Category Archives: Society

Society Press Releases & News distributed via EuropaWire

University of Liverpool researchers: Recidivism rates amongst Victorian young criminals were significantly lower than today

LIVERPOOL, 17-4-2015 — /EuropaWire/ — Recidivism rates amongst Victorian young offenders were significantly lower than today, revealing the value of providing “skills and stability”, say University of Liverpool researchers. The After Care project, conducted by Department of Sociology, Social Policy … Read the full press release

UCL and University of Bristol research: Men donate competitively when the fundraiser is an attractive woman

LONDON, 17-4-2015 — /EuropaWire/ — Men give more money through fundraising websites after seeing that other men have donated large amounts and when the fundraiser is an attractive woman, according to new UCL and University of Bristol research. The scientists say … Read the full press release

Universities of Twente students developed new social network focused on people between the ages of 16 and 30 years called Headway

Enschede, Netherlands, 16-4-2015 — /EuropaWire/ — A team of students from the UT’s Creative Technology programme is one of eight teams nominated for the SpinAward for Young Talent, a pitch contest for talented young people. The SpinAwards are prizes for creative concepts … Read the full press release

University Medical Center Groningen study: New-born babies of smoking mothers weigh on average 200 grams less than the babies of non-smoking mothers

New-born babies of smoking mothers weigh on average 200 grams less than the babies of non-smoking mothers. Nearly 20 percent of this lower birth weight can be accounted for by the change in DNA methylation of the GFI1 gene as … Read the full press release

AkzoNobel-sponsored Economist Intelligence Unit’s new report called Tomorrow’s cities explores how cities can create optimal environments for citizens

A new report from the Economist Intelligence Unit and sponsored by AkzoNobel explores how cities can create optimal environments for citizens. AMSTERDAM, 13-4-2015 — /EuropaWire/ — The report, called Tomorrow’s cities, features city experts and executives from across the world, … Read the full press release

European Network of Paediatric Research at the European Medicines Agency will hold its 7th annual workshop on 28 May 2015 at the EMA

Registration now open for a workshop of the European Network of Paediatric Research at the European Medicines Agency (Enpr-EMA) on 28 May 2015 LONDON, 9-4-2015 — /EuropaWire/ — Enpr-EMA will hold its 7th annual workshop on 28 May 2015 at … Read the full press release

International Roma Day: OSCE Bosnia and Herzegovina Head Jonathan Moore called on state authorities to allocate necessary resources and implement the Roma Action Plans

SARAJEVO, 9-4-2015 — /EuropaWire/ — On the occasion of the International Roma Day, Head of the OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina Ambassador Jonathan Moore called today on state authorities to allocate necessary resources and implement the Roma Action Plans on … Read the full press release

University of Liverpool: Uruguayan artist Brian Mackern’s creations will be disseminated on social media throughout April part of Latin American Cyberculture Project

LIVERPOOL, 8-4-2015 — /EuropaWire/ — Images created by Uruguayan artist, Brian Mackern, during a residency in Liverpool will be disseminated on social media throughout April in the next stage of a Latin American Cyberculture Project. Brian said that his work, … Read the full press release

Banco de Portugal launches its first app for smartphones and tablets

LISBON, 8-4-2015 — /EuropaWire/ — Today, 6 April 2015, Banco de Portugal launches its first app for smartphones and tablets. This first app comes completely free of charge and provides useful information and services from Banco de Portugal. The functionality … Read the full press release

UK: Same sex marriages will be able to take place at British Consulates in 24 countries

LONDON, 1-4-2015 — /EuropaWire/ — The ‘Consular Marriage and Marriages under Foreign Law Order 2014’ comes into force on 3 June and means that same sex marriages will be able to take place at British Consulates in the following countries: … Read the full press release

Global partnership between RB and Save the Children launched ground-breaking programme to help eradicate child deaths from diarrhoea

New Delhi, 30-3-2015 — /EuropaWire/ — The global partnership between RB and Save the Children today launched a unique and ground-breaking programme to help eradicate child deaths from diarrhoea. The partnership unveiled two innovative new hygiene and sanitation products by RB … Read the full press release

Tate Britain unveils the filters, a three-part installation by artist Christina Mackie, created for the annual Tate Britain Commission 2015 and supported by Sotheby’s

24 March – 18 October 2015 Tate Britain, Duveen Galleries Free Admission. Open daily 10.00 – 18.00 For public information call +44 (0)20 7887 8888, visit, follow @tate #Christinamackie LONDON, 26-3-2015 — /EuropaWire/ — Tate Britain today unveils the … Read the full press release

UK: Loughborough University created new app VoteBee to track the nation’s mood about the General Election through Twitter

A new app created by academics at Loughborough University enables you to track the nation’s mood about the General Election through Twitter. Leicestershire, 25-3-2015 — /EuropaWire/ — VoteBee uses the ground-breaking Emotive Engine to search for tweets about the key political parties, … Read the full press release

