Category Archives: Society

Society Press Releases & News distributed via EuropaWire

Siemens a réaménagé son siège social à Varsovie pour accueillir des réfugiés ukrainiens financés principalement par les dons de ses employés

Hébergement à long terme pour 160 personnes au siège social de Siemens à Varsovie Les premiers réfugiés ukrainiens ont déjà emménagé Siemens Caring Hands e.V. en tant que partenaire solide dans la lutte contre la (COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE) MÜNCHEN, 19-Jul-2022 … Read the full press release

Leadec donates to six charitable initiatives in celebration of its 60th anniversary

(PRESS RELEASE) STUTTGART, 14-Jul-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Leadec, a Stuttgart based leader in technical services for the automotive and manufacturing industries, has announced the company will make six donations to six charitable initiatives in celebration of its 60th anniversary. Each … Read the full press release

Η HBC Consulting Expert θεωρεί παράλογη την εμπλοκή του κυπριακού δικαστηρίου στην υπόθεση κληρονομιάς από τη χήρα του ολιγάρχη Μπόσοφ

Ο ολιγάρχης είχε αποκτήσει την περιουσία του πολύ πριν παντρευτεί την Κατερίνα. Ως εκ τούτου, δεν έχει κανένα δικαίωμα να διεκδικήσει τον έλεγχο των επιχειρήσεων και της ακίνητης περιουσίας αυτού (ΔΕΛΤΙΟ ΤΥΠΟΥ) ΛΕΜΕΣΟΣ, Κύπρος, 14-Ιουλίου-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Ο Χένρι … Read the full press release

Esperto della società di consulenza HBC: le autorità italiane non hanno permesso a Katerina Bosov di vendere la villa del marito

I tentativi di vendere la villa senza il permesso delle autorità potrebbero complicare la sua permanenza in Europa (COMUNICATO STAMPA) LUCCA, Italia, 13-Lug-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — La società di consulenza HBC ha reso noto che le autorità italiane hanno bloccato … Read the full press release

HBC Consulting Expert considers senseless the involvement of the Cypriot court in the case of inheritance by the widow of oligarch Bosov

The oligarch had earned his fortune long before his marriage to Katerina. So she has no rights to claim for business and property. (PRESS RELEASE) LIMASSOL, Cyprus, 13-Jul-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Henry Bertson, HBC Consulting expert, believes that the Limassol … Read the full press release

Solidaridad to support smallholder oil palm farmers in Nigeria get a better price for their produce in partnership with Zowasel, an agricultural produce marketing company

(PRESS RELEASE) UTRECHT, 12-Jul-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Solidaridad, an international civil society organization active in over 40 countries with 8 regional offices on 5 continents, has announced it will support smallholder oil palm farmers in Nigeria get a better price … Read the full press release

Solidaridad para ayudar a los pequeños productores de palma aceitera en Nigeria a obtener un mejor precio por sus productos en asociación con Zowasel, una empresa de comercialización de productos agrícolas

(COMUNICADO DE PRENSA) UTRECHT, 12-Jul-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Solidaridad, una organización internacional de la sociedad civil activa en más de 40 países con 8 oficinas regionales en los 5 continentes, ha anunciado que ayudará a los pequeños productores de palma … Read the full press release

Hydro Extrusions plants in Poland to donate EUR 50,000 to Happy Kids, a leading Polish NGO, in support of relocating orphaned children from Ukraine

(PRESS RELEASE) OSLO, 11-Jul-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Hydro (OTCMKTS: NHYDY), a Norwegian aluminium and renewable energy company committed to a sustainable future, has announced that its Extrusions plants in Poland will donate EUR 50,000 to Happy Kids, a leading Polish … Read the full press release

Hydro Extrusions-Werke in Polen spenden 50.000 EUR an Happy Kids, eine führende polnische NGO, um die Umsiedlung von Waisenkindern aus der Ukraine zu unterstützen

(PRESSEMITTEILUNG) OSLO, 11-Jul-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Hydro (OTCMKTS: NHYDY), ein norwegisches Unternehmen für Aluminium und erneuerbare Energien, engagiert sich für eine nachhaltige Zukunft, hat angekündigt, dass seine Extrusionswerke in Polen 50.000 Euro an Happy Kids, eine führende polnische Nichtregierungsorganisation, spenden … Read the full press release

Dancer Zola Dubnikova & Musician Estas Tonne collaborate and create a transformative Retreat experience in stunning Portugal

