholder cocoa farmers in Nigeria’s Ondo and Cross River states. Most rural households in Nigeria use traditional cookstoves made from mud or metal scraps, which require large … Read the full press release

UK Families More Likely to Report Difficulties During Lockdown Than Turkish Counterparts, Study Shows

(IN BRIEF) A study by researchers from the University of Roehampton and the University of Exeter shows that families in the UK were more likely to report difficulties living together during coronavirus lockdowns than those in Turkey. The research, which … Read the full press release

CGM Finance ottiene dal FEI una garanzia di 18,75 milioni di euro a sostegno delle imprese sociali italiane

La garanzia consentirà a CGM Finance di fornire maggiori finanziamenti alle imprese sociali dando priorità all’impatto sociale rispetto al profitto. (NOTIZIA IN BREVE) Il Fondo europeo per gli investimenti (FEI) ha annunciato una garanzia di 18,75 milioni di euro a … Read the full press release

CGM Finance secures €18.75 million guarantee from EIF to support Italian social enterprises

Guarantee will enable CGM Finance to provide more financing to social enterprises prioritizing social impact over profit. (IN BRIEF) The European Investment Fund (EIF) has announced an €18.75 million guarantee to CGM Finance, which will be used to finance social … Read the full press release

University of Southampton Colleagues to Run in ABP Southampton Marathon for Charitable Causes

(IN BRIEF) University of Southampton colleagues are taking part in the ABP Southampton Marathon, with distances ranging from 5km to the full marathon, and raising funds for various charitable causes. The University has also been announced as the new Culture … Read the full press release

Telia Company Ranks Highly in Digital Inclusion Benchmark by World Benchmarking Alliance, Recognized for Cybersecurity and Skills Initiatives

(IN BRIEF) Telia Company ranked 4th in Europe and 12th globally in the latest Digital Inclusion Benchmark released by the World Benchmarking Alliance. The benchmark assesses tech companies based on their progress towards improving access to technology, fostering trustworthy use, … Read the full press release

Workplace Robot Wellness Coaches: Aussehen beeinflusst Wahrnehmung und Effektivität

(IN KÜRZE) Forscher der University of Cambridge führten eine Studie in einem Technologieberatungsunternehmen mit zwei Roboter-Wohlfühlcoaches durch, bei der 26 Mitarbeiter vier Wochen lang an wöchentlichen, von Robotern geleiteten Wohlbefindenssitzungen teilnahmen. Das physische Erscheinungsbild des Roboters wirkte sich darauf aus, … Read the full press release

Workplace Robot Wellness Coaches: Appearance Influences Perception and Effectiveness

(IN BRIEF) Researchers from the University of Cambridge conducted a study in a tech consultancy firm, using two robot wellbeing coaches, where 26 employees participated in weekly robot-led wellbeing sessions for four weeks. The physical appearance of the robot affected … Read the full press release

La contaminación por ozono provoca importantes ingresos hospitalarios por ataques cardíacos, insuficiencia cardíaca y accidentes cerebrovasculares

(NOTICIA EN BREVE) The European Heart Journal, una revista de la Sociedad Europea de Cardiología (ESC), ha publicado un nuevo estudio que revela que superar el límite de ozono de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) está asociado con … Read the full press release

Ozone pollution causes substantial hospital admissions for heart attack, heart failure and stroke

(IN BRIEF) The European Heart Journal, a journal of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC), has published a new study revealing that surpassing the World Health Organization’s (WHO) ozone limit is associated with significant increases in hospital admissions for heart … Read the full press release

La instalación de arte de M&S “Sixteen” celebra la diversidad y fomenta la conciencia sobre la salud de los senos

(NOTICIA EN BREVE) M&S ha presentado una instalación de arte llamada “Sixteen” en el South Bank de Londres. Creada en asociación con la artista de casting de cuerpos femeninos Lydia Reeves, la instalación muestra los senos de 16 colegas de … Read the full press release

M&S art installation “Sixteen” celebrates diversity and encourages breast health awareness

(IN BRIEF) M&S has unveiled an art installation called “Sixteen” on London’s South Bank. Created in partnership with female body casting artist Lydia Reeves, the installation showcases the chests of 16 M&S colleagues to normalise the uniqueness of breasts and … Read the full press release

Stagecoach Manchester mira ad affrontare la sottorappresentazione delle donne nei settori dell’ingegneria e dei trasporti con una nuova campagna

(NOTIZIA IN BREVE) Stagecoach Manchester ha lanciato la campagna “Engineering Your Future” per incoraggiare più donne a intraprendere una carriera nell’ingegneria. L’azienda ha identificato una mancanza di donne sia nel settore dell’ingegneria che in quello dei trasporti e spera che … Read the full press release

Stagecoach Manchester Aims to Address Under-Representation of Women in Engineering and Transport Sectors with New Campaign

(IN BRIEF) Stagecoach Manchester has launched the ‘Engineering Your Future’ campaign to encourage more women to pursue careers in engineering. The company has identified a lack of women in both the engineering and transport sectors and hopes the campaign will … Read the full press release

Increasing cases of gender-based violence online: “We need answers at European level as soon as possible”

8 March is also a day to reflect on gender-based violence against women online (IN BRIEF) Despite the end of the pandemic, gender-based violence against women online remains a significant issue, with cases increasing by 70% during and after the … Read the full press release