TEFAF Maastricht art fair 2015: 75,000 visitors from 65 countries; 400 private jets recorded at Maastricht – Aachen airport

MAASTRICHT, 25-3-2015 — /EuropaWire/ — ‘Visitor figures and sales this year testify to the strength of TEFAF 2015. Since the inception of the fair over a quarter of a century ago the market has changed and so has the fair. TEFAF will … Read the full press release

Berlin Demography Forum takes place at the Allianz Forum (March 18) and at the ESMT (March 19 and 20)

The surprising results of the “Demography-Compass”, presented for the first time at the Berlin Demography-Forum (BDF) 300 international experts from the fields of politics, business, and academia gather at the BDF to discuss the “activity, health, participation” of older people … Read the full press release

Glencore joined the Plenary of the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights (Voluntary Principles)

Baar, Switzerland, 20-3-2015 — /EuropaWire/ — Glencore is pleased to announce that on 18 March 2015 it joined the Plenary of the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights (Voluntary Principles). The Voluntary Principles were established in 2000 and provide … Read the full press release

EU Court of Justice’s Advocate General Juliane Kokott comments on family reunification in the case of married couples who are third-country nationals

Advocate General’s Opinion in Case C-153/14 K and A In the event of unreasonableness or special circumstances, it must, however, be possible for exemptions from the examination to be granted in individual cases, and any examination fees must not be … Read the full press release

EURORDIS: Rare diseases are not yet recognised as an international public health priority

BRUSSELS, 18-3-2015 — /EuropaWire/ — The 22nd meeting of the EURORDIS Round Table of Companies recently took place in Brussels on the occasion of Rare Disease Day 2015 and focused on the theme ‘Rare Diseases: Going Global’. This EURORDIS corporate-membership group … Read the full press release

Newcastle University Dr Suzanne Moffatt research shows people affected by the bedroom tax are finding it impossible to manage ever-decreasing incomes

NEWCASTLE, 17-3-2015 — /EuropaWire/ — Communities are being pulled apart by the bedroom tax as people struggle to ‘survive’ its effects, says a leading academic at Newcastle University. Dr Suzanne Moffatt says a new study undermines Government claims that implementing … Read the full press release

Study suggests potential rise in measles cases of 100,000 across the three countries most affected by the Ebola outbreak in West Africa

SOUTHAMPTON, 16-3-2015 — /EuropaWire/ — An international study involving the University of Southampton suggests there could be a rise in measles cases of 100,000 across the three countries most affected by the Ebola outbreak in West Africa due to health system … Read the full press release

Former University of Leicester historian David Baldwin explores Henry VIII’s secret love in new book

Historian suggests that Katherine Willoughby, Duchess of Suffolk, who married Henry VIII’s close friend Charles Brandon, became close to Henry both before and after Charles’s death Theory of seventh wife to-be explored in new book ‘Henry VIII’s Last Love: The … Read the full press release

Workshop über Glücks- und Erfolgspathologien in der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts an der Universität Konstanz

Workshop über Glücks- und Erfolgspathologien in der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts KONSTANZ, 10-3-2015 — /EuropaWire/ — Vom 18. bis 20. März untersucht der Workshop „Stress und Unbehagen“ an der Universität Konstanz, wie sich das Streben nach Glück und Erfolg … Read the full press release

Abertis Foundation and ONCE Foundation to improve the benefits and conditions of motorway transit for the group of disabled persons

This Thursday the Abertis Foundation and the ONCE Foundation signed a cooperation agreement, whe-reby both entities will work together to analyse and promote measures which will improve the benefits and conditions of service of motorway transit for the group of … Read the full press release

New project in Barcelona called KanGo! to help school children travel to school alone on public transport

Abertis Foundation, Barcelona City Council, Catalan Down Syndrome Foundation, Teléfonica, and public transport operator Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona, launch KanGo! to help school children from the neighbourhood of Sarrià-Sant Gervasi (Barcelona) to travel to school alone on public transport. KanGO! … Read the full press release

HRB-funded longitudinal study called Maternal health And Maternal Morbidity in Ireland (MAMMI) launched at Trinity College Dublin

MAMMI study to make mothers’ invisible health problems visible. The new longitudinal study from Trinity College Dublin will look across a range of health issues affecting pregnant women and first time mothers. Early results from one strand show a high … Read the full press release

Sandoz launches New Life & New Hope program aimed at improving maternal and child health and reduce mortality associated with childbirth in Ethiopia

Approximately 400 mothers and newborns die in Ethiopia each day1,2partly due to health workers’ limited knowledge in the area of obstetrics Enhancing medical knowledge and skills of health workers helps reduce maternal and newborn mortality Sandoz is committed to increasing … Read the full press release

Umeå University study People who use snus run twice the risk of developing alcohol dependency