A world premiere collaboration, a 3-day retreat filled with sacred movement and transcendental sound journey, this summer between the foothills of the Algarve, Portugal. (PRESS RELEASE) ALGARVE, Portugal, 9-Jul-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — After nearly 20 years of soul connection between … Read the full press release

DBACE 2022, one of the UK’s longest running creative enterprise programmes, announces its 5 winners

(PRESS RELEASE) FRANKFURT AM MAIN, 30-Jun-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Deutsche Bank (XETRA: DBKGn.DB / NYSE: DB), Germany’s leading multinational investment bank and financial services company, has announced that DBACE 2022 (The Deutsche Bank Awards for Creative Entrepreneurs), one of the … Read the full press release

Vil du være med å utvikle fremtidens bærekraftige reiseliv?

Vi trenger flere kreative hoder! Let’s (Re)Visit Europe in Style. (PRESSEMELDING) KRISTIANSAND, Norge, 26-Apr-2022 — /EuropaWire/ —Det tredje CASSINI HACKATHON, som vil finne sted 12.-14. mai, er et event som arrangeres på 10 lokasjoner i Europa samtidig. Deltagerne vil få … Read the full press release

Mettiti alla prova con la terza edizione del CASSINI Hackathon per rivitalizzare il settore turistico

(Ri)visitiamo l’Europa con stile. Una sfida per l’Italia, organizzata da Lazio Innova, sulla salvaguardia ambientale e la digitalizzazione nel settore del turismo (COMUNICATO STAMPA) ROMA, Italia, 22-Apr-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Sono aperte le iscrizioni per partecipare alla terza edizione del … Read the full press release

Προκαλέστε τον εαυτό σας στο 3ο CASSINI Hackathon και στοχεύστε την αναζωογόνηση του τουρισμού!

Λάβετε μέρος μαζί με μερικά από τα πιο λαμπρά μυαλά του διαστημικού και τουριστικού τομέα. Πρωτοβουλία (Re)Visit Europe με απαράμιλλο στιλ. (ΔΕΛΤΙΟ ΤΥΠΟΥ) ΑΘΗΝΑ, Ελλάδα, 20-Apr-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Το 3ο CASSINI Hackathon, το οποίο έχει προγραμματιστεί για τις 12-14 … Read the full press release

University of Bristol led study found that obese women are at double risk of developing womb cancer

(PRESS RELEASE) BRISTOL, 19-Apr-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — University of Bristol, a red brick research university, has announced that it led a new research on the link between body mass index (BMI) and endometrial cancer risk. The study, funded by Cancer … Read the full press release

Shantanu Kundu, a medical student at University of Liverpool, selected as a baton bearer for the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games

(PRESS RELEASE) LIVERPOOL, 15-Apr-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — University of Liverpool, a public research university, has announced that its medical student Shantanu Kundu will be the baton bearer for the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games. The honour comes following a nomination from … Read the full press release

Shantanu Kundu, étudiant en médecine à l’Université de Liverpool, sélectionné comme porteur de bâton pour les Jeux du Commonwealth de Birmingham 2022

(COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE) LIVERPOOL, 15-Apr-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — l’université de Liverpool, une université de recherche publique, a annoncé que son équipe médicale Shantanu Kundu, étudiante, sera le porte-drapeau des Jeux du Commonwealth de Birmingham 2022. Cet honneur fait suite à … Read the full press release

Participez au 3e Hackathon CASSINI et relevez le défi de redynamiser le tourisme!

Rejoignez les esprits les plus brillants du secteur (Re)Visit Europe – (Re)découvrons l’Europe sous un nouvel angle (COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE) NîMES, France, 14-Apr-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Le 3e Hackathon CASSINI aura lieu du 12 au 14 mai. Cet événement de … Read the full press release

3. CASSINI Hackathon zur Neubelebung des Tourismus: Stellen Sie sich der Herausforderung!

(PRESSEMITTEILUNG) GRAZ, Österreich, 14-Apr-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — 3. CASSINI Hackathon zur Neubelebung des Tourismus: Stellen Sie sich der Herausforderung! Europa stilvoll (neu) entdecken. Der 3. CASSINI Hackathon vom 12.-14. Mai ist eine europaweite Veranstaltung, die das EU-Weltraumprogramm nutzt, um wichtige … Read the full press release

Írd újra Európa turizmusát a 3. CASSINI Hackathonon!