Greece: Joint official Statements by Minister of State Mr. Giorgos Gerapetritis and the outgoing Minister of Infrastructure and Transport Mr. Kostas Karamanlis at the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport

Joint official Statements by Minister of State Mr. Giorgos Gerapetritis and the outgoing Minister of Infrastructure and Transport Mr. Kostas Karamanlis

(IN BRIEF) Greece: The outgoing Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Kostas Karamanlis, expresses his condolences to the families who lost loved ones in a recent tragedy, and emphasizes the need for a thorough investigation into the causes of the accident. … Read the full press release

Empa colabora con St. Gallen University of Teacher Education and Schoolschools para crear un libro infantil sobre el futuro sostenible

(NOTICIA EN BREVE) Empa, un instituto de investigación suizo, está colaborando con la Universidad de Formación de Profesores de St. Gallen y niños de primaria para desarrollar visiones para un futuro sostenible y recopilarlas en un libro ilustrado para niños. … Read the full press release

Empa Collaborates with St. Gallen University of Teacher Education and Schoolchildren to Create a Children’s Book on Sustainable Future

(IN BRIEF) Empa, a Swiss research institute, is collaborating with St. Gallen University of Teacher Education and primary schoolchildren to develop visions for a sustainable future and compile them into an illustrated children’s book. The project, titled “Co-creating a Circular … Read the full press release

Co-op et Hubbub lancent un projet pilote de réfrigérateur communautaire pour lutter contre le gaspillage alimentaire et l’insécurité

(ACTUALITÉ EN BREF) La coopérative s’est associée à Hubbub, à la Manchester Climate Change Agency et à d’autres organisations pour lancer un projet pilote de réfrigérateur communautaire à Oldham, visant à lutter contre le gaspillage alimentaire et l’insécurité. L’initiative créera … Read the full press release

Co-op and Hubbub launch Community Fridge pilot to combat food waste and insecurity

(IN BRIEF) The Co-op has partnered with Hubbub, Manchester Climate Change Agency, and other organizations to launch a Community Fridge pilot in Oldham, aimed at combating food waste and insecurity. The initiative will create a space for locals to share … Read the full press release

Official Statement by the Greek Minister of Infrastructure and Transport Mr. Kostas Karamanlis

Official Statement by the Greek Minister of Infrastructure and Transport Mr. Kostas Karamanlis

(IN BRIEF) Official Statement by Mr. Kostas Karamanlis, Minister of Infrastructure and Transport in Greece, on the train crash in Tempe, Greece.  (PRESS RELEASE) ATHENS, 2-Mar-2023 — /EuropaWire/ — Official Statement by the Greek Minister of Infrastructure and Transport Mr. … Read the full press release


Digital marketing agency Renaissance3 marks one year of war in Ukraine by offering funding and technical assistance to bolster creative solutions to ongoing Russian aggression (IN BRIEF) Award-winning digital marketing agency Renaissance3 is seeking nominations for initiatives that aim to … Read the full press release

One Year Since the Invasion: New Series Highlights Everyday People Transformed by War into Heroes

Marketing agency bets on “heartbreaking, inspiring” campaign and offers €10,000 funding awards, and marketing support to galvanize fight for Ukrainian sovereignty (IN BRIEF) Digital marketing agency Renaissance3 launched a new campaign called “24 for 24” featuring 24 change makers, one … Read the full press release

Crédit Agricole finanziert 10.500 Wohneinheiten für Senioren durch ein sozialwirksames Darlehen in Höhe von 152,5 Mio. EUR an Énéal

(IN KÜRZE) Crédit Agricole hat Énéal, dem Immobilienunternehmen für soziale Gesundheitsfürsorge der Action Logement Group, ein nachhaltiges Darlehen in Höhe von 152,5 Millionen Euro zur Verfügung gestellt. Die Finanzierung wird Énéal bei seinem sozial verantwortlichen Engagement unterstützen, 10.500 Wohneinheiten für … Read the full press release

Crédit Agricole funds 10,500 senior citizen housing units through EUR 152.5m social impact loan to Énéal

(IN BRIEF) Crédit Agricole has provided a EUR 152.5 million social impact sustainable loan to Énéal, the social healthcare property company of Action Logement Group. The financing will support Énéal in its socially responsible commitments to develop 10,500 housing units … Read the full press release

Orange ofrece llamadas y SMS gratuitos a Turquía y Siria

(NOTICIA EN BREVE) El Grupo Orange ha anunciado medidas para apoyar a los afectados por los recientes terremotos en Turquía. La empresa ofrece llamadas y SMS gratuitos a Turquía y Siria, así como itinerancia gratuita para los trabajadores de rescate … Read the full press release

Orange Offers Free Calls and SMS to Turkey and Syria

(IN BRIEF) The Orange Group has announced measures to support those affected by the recent earthquakes in Turkey. The company is providing free calls and SMS to Turkey and Syria, as well as free roaming for rescue workers in affected … Read the full press release

Une séance de thérapie révolutionnaire de trois heures aide les enfants à surmonter leurs peurs

(ACTUALITÉ EN BREF) Une étude menée par des chercheurs de l’Université de York et de l’Université de Sheffield a révélé que les phobies courantes de l’enfance, telles que la peur des araignées, des chiens et des aiguilles, pouvaient être résolues … Read the full press release