Umeå, Sweden, 3-3-2015 — /EuropaWire/ — People who use snus run twice the risk of developing alcohol dependency compared with non-users, and the more one uses snus, the higher the risk. This has been found in a study from Umeå … Read the full press release

Oxford University study in Sweden finds depression is associated with a threefold increase in the risk of committing violent crime

OXFORD, 2-3-2015 — /EuropaWire/ — A diagnosis of depression is associated with a threefold increase in the risk of committing violent crime, compared to the general population, according to a new study based on nearly 50,000 people in Sweden diagnosed … Read the full press release

Allied Irish Banks and Gaelic Athletic Association announced unique new partnership agreement that will unite club and county for the first time under one sponsor

Croke Park, Ireland, 25-2-2015 — /EuropaWire/ — The GAA and AIB today announced a unique new partnership agreement that will unite club and county for the first time under one sponsor. AIB, partner of the AIB GAA Club Championships for the last … Read the full press release Research based on pupil absence and exam results data reveals the link between attendance and achievement

LONDON, 23-2-2015 — /EuropaWire/ — Even short breaks from school can reduce a pupil’s chances of succeeding at school by as much as a quarter, research reveals today (22 February 2015). The research, based on extensive pupil absence figures and … Read the full press release

Destatis: Die Unternehmen des Gastgewerbes in Deutschland setzten im Dezember 2014 real 0,1 % und nominal 2,5 % mehr um als im Dezember 2013

WIESBADEN, 17-2-2015 — /EuropaWire/ — Die Unternehmen des Gastgewerbes in Deutschland setzten im Dezember 2014 real 0,1 % und nominal 2,5 % mehr um als im Dezember 2013. Wie das Statistische Bundesamt (Destatis) weiter mitteilt, lag der Umsatz im Gastgewerbe im Dezember 2014 im … Read the full press release

Destatis: In Deutschland waren Ende Dezember 2014 in den Betrieben des Verarbeitenden Gewerbes mit 50 und mehr Beschäftigten 5,3 Millionen Personen tätig

WIESBADEN, 17-2-2015 — /EuropaWire/ — In Deutschland waren Ende Dezember 2014 in den Betrieben des Verarbeitenden Gewerbes mit 50 und mehr Beschäftigten 5,3 Millionen Personen tätig. Wie das Statistische Bundesamt (Destatis) nach vorläufigen Ergebnissen weiter mitteilt, waren das rund 57 000 Beschäftigte … Read the full press release

The European Union to give EUR 156 million in humanitarian funding in 2015 to Africa’s Sahel region

BRUSSSELS, 16-2-2015 — /EuropaWire/ — The European Union will give €156 million in humanitarian funding in 2015 to the Sahel region, where close to 20 million people don’t know where their next meal will come from and more than 5 … Read the full press release

University of Twente announces big names for its summer school festival CuriousU 2015

Still a few months to go, but preparations for CuriousU 2015 are in full swing. This will be the first festival edition Summer School in the Netherlands. On Monday, the organizers of the eight-day festival (11 to 18 August in … Read the full press release

Rovio Entertainment and Dreamkids Kindergarten teamed up to launch the first Angry Birds Playground in Singapore

Rovio Entertainment and Dreamkids Kindergarten team up to open the first Angry Birds Playground in Southeast Asia. Espoo, Finland, 11-2-2015 — /EuropaWire/ — Rovio Entertainment and Dreamkids Kindergarten have teamed up to launch the first Angry Birds Playground in Singapore. Based on … Read the full press release

University of Liverpool researcher, Dr Eleanor Longden nominated for her academic and media work at the Deputy Prime Minister’s Mental Health Heroes Awards

LIVERPOOL, 11-2-2015 — /EuropaWire/ — Universityof Liverpool researcher, Dr Eleanor Longden, attended the Deputy Prime Minister’s Mental Health Heroes Awards which recognise individuals who have helped, supported, or inspired those with mental health difficulties. Dr Longden. from the Institute of Psychology, Health and … Read the full press release

University of Liverpool lecturer raised more than £5,000 for research project run at Liverpool Women’s Hospital

LIVERPOOL, 11-2-2015 — /EuropaWire/ — Dr Jonathan Hogg, senior lecturer in the History Department, has raised more than £5,000 for a research project run at Liverpool Women’s Hospital. In 2014 Jonathan’s son, Arlo Dutton Hogg, was stillborn at full term. … Read the full press release

University of York to lead major project to improve teaching methods in Kenyan primary schools

Academics from the University of York will lead a major project looking into ways to improve teaching methods in Kenyan primary schools over the next two years. YORK, 10-2-2015 — /EuropaWire/ — Funded by a joint grant from the Economic … Read the full press release

University of Leicester conference to discuss remote warfare issues on Wednesday 11 February

Leicester, UK, 10-2-2015 — /EuropaWire/ — University of Leicester stages conference to discuss issues relating to remote warfare Discussions will include the theory, practice and ethics of remote warfare Academics and journalists will talk about the benefits and the future … Read the full press release