(SAJTÓKÖZLEMÉNY) Budapest, Magyarország, 14-Apr-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — A május 12 és 14 között, egész Európában megrendezendő hackathon fő célja, hogy a résztvevők szembenézzenek az idegenforgalom legfontosabb globális kihívásaival, és fenntarthatóbbá alakítsák Európa turizmusát. Mindebben uniós űrprogram segíti a őket. A … Read the full press release

Podejmij wyzwanie! Weź udział w 3. Hackathonie CASSINI i pomóż ponownie ożywić turystykę!

(KOMUNIKAT PRASOWY) KRAKÓW, POLSKA, 14-Apr-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Podejmij wyzwanie! Weź udział w 3. Hackathonie CASSINI i pomóż ponownie ożywić turystykę! Czas (Re)Visit Europe w dobrym stylu. Zaplanowany na 12-14 maja 3. CASSINI Hackathon, to ogólnoeuropejskie wydarzenie, które z pomocą … Read the full press release

Daag jezelf uit op de 3e CASSINI Hackathon en blaas toerisme nieuw leven in

(PERSBERICHT) NOORDWIJK, Nederland, 14-Apr-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Daag jezelf uit op de 3e CASSINI Hackathon en blaas toerisme nieuw leven in. Thema: (Re)Visit Europe De 3e CASSINI Hackathon vindt plaats van 12-14 mei verspreid over 10 locaties in Europa. Als … Read the full press release

Venice’s landmark 500-year-old Procuratie Vecchie building opens to the public following an extensive five-year restoration work

500-year-old building becomes a global hub for social purpose An interactive exhibition connects visitors to their own character strengths Generali signs a partnership with United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) (PRESS RELEASE) VENICE, 8-Apr-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Generali (BIT: G), one … Read the full press release

Le célèbre bâtiment des Procuratie Vecchie, vieux de 500 ans, ouvre ses portes au public après cinq ans de travaux de restauration

Un bâtiment vieux de 500 ans devient une plaque tournante mondiale à vocation sociale Une exposition interactive relie les visiteurs à leurs propres forces de caractère Generali signe un partenariat avec le Programme des Nations Unies pour le Développement (PNUD) … Read the full press release

Santander Bank Polska trabaja en una solución para el acceso rápido y seguro a efectivo para los refugiados ucranianos como parte del programa de asistencia en efectivo de la ONU

(COMUNICADO DE PRENSA) VARSOVIA, 7-Apr-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Banco Santander, SA (BME: SAN), una multinacional española compañía de servicios financieros, ha anunciado que su banco en Polonia Santander Bank Polska está trabajando actualmente con la Agencia de la ONU para … Read the full press release

Santander Bank Polska pracuje nad rozwiązaniem szybkiego i bezpiecznego dostępu do gotówki dla ukraińskich uchodźców w ramach programu UN Cash Assistance

(KOMUNIKAT PRASOWY) WARSZAWA, 7-Apr-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Banco Santander, SA (BME: SAN), hiszpańska międzynarodowa firma świadcząca usługi finansowe, poinformowała, że jej bank w Polsce Santander Bank Polska współpracuje obecnie z Agencją ONZ ds. Uchodźców (UNHCR) nad opracowaniem rozwiązania, które może … Read the full press release

Santander Bank Polska works on a a solution for quick and secure access to cash for Ukrainian refugees as part of UN Cash Assistance programme

(PRESS RELEASE) WARSAW, 7-Apr-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Banco Santander, S.A. (BME: SAN), a Spanish multinational financial services company, has announced that its bank in Poland Santander Bank Polska is currently working with the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) on the development … Read the full press release

Swedfund stellt Five-Star Business Finance Limited, einem Nichtbanken-Finanzunternehmen in Indien, ein langfristiges, vorrangiges, unbesichertes Darlehen in Höhe von 20 Millionen USD zur Verfügung

(PRESSEMITTEILUNG) STOCKHOLM, 29-Mar-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Swedfund, der Entwicklungsfinanzierer der schwedischen Regierung, hat angekündigt, USD bereitzustellen 20 Millionen langfristiges, vorrangiges, unbesichertes Darlehen an Five-Star Business Finance Limited, ein Nichtbanken-Finanzunternehmen in Indien, zur Unterstützung von Kleinstunternehmern im ganzen Land. Der begrenzte … Read the full press release

Swedfund to provide USD 20 million long-term, senior unsecured loan to Five-Star Business Finance Limited, a Non-Banking Financial Company in India

(PRESS RELEASE) STOCKHOLM, 29-Mar-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Swedfund, the Swedish Government’s development financier, has announced it will provide USD 20 million long-term, senior unsecured loan to Five-Star Business Finance Limited, a Non-Banking Financial Company in India, in support of micro-entrepreneurs … Read the full press release

STILL ALIVE by Andrej Statskij: A book that will give you the strength to survive in a dangerous situation

Author looking for a sponsor (PRESS RELEASE) JELGAVA, Latvia, 29-Mar-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Still Alive was begun by Andrej Statskij in early 2021 in a hospital while battling a dangerous illness. It was finished later that year and received a … Read the full press release

La Better Life Farming Alliance, que apoya a los pequeños agricultores, se expande en América Latina con la apertura de su primera ubicación en Córdoba, México

(COMUNICADO DE PRENSA) MONHEIM, 17-Mar-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Bayer, una empresa global con competencias básicas en los campos de las ciencias biológicas de la salud y nutrición, ha anunciado que Better Life Farming Alliance, una asociación a largo plazo de … Read the full press release

The Better Life Farming Alliance, a supporter of smallholder farmers, expands in Latin America with first location opened in Córdoba, Mexico

(PRESS RELEASE) MONHEIM, 17-Mar-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Bayer, a global enterprise with core competencies in the life science fields of healthcare and nutrition, has announced that the Better Life Farming Alliance, a long-term partnership of Bayer, IFC (International Finance Corporation), … Read the full press release

University of Twente unveils a new app that helps people train in positivity during challenging times

(PRESS RELEASE) ENSCHEDE, 14-Mar-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — University of Twente, a Enschede, NL based public technical university, has announced the launch of a new app that helps people train in positivity during challenging times. The Training in Positivity app, TIP … Read the full press release

The 3rd edition of the Observatory of Digital Uses surveyed 17,000 people on the main benefits and obstacles to the use of digital technologies

(PRESS RELEASE) PARIS, 10-Mar-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Orange S.A. (EPA: ORA), a French multinational telecommunications group, has announced that the 3rd edition of the Observatory of Digital Uses survey is out now. Launched in 2018 by Orange and OpinionWay, French … Read the full press release

Empowering women: Deutsche Bank helped more than 200,000 women in 2021 with formal education, vocational training, healthcare, entrepreneurship programmes across Asia Pacific

(PRESS RELEASE) FRANKFURT, 8-Mar-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Deutsche Bank (XETRA: DBKGn.DB / NYSE: DB), Germany’s leading multinational investment bank and financial services company, has announced that it helped, through its Corporate Responsibility programme, more than 200,000 women in 2021 across … Read the full press release

Die Zahl der Erstkäufer von Eigenheimen in Großbritannien hat sich laut dem First Time Buyer Index von Barclays Mortgages fast verdoppelt

Die meisten beginnen im Alter von 24 Jahren mit dem Sparen für ihre erste Immobilie, während das Durchschnittsalter bei Fertigstellung bei 32 Jahren liegt Fast drei Viertel (73 Prozent) wünschten, sie hätten früher mit dem Sparen begonnen, und 64 Prozent … Read the full press release

Amanda Blanc, PDG du groupe Aviva et championne des femmes en finance, commente la manière de lutter contre la lente progression des femmes dans les postes de direction dans les services financiers

(COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE) LONDRES, 7-Mar-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Aviva plc (LON : AV), une multinationale d’assurance britannique, a annoncé que sa PDG du groupe, Amanda Blanc, la championne des femmes en finance, a publié des recommandations pour lutter contre la lenteur des … Read the full press release

Amanda Blanc, Aviva Group CEO and the Women in Finance Champion, comments on how to tackle the slow progress of women into senior management roles across financial services

(PRESS RELEASE) LONDON, 7-Mar-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Aviva plc (LON: AV), a British multinational insurance company, has announced that its Group CEO Amanda Blanc, the Women in Finance Champion, has released recommendations to tackle the slow progress of women into … Read the full press release

Un nouveau projet de l’Imperial College de Londres et de la Fondation Vodafone vise à créer le plus grand modèle de cyclone au monde

(COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE) LONDON, 4-Mar-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Vodafone (LON : VOD), une multinationale britannique leader dans les communications technologiques, a a annoncé que l’application pour téléphone mobile DreamLab de la Fondation Vodafone sera utilisée par l’Imperial College de Londres, une … Read the full press release

New project by Imperial College London and Vodafone Foundation aims at creating the world’s largest cyclone model

(PRESS RELEASE) LONDON, 4-Mar-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Vodafone (LON: VOD), a British multinational leader in technology communications, has announced that Vodafone Foundation’s DreamLab mobile phone app will be used by Imperial College London, a public research university, for the modeling … Read the full press release